РефератыИностранный языкAlAllergies Essay Research Paper An allergy is

Allergies Essay Research Paper An allergy is

Allergies Essay, Research Paper

An allergy is an abnormal reaction to ordinarily harmless substance or

substances. These sensitizing substances, called allergens, may be inhaled,

swallowed or come into contact with the skin. When an allergen is absorbed into

the body it triggers white blood cells to produce IgE antibodies. These

antibodies attach themselves to mast cells causing release of potent chemical

mediators such as histamine, causing typical allergic symptoms. A person who has

allergies doesn?t have a poor immune system, rather an over protective one.

Their immune system fights the allergen when it comes in contact with it even

though the allergen isn?t harmful. To diagnose allergies a physician will

clean the person?s back with alcohol, then mark it with an ink pen according

to each substance going to tested. They are extracts of potential allergens in

small vials. A drop of these is put on the corresponding mark on your skin, and

then a needle is used to prick the skin. It breaks the surface of the skin so

that the extract can enter. If an extract provokes an allergic reaction, the

patient will develop an irritation that may look like a mosquito bite. The ones

which promote reactions are the ones in which the person is allergic to and

needs to get medication for. Allergies are quite common. An estimated 50 to 60

million Americans, about one of every five adults and children, suffer from

allergies, including allergic asthma. Allergies are the sixth leading cause of

chronic disease in the United States. More than 35 million Americans suffer from

seasonal allergic rhinitis, for instance, and this is only one form of allergy.

Millions more suffer from food allergies, allergies to medications, and even

contact dermatitis (a type of allergic reaction that occurs when your skin comes

into contact with an irritating substance). Allergies have a genetic component.

If only one parent has allergies, chances are one in three that each child will

have an allergy. If both parents have allergies, it is much more likely (7 in

10) that their children will have allergies. Although any environmental material

can cause allergies, certain ones are encountered more frequently than are

others. Inhalants such as pollens, mold spores, animal products (dander, saliva,

urine), house dust, and house dust mites are very common allergies. There are

Foods such as cow’s milk, eggs, chicken, shellfish, whitefish, peanuts,

soybeans, wheat products, chocolate, celery, and all products containing one or

more of these ingredients. Some individuals are allergic to food additives, such

as sulfites (used as a preservative), nitrates, and others. There are people who

are allergic to drugs such as penicillin. Substances which touch the skin can

also cause allergic reactions, which include plant oils, cosmetics and perfumes,

nickel in jewelry or on buckles and under garment fasteners, hair dyes, topical

medications including their additives. One unusual reaction is the severe

allergic reactions caused by direct contact with latex found in gloves,

catheters, condoms, dental dams, and other medical devices. These disorders are

reportedly caused by allergy to a protein in the latex. The best pets, for a

person with allergies, are turtles, hermit crabs, fish, snakes or any animal

that does not have hair and dander. The Allergies in nature throughout the

United States vary when they occur in the different parts of the country. In the

Northeast (where we live) they go as follows: trees are from March to June,

grasses are from May to August, and ragweed is from August to October (except

northern tips of Maine and Michigan). There are 3 main steps in the treatment of

allergies: avoid the specific allergen, medication (drugs can be taken for the

target organ affected), and Immunotherapy is appropriate in some, but not all,

allergy conditions. The types of medication used in helping the allergies in

people are Steroids (reduce the inflammation or swelling of the nasal tissue),

Antihistamines (counteract the histamine released in the body which causes the

many symptoms), Bronchodilators (relieve difficulty in breathing), and

Decongestants (reduce the congestion). These don?t actually cure allergies but

they can reduce the effects of them. Antihistamines are used to relieve or

prevent the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and other allergies. They

work by preventing the effects of histamine, a substance produced by the body

during an allergic reaction. Antihistamines come in tablet, capsule, liquid, or

injection form and are available both over-the-counter and by prescription. Many

antihistamines cause drowsiness, but newer antihistamines (terfenadine,

astemazole, loratadine, and others not yet released) rarely cause this side

effect. Other common side effects include dry mouth, difficult urination,

constipation and confusion. Some may experience nightmares, unusual excitement

or nervousness, restlessness or irritability. A famous Antihistamine used today

is Claritin (loratadine) and is one of the most widely used drugs to treat

allergies today. Decongestants are used to treat nasal congestion and other

symptoms associated with colds and allergies. They work by narrowing blood

vessels, leading to the clearing of nasal congestion. Decongestants are

available both over-the-counter and by prescription. The commonly used forms are

liquid and tablet. Nose sprays or drops may be used for acute situations but for

no more than two to three days in a row. Over-the-counter nasal sprays, if used

for a prolonged period of time, can cause "rebound rhinitis" or nasal

congestion symptoms. Decongestants can cause nervousness, sleeplessness, or

elevation in blood pr

essure. If the nasal spray form is used too long, it may

cause even more nasal congestion. Bronchodilators are used to relieve coughing,

wheezing, shortness of breath, and difficulty in breathing. They work by opening

up the bronchial tubes (the air passages in the lungs) so that more air can flow

through. Bronchodilators include beta-agonists, theophylline, and

anticholinergics. They come in inhaled, tablet, capsule, liquid, or injectible

forms. Bronchodilators may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, nervousness,

