Балашовский филиал
Саратовского государственного университета
им. Н. Г. Чернышевского
Ж. Н. Маслова, Л. В. Татару, Т. А. Балашова
Учебно-методическое пособие
по английскому языку
для студентов заочного отделения
высших учебных заведений
УДК 803
ББК 81.2англ.я73
Кандидат педагогических наук, директор Гуманитарно-педагогического лицея-интерната г. Балашова,
руководитель высшей категории
О. Н. Шатух;
Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Балашовского филиала
Саратовского государственного университета
им. Н. Г. Чернышевского
И. И. Невежина.
Рекомендовано к изданию Учебно-методическим советом
Саратовского государственного университета им. Н. Г. Чернышевского.
Маслова, Ж. Н.
М31 New Highway : учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов заочного отделения высших учебных заведений / Ж. Н. Маслова, Л. В. Татару, Т. А. Балашова. — Балашов : Изд-во «Николаев», 2005. — 116 с.
ISBN 5-94035-231-6
Цель пособия — развитие навыков устной и письменной речи у студентов заочного отделения. Оно построено на аутентичном текстовом материале, содержит теоретический материал и закрепляющие упражнения, предполагающие коммуникативные виды речевой деятельности. Модульная структура позволяет обеспечить непрерывность учебного процесса на протяжении всего периода обучения английскому языку. Учебное пособие не имеет узкой специализации, оно нацелено на отработку практических базовых навыков и сознательное усвоение грамматики, что позволяет использовать его автономно от специальности.
УДК 803
ББК 81.2англ.я73
© Ж. Н. Маслова, Л. В. Татару,
Т. А. Балашова., 2005 CONTENTS
Предисловие................................................................................................................. 4
Modulus 1...................................................................................................................... 8
Lesson 1.................................................................................................................... 9
Lesson 2.................................................................................................................. 11
Lesson 3.................................................................................................................. 14
Lesson 4.................................................................................................................. 17
Lesson 5.................................................................................................................. 20
Lesson 6.................................................................................................................. 22
Lesson 7.................................................................................................................. 25
Lesson 8.................................................................................................................. 28
Lesson 9.................................................................................................................. 32
Lesson 10................................................................................................................ 36
Topic 1.................................................................................................................... 38
Modulus 2.................................................................................................................... 43
Lesson 11................................................................................................................ 43
Lesson 12................................................................................................................ 47
Lesson 13................................................................................................................ 52
Lesson 14................................................................................................................ 55
Lesson 15................................................................................................................ 57
Lesson 16................................................................................................................ 59
Lesson 17................................................................................................................ 61
Lesson 18................................................................................................................ 63
Lesson 19................................................................................................................ 68
Lesson 20................................................................................................................ 71
Topic 2.................................................................................................................... 73
Modulus 3.................................................................................................................... 76
Lesson 21................................................................................................................ 76
Lesson 22................................................................................................................ 78
Lesson 23................................................................................................................ 81
Lesson 24................................................................................................................ 82
Lesson 25................................................................................................................ 84
Lesson 26................................................................................................................ 87
Lesson 27................................................................................................................ 89
Lesson 28................................................................................................................ 93
Lesson 29................................................................................................................ 95
Lesson 30................................................................................................................ 99
Lesson 31.............................................................................................................. 103
Lesson 32.............................................................................................................. 105
Topic 3.................................................................................................................. 107
Topic 4.................................................................................................................. 110
Glossary..................................................................................................................... 114
Список использованной литературы....................................................................... 115
Данное пособие направлено на повышение качества обучения иностранному языку на заочном отделении неязыковых факультетов и разработано с учетом того, что:
— усвоению учебного материала препятствует недостаточная культура научного мышления у студентов-заочников и низкая эффективность усвоения грамматических моделей иностранного языка;
— за отведенное количество аудиторных часов преподаватель может лишь нацелить студентов, обозначить приоритетные направления и дать консультацию. Многое зависит от самостоятельной работы студента, но отсутствует единое грамматическое пособие, где теоретическое изложение материала в должном объеме сочетается с тренировочными упражнениями и текстами. Учебники для заочников, которые часто представляют собой сборники контрольных работ, должны выполнять не только контролирующую, но и обучающую функцию.
