CLONING Essay, Research Paper
Ryan Johansen
Dr. T. James
ENC 1101
M,W,F 10:00
Did we go to far?
The idea of cloning in the eighties required multiple reproduction of specialized
cells. Even then, the possibility of cloning was impossible. Recently, scientists cloned a
lamb, simply by replicating the cell in the skin tissue. The success of cloning a lamb
gives us endless possibilities of human cloning.
One important question is the individualism of the clone. The clone and the
individual are identical but are now living two different lives. This is unfair because the
clone would now have an identity or a family. This technology is too new therefor can
bring about many controversies. Whether we are Cloning plants, animals, or human, it is
morally wrong to play the role of a creator. Not only is cloning immorally wrong, but
there are many bad things of having such a technology available.
Humanity has always feared chaos and destruction. Cloning can open doors to
catastrophe, such as, surplus, safety hazards, and low values. If cloning were legalized,
then one possible effect would be over population. Laws of Nature states that each
individual has a fate and a cycle. By cloning, we are intervening with nature?s cycle, and
this can cause chaos and disorder. Like not knowing who is who, stealing, finacial
problems with credit, and problems even with schooling,? like sending my clone to
school and doing my work while I sit at home and do what ever I want?. Our country is
well overpopulated, and cloning of humans can only contribute to this problem. Besides
overpopulation, there is also a question of safety. Is it safe to eat cloned food? We
neglect the possibilities of harm because we are completely overwhelmed by this
technology that we forget the hazards of cloning. The safety of the food is important to
the health of Americans and of the country. The most important danger to cloning is
counterfeiting of certain value collateral. If the replica of gold, silver, or diamond were
possible, then the value of a dollar would be worthless. When the value of a dollar
decreases, market value decreases as well, thus resulting in a market crash. A repeat of
1927 Stock Market crash will give rise to chaos in the economy.
to this new technology. The first idea is species diversity. Environmentalist and Green
Peace talk of extinction with in a group of species. With the help of cloning, we can
increase species population and fill the earth with beautiful creatures once more.
Another great aspect of cloning is replicating better growing, healthier, and good
tasting food. Each year, farms throw away millions of tons of fruits due to pesticides,
acid rain, droughts, and insects. Now, scientist can clone better growing food so we can
maximize productivity in our land and resources. This also raises the idea of cloning
healthier food. This idea can help people eat healthier, and result in the longevity of
one?s life.
Cloning can also contribute greatly in the field of medicines well. With this new
technology, we can clone medicine, or antibody cells in a person?s body to help fight
bacteria and viruses. Doctors can clone herbs and plants to make better medicine for sick
patients. Benefits are endless, and cloning can make it all happen.
Years ago, people laughed at the idea of cloning and replicating things. Now
those ideas have become a reality, and issues are raised of the new technology to be
legalized. Though technology has given us the ability to create human adults, it is not
our job to play the creator of species, that is not a natural act and toy with human lives.
Another aspect of morality and harm is the issue of safety. Is cloning safe for the people
and the country?
From fear of over population to safety of a clone, it is unlikely that cloning will be
permitted. Scientists, however, see a more prominent future for this new technology.
They argue that cloning can bring benefits to humankind and for the future. Such
benefits like increase in species diversity, healthier food, and better medicine are only a
few wonders of this new technology. It might be contradictory but I fell that we do not
really need this new technology. We have survived for two centuries without this
technology, so why add more problems to our lives? It is true that cloning can benefit
us, but he harms outweighs the benefits. I feel that technology has surpassed all human
values, and think that sometimes we need it to stop and think, ?Did we go too far??