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The Healing Miracles Of Jesus Christ Essay

, Research Paper

The Healing Miracles of Jesus Christ

Within this research paper, the healing miracles of Jesus Christ have been

discussed in detail. The effects that these events had on societies, present and past is

overall positive. The research done supports two basic concepts, one being that Jesus did

perform miracles and second, the fact that miracles do take place in the present day is

probably true. The research obtained from magazines also shows differing views on each

sub-topic discussed and is helpful in determining the conclusion of the paper. Various

supporting examples are discussed to prove that Jesus Christ was a true healer and still is

today. Personal thoughts and opinions have been added to this paper.

When the name Jesus Christ is mentioned one finds it almost impossible not to

think of the word miracle. A miracle is an event that cannot be explained through the

known laws of nature” (Fetzer 615). The definition of the word miracle is vague,

therefore leaving a considerable amount of room for discussion. Throughout the course

of history, Jesus has been referred to as a preacher, healer, exorcist, and miracle worker.

Present day debates continue as to whether or not Jesus actually performed the many

miracles as noted in the gospels.

The people who lived during Jesus’ time were quite similar to the people who make up

today s society. Some followed him, believing he was God s anointed one, while others

dismissed him as a pretender and a troublemaker” (Sheler 58). It is true that some of our

society follows and believes in the miracles of Jesus, whereas others protest and claim,

“miracles are not real events in time and space” (Meier 52). It appears as though almost

everyone has their own opinions regarding the topic of miracles. Jesus teachings and his

view of the Kingdom of God were so different, people wanted to follow him or persecute

him. During the time of Jesus life, people were looking for the Messiah. There were

many different meanings of this term in Jesus time. People expected a military leader, a

prophetic teacher, or a figure that would bring down God s wrath (Sheler 62).

In studying the miracles that Jesus performed, it is important not to take

everything that is written in the Bible word for word. Critics and theologians both agree

that the deeper meaning of Jesus miracles lies within the action itself. Jesus often spoke

in parables. He made the stories easy to understand because of the important lesson that

was being taught. One of Jesus most important attributes was that he could speak

reassuringly to the poor and oppressed. He criticized the Pharisees for following the

letter of the law, but not its spirit. Jesus was able to work with people in order to prove a


Jesus performed two different types of miracles. Physical healing miracles such

as allowing the blind to see and walking on water, and spiritual miracles like the

forgiving of sins. The spiritual miracles require an act of will on the receiver’s part to go

on with their lives and let go of their mistakes. Whereas physical healings are far easier

to deal with in a sense that the miracle worker is the only participant. In an excerpt from

the Bible, Jesus proves this point; “Which is easier, Jesus asked, to say to the paralytic,

‘Your sins are forgiven’, or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk?’” (Yancey 82). The

answer is obvious, and Jesus proved this point continually throughout his entire ministry.

Jesus critics referred to him as a deceitful magician. Yet there is supporting

evidence within the Bible that Jesus did not perform miracles to impress people or to

draw attention to himself. Jesus would not perform miracles on demand to prove himself

to others, nor would he expect fame or encourage a sense of mystery and magic. Most

importantly, Jesus would resist the requests of his disciples to perform miracles of

retaliation. Jesus would often times order people to keep quiet about witnessing miracles.

He wanted his followers to make a lifelong commitment, not just show up for an

occasional magic show. Jesus did not like to perform spectacular miracles in front of

large crowds who were just there for entertainment purposes. Jesus felt as though

extreme miracles created distance between his followers and their ability to feel

comfortable with him. For example when, “Jesus calmed the storm on the lake, his own

disciples drew away from him, terrified” (Yancey 80). Jesus performed miracles of

healing out of compassion for others. A suffering individual moved Jesus so deeply, that

he felt he needed to help.

It is fair to state that Jesus

had the healing touch. The evidence found within the

Gospels supports the claim that Jesus was a healer of physical maladies. At the same

time, he was also known as an exorcist. There are four different stories in the Gospels

that retell Jesus performing exorcisms. Exorcisms were a regular part of life in Palestine.

Many “so-called” exorcists used magical props such as amulets, rings, stones, and other

artifacts to cast out demons. Jesus set his own example for his followers and they, too,

were known to perform exorcisms. Critics still debate as to whether or not the exorcisms

recorded in the Gospels were actual events.

Among the most famous of the miracles are the two stories that depict Jesus

raising the dead. Scholars suggest that there may have been, “honest misunderstandings,

that the victims were mistakenly thought to be dead and were simply revived” (Sheler

65). Also, some of Jesus miracles can be understood in other ways than their literal

meanings. For example, the miracle of the loaves and fishes, “may be a metaphor for the

Risen Christ feeding the faith of his followers” (Sheler 65).

Jesus was faced with many critics and sinners he could not convert, but never a

disease he could not cure or a demon he could not exorcise (Yancey 82). This idea

reflects the value that institutions place on physical miracles. As one can see, not many

social factors have changed from Jesus time to the present day. It is easy to make

physical changes, but the most important change, the one we do not put enough emphasis

on, should come from within.

Although there are many negative aspects within the structure of our society, my

research lead me to uncover positive aspects as well. The article titled, God and the

Americans found that “almost all Americans say they believe in God. Four out of five

believe in miracles. 72% of Americans believe in angels. Nine out of ten own a Bible.

44% of Americans go to church weekly” (32). These positive national statistics may

appear to be shocking, but they are true.

As children, we are shaped and molded by the “fables and legends from the Bible” (Shore

16). We are taught to treat others as we would like to be treated. These stories often

appear intriguing and full of wonder. Maybe it is not that big of a coincidence after all,

that these miracle stories affect individuals for the rest of their lives. People always pray

for miracles in times of distress and fear. Author Eliezer Shore states “such tales give us

hope that no matter how bleak a situation may be, a miracle is always possible and can

occur at any moment” (16).

Possibly the most important lesson we can learn from miracles is that each life has

a purpose. We realize that life is precious and a change for the better can improve the

bleakest situation. Unfortunately, in some cases, society tries its hardest to conceal God s

presence. Miracles can only do so much, they cannot guarantee change, and individuals

must accomplish that part on their own. The most important change has to come from


People in Jesus time needed to change, just as people need to in the present day.

Taking into consideration all of the different studies and beliefs regarding

miracles, it is probably true that Jesus did perform miracles throughout his life. “And in

the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them walking on the sea” (Matthew 14:25).

When one reads this quote, whether it is true or not, the image does not leave the mind. If

people can carry with them the belief that good things happen, a small part of Jesus

teachings would become a part of the daily routine. One must keep in mind that “the

greatest miracle of all is that a person can change” (Shore 17). People need to believe in

their neighbors and in their own faith. “Jesus’ miracles were a sign of how the world

should be, and someday will be” (Yancey 83).

An optimistic view can lead to positive change within the world. It is an

instinctive human response to pray for a miracle when things go wrong. We should

spend more time praying for the kind of miracles Jesus modeled through his ministry.

The foundation for Jesus healings and miracles was hope. If a person had faith and

belief in God, they had power. Jesus could only perform miracles if an individual had

faith. The miracles that Jesus performed were real because his followers had the power

within themselves to have faith and hope in God and Jesus. Hope is faith, seeking and

understanding. Jesus performed miracles based on an individual’s faith, hope, trust, and

belief in God. The power of faith is the power of goodness, which is the power of truth.

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