Данное пособие направлено на систематическую работу в межсессионный период, и учебный материал распределен по модулям. Пособие отражает современные тенденции и требования к обучению практическому владению иностранными языками в повседневном общении и в профессиональной сферах деятельности будущих специалистов. Задачи обучения и структура курса, а также характер языкового материала и типы упражнений определяются следующими концептуальными положениями:
1. Владение английским языком является обязательным компонентом профессиональной подготовки современного специалиста.
2. Вузовский курс иностранного языка является одним из звеньев многомодульной системы «школа — вуз — послевузовское обучение (повышение квалификации, самообразование)» и как таковой продолжает школьный курс.
3. Данный курс иностранного языка носит коммуникативно-ориентированный характер. Его задачи определяются коммуникативными и познавательными потребностями обучаемых.
Цель курса — приобретение общей, коммуникативной и профессиональной компетенции. Общая компетенция призвана стимулировать интеллектуальное развитие личности учащегося; овладение определенными когнитивными приемами, позволяющими совершать познавательную и коммуникативную деятельность.
Коммуникативная компетенция включает лингвистический, социокультурный и прагматический компоненты. Соответственно, особое значение приобретает умение соотносить языковые средства с конкретными сферами, ситуациями, условиями и задачами общения; языковой материал рассматривается как средство реализации речевого общения; при отборе языкового материала осуществляется функционально-коммуникативный подход. Профессиональная компетенция предполагает умение самостоятельно работать со специальной литературой, осуществлять поиск необходимой информации и понимать прочитанное.
В данном пособии содержание обучения рассматривается как модель естественного общения, участники которого обладают определенными иноязычными навыками и умениями, а также способностью соотносить языковые средства с нормами речевого поведения, которых придерживаются носители языка. В соответствии с социальным заказом государства основной целью курса является обучение практическому владению разговорно-бытовой речью, языком специальности, умению извлекать информацию из современных информационных источников.
Студент выступает как полноправный участник процесса обучения, построенного на принципах сознательного партнерства и взаимодействия с преподавателем, что связано с развитием самостоятельности студента, его творческой активности и личной ответственности за результат обучения. В этом же состоит одно из направлений идеи гуманизации образования. Данный курс ставит также образовательные и воспитательные цели. Достижение образовательных целей означает расширение кругозора студентов, повышение уровня их общей культуры и образования, а также культуры мышления, общения и речи. Воспитательный потенциал предмета реализуется путем формирования уважительного отношения к духовным ценностям других стран и народов.
Критериями практического владения иностранным языком являются следующие умения: чтение специальной литературы в связи с поставленной целью, создание вторичного текста (аннотации, тезисов) на основе анализа первичного текста, устное речевое общение. В речи допустимо наличие таких ошибок, которые не искажают смысла и не препятствуют пониманию.
Учебно-методическое пособие рассчитано на примерный учебный план: 1,5 года обучения (3 семестра), составляет 24 часа. Курс включает в себя экзамен в конце 3-го семестра. По окончании 1-го, 2-го семестров проводятся зачёты. Или 2 года обучения (4 семестра) — 42 часа; курс включает в себя экзамен в конце 4-го семестра. В конце 1-го, 2-го, 3-го семестров проводятся зачёты. В каждом семестре предусмотрены две письменные контрольные работы.
Основой построения пособия является разделение курса на модули. Материал пособия рассчитан на аудиторную и самостоятельную работу. Модули различаются между собой тематикой и лексическим составом учебных текстов, развитием определенных навыков. Все они связаны между собой в учебном процессе наличием общих грамматических тем и необходимостью овладения сходными синтаксическими явлениями и базовыми речевыми навыками. Обучение английскому ведется на материале бытовой, страноведческой и культурологической тематики.
