Gov Internet Intervention Essay, Research Paper
The Internet is a method of communication and a source ofinformation that is becoming more popular among those who are interestedin, and have the time to surf the information superhighway. The problemwith much information being accessible to this manypeople is that some of it is deemed inappropriate for minors. Thegovernment wants censorship, but a segment of the population does not.Within this examination of the topic of, Government Intervention of theInternet, I will attempt to express both side s of this issue. During the past decade, our society has become based solely on theability to move large amounts of information across large distancesquickly. Computerization has influenced everyone’s life. The naturalevolution of computers and this need for ultra-fas t communications hascaused a global network of interconnected computers to develop. Thisglobal net allows a person to send E-mail across the world in merefractions of a second, and enables even the common person to accessinformation worldwide. With th e advances with software that allows userswith a sound card to use the Internet as a carrier for long distance voicecalls and video conferencing, this network is the key to the future of theknowledge society. At present this net is the epitome of the F irstAmendment: freedom of speech. It is a place where people can speak theirmind without being reprimanded for what they say, or how they choose tosay it. Recently, Congress has been considering passing laws that willmake it a crime punishable by jail to send “vulgar” language over the net.The government wants to maintain control over this new form ofcommunication, and they are trying to use the protect ion of children as asmoke screen to pass laws that will allow them to regulate and censor theInternet, while banning techniques that could eliminate the need forregulation. Censorship of the Internet threatens to destroy its freelanceatmosphere, whilemethods such as encryption could help prevent the need for governmentintervention. The current body of laws existing today in America does not applywell to the Internet. Is the Internet like a bookstore, where serverscannot be expected to review every title? Well, according to an articlewritten by Michael Miller “Cybersex Shock.” Inthe October 10, 1995 issue of PC Magazine (p.75) “The Internet is muchmore like going into a book store and choosing to look at adultmagazines.” Although the Internet differs from other forms of media inthat one cannot just happen upon a vulgar site without first, eitherentering a complicated address following a link from another source, or byclicking on the agreement statement at the beginning of the siteacknowledging that one is of the legal age of 18. This lawless atmosphere bothered many people, one such person isNebraska Senator James Exon (D), who is one of the founding fathers of theTelecommunications Decency Act of 1996, Section 502, 47 U.S.C Section 223[a], which regulates ” any obscene or in decent material via the Internetto anyone under 18 years of age. Exon’s bill would also according to anarticle written by Steven Levy in an April 1995 issue of Newsweek magazine(p.53) “criminalize private mail,” Levy also stated emotional “I can callm y brother on the phone and say anything-but if I say it on the Internet,it’s illegal.” One thing that Congress seems to have overlooked in its pursuit ofregulations is that there are no clear bountries from information beingaccessed over the Internet from over countries. All it takes is a click ofa mouse to access, even if our governmen t tried to regulate informationaccessed from other countries, we would have no control over what isposted in those countries, and we would have no practical way to stop it.Today’s Internet works much like that of our own human brains, in that ifone ba rrier or option is taking your brain tries to find an alternateroute or option. Today’s Internet works on a similar design, if a majorline between two servers say in two countries, is cut, then the Internetusers will find another way around this obstac le. This process ofobstacle avoidance makes it virtually impossible to separate an entirenation from indecent information in other countries. If it were physicallypossible to isolate America’s computers from the rest of the world, in myopinion it w
Works Cited
Emler-Dewitt, Philip. “Censoring Cyberspace: Carnegie Mellon’s Attempt to Ban Sex from it’s Campus Computer Network Sends A Chill Along the Info Highway.” Time 21 Nov. 1994; 102-105.
Levy, Steven. “The Encryption Wars: is Privacy Good or Bad?” Newsweek Apr. 1995; 55-57.
Miller, Michael. “Cybersex Shock.” PC Magazine Oct. 10, 1995; 75-76
Zimmerman, Phil. (1995). Pretty Good Privacy v2.62, [Online]. Available Ftp: Directory: pub/pgp/dist File: