Ghandi Essay, Research Paper
Reflection of Gandhi
Gandhi?s character was very temperamental. He was very kind and helped his country gain independence from Great Britain. Gandhi seemed to believe in using peaceful ways to fight battles, which meant he must not have been a violent person. This is also supported by the fact that he did not harm another human being once in his life (as shown in the film). He was also a very good husband and made himself be respected among his wives. He was a very determined man also because he would not give up on his cause no matter what.
One event that caught my attention was when Gandhi was assassinated. The man who did this seemed to be just somebody normal who would have normally attended these gatherings and could have been a follower. The reason that it caught my eye was because I was surprised to see that none of his followers tried to take the bullet for him or anything like that.
This film had a very positive eff
Mohandas Gandhi was the most important and intelligent person in all of India.