В аспекте языка специальности осуществляется развитие основных навыков письма, публичной речи (сообщение, дискуссия), чтения специальной литературы с целью получения информации, знакомство с основами реферирования, аннотирования, развитие. Освоение учащимися фонетики, грамматики, синтаксиса, словообразования, сочетаемости слов, а также усвоение наиболее употребительной лексики и фразеологии изучаемого иностранного языка происходит не в виде свода правил, а в процессе работы над связанными, законченными в смысловом отношении произведениями речи.
По окончании обучения студент должен:
1. Владеть умениями разговорно-бытовой речи (владеть нормативным произношением и ритмом речи и применять их для повседневного общения).
2. Понимать устную (монологическую и диалогическую) речь на бытовые и специальные темы.
3. Знать лексику общелитературного языка, основную терминологию своей специальности.
4. Читать и понимать литературу по специальности.
5. Владеть основами публичной речи, делать сообщения, презентации (с предварительной подготовкой).
6. Участвовать в обсуждении тем, связанных со специальностью, жизнью мирового сообщества (задавать вопросы и отвечать на вопросы).
7. Владеть минимальными умениями письменной речи.
8. Иметь представление об основных приемах аннотирования, реферирования и перевода литературы по специальности.
При работе с пособием предполагаются следующие формы занятий:
— аудиторные групповые занятия под руководством преподавателя;
— групповые занятия с лингафонным оборудованием под руководством преподавателя;
— обязательная самостоятельная работа студента по заданию преподавателя;
— индивидуальная самостоятельная работа студента под руководством преподавателя;
— индивидуальные консультации.
Перечисленные формы занятий могут дополняться внеаудиторной работой разных видов (встречи с носителями языка, просмотры видеофильмов и т. д.).
Пособие может использоваться вместе с аудио, видео и мультимедийными материалами. Это создает максимальную наглядность и обеспечивает более высокую мотивацию обучения. Особое значение использование ТСО приобретает на начальном этапе обучения, когда учащимся требуется корректировка речевых навыков. Систематическое применение звукозаписи способствует развитию речевого слуха, позволяет унифицировать произношение и устранить резкие различия в степени подготовленности студентов.
Зачет состоит из двух частей:
1. Письменная часть — а) после каждого модуля предполагается контрольный тест по содержанию каждого модуля; б) перевод текста по специальности (объём зависит от курса) со словарём.
2. Устная часть — чтение текста по специальности (объём зависит от курса), реферативный обзор данного текста, беседа с преподавателем по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.
Итоговый экзамен
А. Письменная зачетная работа, предшествующая экзамену:
Контрольный тест по материалу всех модулей. Время выполнения — 1 час 30 минут.
Б. Экзамен:
1. Чтение текста по специальности со словарем и контроль его понимания (объем — 2000—3000 печ. знаков). Время подготовки — 45 мин.
2. Беседа с преподавателем по теме прочитанного текста.
Modulus 1
Составные части языка
(звуки, интонация, ритм) |
(словарный состав языка) |
(структурные связи между словами) |
(части речи) |
(словосочетание, предложение, типы предложений) |
· Имя существительное (the Noun) · Имя прилагательное (the Adjective) · Местоимение (the Pronoun) · Числительное (the Numeral) · Глагол (the Verb) · Наречие (the Adverb) · Модальные слова (the Modal Words) · Слова категории состояния (the Stative) |
· Предлог (the Preposition) · Союз (the Conjunction) · Частица (the Particle) · Артикль (the Article) |
Lesson 1
The Noun. The Case of Nouns
Группы существительных
По способу образования существительные делятся на:
· простые (simple) — light, map, day,
· образованные с помощью словообразовательных элементов (derivative) — driver
· сложные (compound) — dining-room, snowball, forget-me-not.
1. Запишите существительные в 2 колонки: собственные и нарицательные. Незнакомые
Germany, a street, the sky, The Moscow News, Paris, a family, a dream, The Rolling Stones, the underground, a nephew, Mr. Copperfield, the Crimea, a niece, the Alps, August, the Renaissance, S. Dali, a supermarket.