restlessness, and insomnia, especially in elderly patients and children, who are

more sensitive to the effects of medications. Cromolyn, nedocromil, and

corticosteroids reduce the inflammation in the airways. Inflammation causes the

bronchi to become "twitchy." A "twitchy" airway is more

sensitive to various asthma triggers such as exercise, cold air, smoke, cold

viruses and allergens. Anti-Inflammatory medications usually are prescribed in

the inhaled form. Corticosteroids, in some cases, are prescribed in oral form.

Long-term use of corticosteroids, particularly oral steroids, is not

recommended, except in cases of uncontrolled asthma. Long-term oral

corticosteroid use may cause side effects such as ulcers, weight gain,

cataracts, weakening bones, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and easy

bruising. Possible side effects from inhaled anti-inflammatory medications

include coughing and hoarseness. Signs of allergic reactions range from the very

mild (almost unnoticeable) symptoms to potentially life-threatening conditions

that land countless Americans in hospital emergency rooms each year. Anaphylaxis

is an acute allergic reaction which affects the whole body and requires

immediate medical attention. Many people who are severely allergic to something

may have this reaction. Symptoms include anxiety, itching of the skin, headache,

nausea and vomiting, sneezing and coughing, abdominal cramps, hives and swelling

of tissues such as lips and joints, diarrhea, shortness of breath and wheezing,

low blood pressure, convulsions, and loss of consciousness. A quick, decisive

epinephrine injection can literally be a lifesaver in the case of exposure to an

allergen that has previously caused an reaction. Allergy injections are a method

of treating patients with hayfever and asthma. Small amounts of an allergy

extract (pollens, molds, animal danders, or dust) are injected at regular

intervals into the patient to build up protective antibodies and decrease the

patient?s sensitivity. Injections are administered into the side of the arm

with a very short small gauge needle. These injections are given just under the

skin in the subcutaneous layer. After a buildup period, a high percentage of

patients respond with favorable results and are able to tolerate exposure to

offending allergens without a significant allergic reaction. Since a small

percentage of patients can have a reaction to the injection, patients usually

wait 10-20 minutes in the doctor?s office after the injection. There are a lot

of myths on how to get rid of allergies. Moving to a new place such as Arizona

(like some people think) will make them get rid of their allergies. Changing the

set of allergens can’t change that. The partial truth here is that the best

treatment for any allergy is to remove the source of allergens, something

usually easier than moving. Some people think that if you don?t have a cold

and you have a runny nose and you are sneezing, then you have allergies.

Research in Arizona found that many people who believe they have allergies

actually do not have the antibodies in their blood necessary to provoke an

allergic reaction. Self-diagnosis isn’t easy like most humans believe. Some

other people believe that Allergies and asthma are different parts of the same

health problem. While they are related, there are differences: Asthma can kill

you, while allergies (except for reactions to insect stings, certain foods and

drugs) are more of a nuisance than a threat. Just because you don?t have

allergies when you are a child, doesn?t mean you can?t ever get them.

Allergies can start at any age. However, allergies do tend to change over time.

Children are more allergic to foods. Young adults can become allergic to

pharmaceutical drugs, pollen and insect stings. New advancements in drugs and

other ways to help out allergies are being made as we speak. The ways in which

we take care of them is being updated all of the time and the future holds great

ideas on how to get rid of allergies. In the next few years, the drugs that will

be put out will lesson the symptoms and decrease in side effects. Because

allergies effect a vast amount of people in the world, medicines are being

highly tested in order to find the best ways to control the allergens.

?Allergic Diseases? Pedianet.com 11 October 1999 Online. Available

http://www.pedianet.com/news/allergies/diseases/index.html 11 October 1999

?Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Online? 11 October 1999. Online. Available

http://allergy.mcg.edu 11 October 1999 ?Health Notes? Providence Journal 30

September 1999 Online. Available http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?Did=000000045452041&Fmt=3&Deli=1&Mtd=1&Idx=90&Sid=1&RQT=309

11 October 1999 ?Learn About Allergies? Claritin.com 8 October 1999 Online.

Available http://www.allergy-relief.com/learn/index.php3 8 October 1999

?National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases? 9 October 1999

Online. Available http://web.fie.com/htdoc/fed/nih/ali/any/menu/any/aliindex.htm

11 October 1999 ?The Allergy Center: Your Online Allergy Information

Resource? 11 October 1999 Online. Available http://www.onlineallergycenter.com

11 October 1999

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