Lsd(A) Essay, Research Paper
Introduction -The psychedelic effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25 (LSD) were discovered by Dr. Albert Hoffman by accident in 1938. In the 1950s and 1960s, LSD was used by psychiatrists foranalytic psychotherapy. It was thought that the administration of LSD could aid the patient inreleasing repressed material. It was also suggested that psychiatrists themselves might developmore insight into the pathology of a diseased mind through self experimentation. 1,2 During the late60s, LSD became popular as a recreational drug. While it has been suggested that recreationaluse of the drug has dropped, a recent report on CNN claimed that 4.4% of 8th graders have triedit. LSD is considered to be one of, if not the, most potent hallucinogenic drug known. Small doses ofLSD (1/2 – 2 ug/kg body weight) result in a number of system wide effects that could be classifiedinto somatic, psychological, cognitive, and perceptual categories. These effects can last between 5and 14 hours. Table 1: Effects of LSD 1, 2, 3 Somatic Psychological Cognitive Perceptual mydriasis hallucinations disturbed thought processes increased stimulus from environment hyperglycemia depersonalization difficulty expressing thoughts changes in shape/color hyperthermia reliving of repressed memories impairment of reasoning synaesthesia (running together of sensory modalities) piloerection mood swings (related to set and setting) impairment of memory – esp. integration of short -> long term disturbed perception of time vomiting euphoria lachrymation megalomania hypotension schizophrenic-like state respiratory effects are stimulated at low doses and depressed at higher doses reduced “defenses”, subject to “power of suggestion” brachycardiaThe study of hallucinogens such as LSD is fundamental to the neurosciences. Science thrives onmystery and contradiction; indeed without these it stagnates. The pronounced effects thathallucinogens have throughout the nervous system have served as potent demonstrations ofdifficult to explain behavior. The attempts to unravel the mechanisms of hallucinogens are closelytied to basic research in the physiology of neuroreceptors, neurotransmitters, neural structures,and their relation to behavior. This paper will first examine the relationship between neural activityand behavior. It will then discuss some of the neural populations and neurotransmitters that arebelieved to by effected by LSD. The paper will conclude with a more detailed discussion ofpossible ways that LSD can effect the neurotransmitter receptors which are probably ultimatelyresponsible for its LSD. A Brief Foray Into Philosophy and the Cognitive SciencesModern physics is divided by two descriptions of the universe: the theory of relativity and quantummechanics. Many physicists have faith that at some point a “Grand Unified Theory” will bedeveloped which will provide a unified description of the universe from subatomic particles to themovement of the planets. Like in physics, the cognitive sciences can describe the brain at differentlevels of abstraction. For example, neurobiologists study brain function at the level of neuronswhile psychologists look for the laws describing behavior and cognitive mechanisms. Also like inphysics, many in these fields believe that it is possible that one day we will be able to understandcomplicated behaviors in terms of neuronal mechanisms. Others believe that this unification isn’tpossible even in theory because there is some metaphysical quality to consciousness thattranscends neural firing patterns. Even if consciousness can’t be described by a “Grand UnifiedTheory” of the cognitive sciences, it is apparent that many of our cognitive mechanisms andbehaviors can.While research on the level of neurons and psychological mechanisms is fairly well developed, thearea in between these is rather murky. Some progress has been made however. Cognitivescientists have been able to associate mechanisms with areas of the brain and have also been ableto describe the effects on these systems by various neurotransmitters. For example, disruption ofhippocampal activity has been found to result in a deficiency in consolidating short term to longterm memory. Cognitive disorders such as Parkinson’s disease can be traced to problems indopaminergic pathways. Serotonin has been implicated in the etiology of various CNS disordersincluding depression, obsessive-compulsive behavior, schizophrenia, and nausea. It is also knownto effect the cardiovascular and thermoregulatory systems as well as cognitive abilities such aslearning and