2. Запишите существительные в 2 колонки: исчисляемые, неисчисляемые. Слова из каждой колонки разделите на конкретные и абстрактные существительные:
Aunt, money, a pen, snow, a boy, pleasure, people, the night, spring, a desire, a book, passion, the day, hope, a sister, wood, an opinion, a daughter, fire, a name, a market, power, fashion, a state, fur, a baby, a pan, divorce, wine, meat, sale, force, a pillow.
What is your name? __My name is___________
Where are you from? __I am from____________
What is your address? _My address is________
What is your phone number? _My telephone number is____
Попросите своего партнера ответить на эти вопросы.
4. Переведите следующие сложные существительные, обращая внимание на их написание:
Human rights, table tennis, a painkiller, rain-water, a driving licence, a fairy-tale, a road-map, sunshine, the traffic lights, toilet paper, e-mail, swimming trunks, life-support system, reading glasses, blood pressure.
The Case of Nouns
Падеж (The Case)
Common Case (общий падеж) |
Genitive Case (притяжательный падеж) |
a shop, a dog, a building, a man, a desire, a family |
the room of my sister — my sister’s room |
an idea, a house, a tree, a sister, a song, wood |
the son of my friend — my friend’s son |
Притяжательный падеж выражает отношения принадлежности и используется, в основном, если речь идет об одушевленных существительных. Иначе, эти отношения могут выражаться через предлог of
Апостроф, обозначающий притяжательный падеж, может присоединяться как к слову, так и к целой фразе, если фраза образует смысловое единство: John
но Chekhov
1. Опишите родственные отношения между членами семьи, согласно модели:
Model: Tom is Jane’s
husband. Pit is Jane and Tom’s
Ted and Jane are married. They have a son, Pete, and a daughter, Nancy. Jane has a mother and a father. Their names are Fred and Hilda. Ted has a brother, Tom. Tom has a girlfriend, whose name is Mary. Mary has an aunt, Helen.
2. Опишите родственные отношения в семье своего друга или родственника.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
The Achilles’ heel (of)
— a weakness in someone’s character that causes problems, or the weak part of a plan or argument.
A fallen angel
— someone who people used to think was successful or morally good, but who is no longer thought of in this way.
In your mind’s eye
— in your imagination or memory.
For my money
— in my opinion.
You bet
— Yes, certainly.
Lesson 2
The Gender of Nouns. The Number of Nouns
Masculine Мужской a father, a man, an ox
лица мужского пола и некоторые высшие животные — he
Feminine Женский a wife, a girl, a cow
лица женского пола и некоторые высшие животные — she
Neuter Средний a flower, rain, opinion
все остальные существительные — it
Род в английском языке — категория лексическая, так как он НЕ имеет характерных грамматических признаков. Собственно грамматической категории рода у английского существительного нет, нет и соответствующих окончаний. Но все же есть некоторые способы указания родовой (чаще половой) принадлежности. Сравните, например, пары слов a boy — a girl, a cock — a hen, a stallion — a mare, а также словообразовательные средства в словах типа a woman-teacher, a he-wolf, a tom-cat, a lioness, a waitress. Традиционным названиям стран соответствуют местоимения женского рода: England and her people. Официальные наименования стран соответствуют местоимению среднего рода: Great Britain and its natural resources. Названия судов (a boat, a ship) традиционно соотносят с местоимением женского рода. В английском фольклoре the Sun = she, the Moon = she; the Wind, the River = he; Love = he. Животные в фольклоре, как правило, существа мужского пола (the Dog, the Fish, the Horse, the Cat, the Mouse). Если нет необходимости уточнять родовую принадлежность существительных общего рода, они могут заменяться местоимением he
. Формы женского рода от этих существительных могут образовываться суффиксально: a tiger
Также возможно образование сложных существительных: a boy-friend — a girl-friend, the tom-cat — the tabby-cat.
Разделите существительные на 3 колонки по родовому признаку:
A chicken, an opportunity, a cow, a match, mathematics, matrimony, tea, a cat, a potato, a cousin, an ox, a grandmother, a sister-in-law, a friend, a berry, blood, a woman, the summer, an autobiography, a lion, war, silver, a spoon, a blouse, a roof, the hail, the scales, the scissors, hair, a hair-do, a hand, a ship, a position, the sea, the wind, a relative, the Moon, Australia.
