Affirmative Action Essay, Research Paper
When it comes to affirmative action I have mixed emotions and opinions. Although I hate what affirmative action does and what it represents I strongly support its continuance.
I hate the fact that affirmative action defeats the ideal of awards such as jobs and college admissions going to those who deserve them. Providing the less qualified to get the job, while the better qualified is left in the cold for something that is not their fault. If all people are created equal, then shouldn t hiring someone be based on merit? What a person does with their life should determine their employability. By hiring based on race, affirmative action is generating negativity for persons involved. For the one who was cheated out of his or her job, a resentment is formed of the system or worse, the benefiting race. For example many whites will now initiate joke on the blacks; because they feel the other got the job unfairly. Now we have the whites and blacks beginning to mistrust each other and like each other less and less. In doing so affirmative action is creating what it was meant to do away with, segregation and discrimination. All of this because we as a society are trying to over correct past mistakes. Try to imagine a man driving towards the side of the road. Overcorrecting the problem and turning the wheel to sharply he plows into the cars into the next lane causing many accidents and deaths. All this happened just as in affirmative action because he tried to correct a past problem, only to create a bigger problem in the process. And for these reasons I hate affirmative action.
However as I have said before I strongly agree with it s continuance. And this
Affirmative action should also be continued because of this; Minorities continue to suffer a disadvantage in our society. Most have in the past and continue today to have access to inferior schooling or are subject to conditions that encourage them to drop out. Poverty has afflicted minorities for years and even today it is difficult to break. Affirmative Action is one way of ending this cycle. We must allow minorities or any one for that matter the opportunity to succeed. And in doing so allow them to break away from the poverty in which they live.
I hate Affirmative action and what it stands for; but I support its continuance. Until everyone truly has an equal opportunity to educate themselves and their children; and they have the skills to succeed in any job they choose; then will I be able to agree with the ending of affirmative action