memory.The lack of knowledge in the middle ground between neurobiology and psychology makes adescription of the mechanisms of hallucinogens necessarily coarse. The following section willexplore the possible mechanisms of LSD in a holistic yet coarse manner. Ensuing sections willconcentrate on the more developed studies of the mechanisms on a neuronal level. The SuspectsResearchers have attempted to identify the mechanism of LSD through three different approaches:comparing the effects of LSD with the behavioral interactions already identified withneuotransmitters, chemically determining which neurotransmitters and receptors LSD interactswith, and identifying regions of the brain that could be responsible for the wide variety of effectslisted in Table 1. Initial research found that LSD structurally resembled serotonin (5-HT). As described in theprevious section, 5-HT is implicated in the regulation of many systems known to be effected byLSD. This evidence indicates that many of the effects of LSD are through serotonin mediatedpathways. Subsequent research revealed that LSDnot only has affinities for 5-HT receptors but also forreceptors of histamine, ACh, dopamine, and thecatecholines: epinephrine and norepinephrine.3Only a relative handful of neurons (numbering in the1000s) are serotonergic (i.e. release 5-HT). Most ofthese neurons are clustered in the brainstem. Someparts of the brainstem have the interesting propertyof containing relatively few neurons that function asthe predominant provider of a particularneurotransmitter to most of the brain. For example,while there are only a few thousand serotonergiccells in the Raphe Nuclei, they make up the majorityof serotonergic cells in the brain. Their axonsinnervate almost all areas of the brain. The possibilityfor small neuron populations to have such systemiceffects makes the brain stem a likely site forhallucinogenic mechanisms.Two areas of the brainstem that are thought to beinvolved in LSD’s pathway are the Locus Coeruleus(LC) and the Raphe Nuclei. The LC is a small cluster of norepinephrine containing neurons in thepons beneath the 4th ventricle. The LC is responsible for the majority of norepinephrine neuronalinput in most brain regions.4 It has axons which extend to a number of sites including thecerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus.A single LC neuron can effect a large target area. Stimulation of LC neurons results in a number ofdifferent effects depending on the post-synaptic cell. For example, stimulation of hippocampalpyramidal cells with norepinephrine results in an increase in post-synaptic activity. The LC is partof the ascending reticular activating system which is known to be involved in the regulation ofattention, arousal, and the sleep-wake cycle. Electrical stimulation of the LC in rats results inhyper-responsive reactions to stimuli (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.)5 LSD has been found toenhance the reactivity of the LC to sensory stimulations. However, LSD was not found to enhancethe sensitivity of LC neurons to acteylcholine, glutamate, or substance P.6 Furthermore,application of LSD to the LC does not by itself cause spontaneous neural firing. While many of theeffects of LSD can be described by its effects on the LC, it is apparent that LSD’s effects on theLC are indirect.4While norepinephrine activity throughout the brain is mainly mediated by the LC, the majority ofserotonergic neurons are located in the Raphe Nuclei (RN). The RN is located in the middle ofthe brainstem from the midbrain to the medulla. It innervates the spinal cord where it is involved inthe regulation of pain. Like the LC, the RN innervates wide areas of the brain. Along with the LC,the RN is part of the ascending reticular activating system. 5-HT inhibits ascending traffic in thereticular system; perhaps protecting the brain from sensory overload. Post-synaptic 5-HTreceptors in the visual areas are also believed to be inhibitory. Thus, it is apparent that aninterruption of 5-HT activity would result in disinhibition, and therefore excitation, of varioussensory modalities.Current thought is that the mechanism of LSD is related to the regulation of 5-HT activity in theRN. However, the RN is also influenced by GABAergic, catecholamergic, and histamergicneurons. LSD has been shown to also have affinities for many of these receptors. Thus it ispossible that some of its effects may be mediated through other pathways. Current researchhowever has focused on the effects of LSD on 5-HT activity. Before specific mechanisms andtheories are discussed, a brief discussion