Образуйте от существительных мужского рода имена существительные женского рода по образцу и переведите пары существительных:
An actor, a waiter, the prince, an heir, a tiger, a lion.
The Number of Nouns
Существительные образуют множественное число следующим образом:
1) добавлением окончаний –
или –
-s, sh, ch, x, z + -es: a box — boxes, a match — matches,
согласный + O + -es: a potato — potatoes,
согласный + Y (→I) + -es: a story — stories,
-f, -fe + -s: a roof — roofs,
+ -es (F→V): a shelf — shelves,
гласный + y + -s: a boy — boys;
2) изменением корневой гласной или основы:
a tooth — teeth, a foot — feet, a goose — geese, an ox — oxen, a child — children, a man — men, a woman—women;
3) некоторые существительные, заимствованные из других языков, сохраняют свои формы множественного числа:
A datum — data, a phenomenon — phenomena, a crisis — crises, a formula — formulae, an analysis — analyses, a basis — bases.
Word Building
Образуйте существительные согласно модели и переведите пары существительных:
— существительное,
— глагол,
— прилагательное
N + -ship → friend + -ship = friendship |
The leather, relation, a partner, a member |
N + -hood → child + -hood = childhood |
A mother, a neighbour, a brother |
V + -er → (to) read + -er = reader |
To drive, to work, to write, to play |
A + -ness → mad + -ness = madness |
dark, happy, ready, hard |
A + -ity → public + -ity = publicity |
Generous, active, creative, noble |
Active vocabulary
Parts of the body
Head / face: an eye, hair, a nose, a ear, a lip, a neck, a tooth (teeth), a tongue.
Arm and leg: a shoulder - плечо, a nail - ноготь, an arm - рука, a finger - палец, a hand - кисть руки, a thumb - большой палец,a leg - нога, a knee - колено, a foot (feet) - стопа, a toe - палец на ноге.
Rest of body: the chest/bust (women only), the skin, a side, the stomach, the back, the waist, the hips.
Inside the body: the heart, the brain, the blood, the stomach.
Закончите эти предложения, пользуясь словами из списка:
Fingers, heart, tooth, ears, nose, tongue, blood, toe, knees, leg, mouth
A hand has five………….
A foot has five…………...
An adult has 32………….
You smile with your……..
You smell with your……..
The……… is a symbol of love.
You hear with your………..
The girl sat on her dad’s……. (dad = father)
You talk with your………
Your …… type can be O(I), A(II), B(III) or AB(IV).
2. Слова, обозначающие части тела, могут употребляться в переносном значении. Закончите эти предложения, пользуясь словами из списка:
A …… has arms, legs and a back.
A …… has a face and hands.
A …… has its neck.
A …… has its foot.
Word building
Соедините корни из колонок, чтобы получились сложные существительные и переведите:
foot |
stick |
hair |
chair |
arm |
ball |
hand |
brush |
lip |
bag |
3. Работайте с партнером. Расспросите своего партнера о внешности его родственника или друга. Завершите разговор комплиментом.
— Tell me about your husband (wife, daughter, niece…). What does he (she) look like? (nose, lips, eyes, neck, hair, arms, legs, knees…)?
— …
— Oh, he (she) is beautiful (very attractive, handsome, pleasant).
4. Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных, там, где это возможно:
A text, a sheep, a goose, a house, a sister-in-law, a forget-me-not, a match, the chess, a mouse, a lady, a girl, a dream, a son, a woman, a person, happiness.
5. Вычеркните слово, которое не входит в семантический ряд:
a park
: birds, a bench, a bank, soccer
a living room
: a fireplace, a television, a sink, a sofa
a family
: a daughter, a mother, a neighbor, a son
an apartment
: a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a classroom
6. Домашнее задание. Принесите на занятие фотографию из своего семейного альбома и расскажите группе о людях, изображенных на ней (опишите их внешность).
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
A wet blanket
— someone who spoils other people’s fun.
Jekyll and Hyde
— a person who has two very different parts to their character, one good and one bad.
