Censorship 2 Essay, Research Paper
Censorship in its broadest sense refers to suppression of information, ideas or artistic expression by anyone. It ultimately keeps people from experiencing life at its fullest. All types of censorship can be viewed as restraining, as the effect limits diversity in every way. As long as there have been artists, there has been censorship. Society has had as many reasons for censoring art, as there have been different expressions of art. Throughout history the main reasons found for censoring art have ranged from being based on religious and racial offense to lifestyles and values that seek to undermine and deviate from the traditional American family. Some societies where leadership has not been as strong have sought to exert control by restricting or censoring art, music and literature. It would seem that leaders feel that censorship allows for more power and control (Haiman, 1998).
According to Franklyn S. Haiman, “censorship springs from a fear that the expression if not suppressed, will do harm to individuals or society as a whole. So-called obscene material is purged to prevent poor standards and morals in children.” Some feel strongly that the truth is that art should never be censored because its value lies in testing limits and putting the assumptions of civilization itself on trail (Haiman, 1998). In looking closer at censorship, especially in the Art world, it appears the more restrictions that have been attempted to be placed on artists and their works, the more outlandish their works have become. Take for instance, a Crucifix in a bottle of urine, or the Virgin Mary made with elephant dung. These appear to be what they mean when they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. The real expression in these types of art might really be aimed at the folks who initially tried to suppress the artists to begin with.In the world of art, censorship comes in many different forms. Some take the form of direct threats that can come across as subtle suggestions to conform to public morality, for instance, when the Pope recommended that Michelangelo paint fig leaves on Adam and Eve (Hovagimyan, 1998). Even more direct types include actual withdrawal of funding. In Charlotte, North Carolina, County Commissioners ended funding for any art projects in the county as a result of the Pulitzer Prize-winning plays, Angels in America and Six Degrees of Separation, which both contained portrayals of gay life in America. Considered deviant and incompatible with family values, both were greeted with pickets and protests from local conservatives. The vote ultimately prevented 2.5 million dollars annually from going to arts groups in that county. The County Commission determined that county money will not be given to art agencies that promote, advocate or endorse behaviors, lifestyles and values that seek to undermine and deviate from thevalue and societal role of the American family (Ferrara, 1997). The biggest weapon in the fight against censorship is the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is the best known provision of the Bill of Rights. It prohibits Congress from making any lawsthat abridge or restrict freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
rights of all of us. We must continue to fight for the freedom to read, to see, to know and to think for ourselves.