of the principles of synaptic transmission will be given. Overview of Synaptic TransmissionThere are two types of synapses between neurons: chemical and electrical. Chemical synapses aremore common and are the type discussed in this paper. When an action potential (AP) travelsdown a pre-synaptic cell, vesicles containing neurotransmitter are released into the synapse(exocytosis) where they effect receptors on the post synaptic cell. Synaptic activity can beterminated through reuptake of the neurotransmitter to the pre-synaptic cell, the presence ofenzymes which inactivate the transmitter (metabolism), or simple diffusion.A pre-synaptic neuron can act on the post-synaptic neuron through direct or indirect pathways. Ina direct pathway, the post-synaptic receptor is also an ion channel. The binding of aneurotransmitter to its receptor on the post-synaptic cell directly modifies the activity of thechannel. Neurotransmitters can have excitatory or inhibitory effects. If a neurotransmitter isexcitatory, it binds to a ligand activated channel in the post-synaptic cell resulting in a change inmembrane permeability to ions such as Na+ or K+ resulting in a depolarization which thereforebrings the post-synaptic cell closer to threshold. Inhibitory neurotransmitters can workpost-synaptically by modifying the membrane permeability of the post-synaptic cell to anions suchas Cl- which results in hyperpolarization.Many neurotransmitters that have system-wide effects such as epinephrine (adrenaline),norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and 5-HT work by an indirect pathway. In an indirect pathway,the post-synaptic receptor acts on an ion channel through indirect means such as a secondarymessenger system. Many indirect receptors such as muscarinic, Ach, and 5-HT involve the use ofG proteins.5 Indirect mechanisms often will alter the behavior of a neuron without effecting itsresting potential.For example, norepinephrine blocks slow Ca activated K channels in the rat hippocampalpyramidal cells. Normally, Ca influx eventually causes the K channels to open. This causes aprolonged after hyperpolarization which extends the refractory period of the neuron. Therefore, byblocking the K channels, the prolonged after hyperpolarization is inhibited which results in theneuron firing more APs for a given excitatory input.5Other indirect means of neuromodulation include interfering with pre-synaptic neurotransmittersynthesis, storage, release, or reuptake. Inhibiting the reuptake of a neurotransmitter, for example,can cause an excitatory response. Stimulation of neurotransmitter receptors can have a variety ofeffects on both pre and post-synaptic cells. Pre-synaptic receptors are sometimes involved in selfregulation while post-synaptic receptors can cause an increase (excitation) or decrease (inhibition)of AP firing in a neuron. A subtler method of neuromodulation involves molecules that effect theseneuroreceptors. Molecules that excite a receptor are referred to as agonists while those thatinterfere with receptor binding are called antagonists. For example, 5-HT often acts as aninhibitory neurotransmitter. A 5-HT receptor antagonist could interfere with the activation ofpost-synaptic 5-HT receptors causing them to be less responsive to inhibition. This disinhibitionwould make the post-synaptic cell more responsive to neural inputs, most likely resulting in anexcitatory response. Theory: LSD Pre-synaptically Inhibits 5-HT NeuronsRaphe Nuclei neurons are autoreactive; that is they exhibit a regular spontaneous firing rate that is
not triggered by an external AP. Evidence for this comes from the observation that RN neuralfiring is relatively unaffected by transections isolating it from the forebrain. Removal of Ca++ ions,which should block synaptic transmission, also has little effect on the rhythmic firing pattern. Thisfiring pattern however is susceptible to neuromodulation by a number of transmitters.7In 1968, Aghajanian and colleagues observed that systemic administration of LSD inhibitedspontaneous firing of these autoreactive serotonergic neurons in the RN. Serotonergic neurons areknown to have a negative feedback pathway through autoreceptors (receptors on thepre-synaptic cell that respond to the neurotransmitter released by the cell). This means that anincrease in 5-HT levels causes a decrease in the activity of serotonergic neurons. Serotonergicneurons are also known to make synaptic connections with other RN neurons. This could have theresult of spreading out the effects of negative feedback to other RN neurons. This led to thetheory that LSD c