A lone wolf
— someone who prefers to spend time alone.
Fat cat
— someone who is rich and powerful.
A dead duck
— a person or thing that is too old, unsuccessful, or useless.
The Article
(неопределенный артикль)
— a
— употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными в ед. числе для выражения значения единичности и для причисления существительного классу ему подобных предметов. Неопределенный артикль употребляется, когда говорят о профессии человека, роде занятий (my mother is a doctor). А также в ряде устойчивых словосочетаний (to
— сесть,
— простудиться
), при наличии у существительного описательного определения (It
), в восклицательных предложениях после what, such (What
! — Какой сюрприз!
A teacher should be competent. — Teachers should be competent.
There is a letter for you. — There are letters for you.
He is a programmer. — They are programmers.
She got a fax — She got the faxes.
(определенный артикль)
— употребляется с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными в единственном и во множественном числе, если:
· лицо или предмет конкретизированы контекстом или ситуацией: The
The film was great.
· cлово упоминалось ранее: They bought a dog. The dog was black.
· у существительного есть определение, выраженное словами only, main, central, same, right/wrong, left/right, next, final;
порядковыми числительными (the first, the second
) или прилагательным в превосходной степени (the best
): Who can give me the right answer? Read the second text. It’s the most important thing.
· существительное обозначает уникальный в своем роде предмет или явление (the
): The
Но названия планет употребляются без артикля: Venus, Mars, Saturn.
· если существительное представляет весь класс людей, животных, термины, жанры: The
Agatha Christie is the Queen of the detective story
Но man
и woman
в родовом значении употребляются без артикля.
· перед субстантивированными частями речи: The English
(англичане) are very polite people.
· в устоявшихся выражениях (in the long run
— в конце концов, on the whole
— в целом, to read between the lines
— читать между строк): The weather is changing for the better.
Употребление артикля
с географическими названиями
· с названиями частей света, континентов; стран, если в названии страны есть нарицательное существительное: the
Но названия городов без артикля: London
, за исключением
· с названиями океанов, морей, каналов, рек, водопадов: the Pacific Ocean, the Black sea, the Panama Canal, the Volga.
Но названия озер, заливов и полуостровов без артикля: Lake
· с названиями горных цепей и групп островов: the
Но названия горных вершин и отдельных островов без артикля: Elbrus
· с названиями пустынь: the Goby, The Sahara Desert.
· с названиями театров, музеев, галерей, отелей, ресторанов: the
· с названиями кораблей, яхт, английских и американских газет, спортивных событий, политических и государственных учреждений, партий, исторических событий, музыкальных групп: the
(нулевой артикль)
— артикль перед существительными не употребляется в следующих случаях:
· с неисчисляемыми существительными, абстрактными и вещественными: friendship
· как правило, с названиями месяцев и дней, если существительные употребляются без определений: June
· с существительными school, college, bed, prison, jail,
когда они теряют конкретное значение: to be at school — to be a school boy/schoolgirl, to be in prison — to be a prisoner.
· с существительными spring
если они обозначают определенное время года и с наречием early
: I
We like early spring (
: It was a cold winter
· с существительными breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper,
если они обозначают прием пищи: When did you have dinner? (
: The dinner we had today was delicious).
· с названиями языков, если за ними не следует слово language
: We
. (Но:
· с названиями транспорта: by bus, by car, by train, by plain.
Заполните пропуски в предложениях. Вставьте
The wife of the President of the USA is known as … First Lady.
… largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean.
The weather tomorrow will be … same as today.
… Hong Kong used to be part of the British Empire.
2. Работайте с партнером. Из текста изъято 7 артиклей. Восстановите
Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in world. It is spoken all over South America except Brazil. Like Italian and Portuguese, Spanish language is related to Latin. Recent report stated that number of Spanish speakers in United States of America will be higher than the number of English speakers by year 2090. As result, nearly all North American schools teach Spanish. The language with most speakers in the world is Mandarin Chinese.
3. Прочитайте диалоги, обратите внимание на употребление артикля:
— What is his job?
— He is a policeman.
— What’s her job?
— She is a nurse.
— What is his job?
— He is a/an … .
— What is … job?
— I am a/an ... .
4. Работайте с партнером. Составьте и драматизируйте несколько диалогов, используя названия различных профессий:
An architect, a mechanic, a barber (парикмахер), a postman, a plumper, a cashier, a doctor, a ballet-dancer, a driver, a teacher, an artist, an actor, an actress, a waiter, a waitress, a headmaster, a businessman.
5. Работайте с партнером. Составьте диалоги по образцу, объясните использование нулевого артикля перед существительными:
Model: — Where is Jim?
— He is in prison.
Mary / in hospital; Jack / at work; Ron and Jane / at school; Bob / in bed.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
A/the big cheese
also a/the big wheel
— an important or powerful person.
A snake in the grass
— someone who pretends to be your friend but does something to harm you.
A basket case —
a person or organization that cannot deal with their problems.
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
— full of energy and ready to start doing something.
In business
— ready to start an activity.
Lesson 4
To be in the Present Simple Tense form
I (я) |
am |
a student |
You ( ты, вы) |
are |
a student students |
He (он) She (она) |
is is |
a student a student |
We (мы) |
are |
students |
They (они) |
are |
students |
Am |
I |
a student? |
Are |
you |
a student? students? |
Is Is |
he she |
a student? a student? |
Are |
we |
students? |
Are |
they |
students? |
I You He She They We |
am are is is are are |
(not) |
a driver a doctor a student a teacher a artist a plumper |
Am Are Is Is Are Are |
I you he she they we |
a driver? a doctor? a student? a teacher? a artist? a plumper? |
— Are you a student? — Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
— Is he a student? — Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
— Are you students? — Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Active vocabulary
Countries, capitals, languages and nationalities
Bulgaria Czechia Cuba Germany Poland Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Great Britain Greece The Netherlands India Italy Japan Norway Spain Sweden The United States of America the Ukraine Byelorussia Georgia |
Sofia Prague Havana Boon Warsaw Vienna Brussels Ottawa Copenhagen Helsinki Paris London Athens Amsterdam Delhi Rome Tokyo Oslo Madrid Stockholm Washington Kiev Minsk Tbilisi |
Bulgarian Czech(ish) Spanish German Polish German Flemish French/English Danish Finnish French English Greek Dutch Hindi Italian Japanese Norwegian Spanish Swedish English Ukrainian Byelorussian Georgian |
the Bulgarians (a Bulgarian) the Czechs (a Czech) the Cubans (a Cuban) the Germans (a German) the Poles (a Pole) the Austrians (an Austrian) the Belgians (a Belgian) the Canadians (a Canadian) the Danes (a Dane) the Finns (a Finn) the French (a Frenchman/woman) the English (an Englishman/woman) the Greeks (a Greek) the Dutch (a Dutch man/woman) the Indians (an Indian) the Italians (an Italian) the Japanese (a Japanese) the Norwegians (a Norwegian) the Spanish (a Spaniard) the Swedes (a Swede) the Americans (an American) the Ukrainians (a Ukrainian) the Byelorussians ( a Byelorussian) the Georgians (a Georgian) |
1. Выделите суффиксы, с помощью которых образованы существительные, обозначающие национальность:
Russian, British, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Mexican, Australian, American.
Работайте с партнером.
Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
1. — Where are you from? – I am (I’m) from Italy.
— What nationality are you? – I’m an Italian.
2. — Where is he from? He is from Poland.
— What nationality is he? Is he a Pole?
— He is not (isn’t) a Pole, he is a Frenchman.
3. — Excuse me, what country are you from?
— I am from Germany.
— Do you live in Bonn?
— No, I don’t. I live in a small town in the North of Germany.
4. — Let me introduce you to Lucy. Lucy is from Paris, France. She is a Frenchwoman.
— By the way
, do you speak French?
— I am afraid
, I don’t. I speak only English and Spanish. As for me
, I am from Great Britain. But I’m not an Englishman. I’m a Spaniard.
— Nice to meet you
— The pleasure is mine
Составьте свои диалоги по образцам из упр. 2, используя данные слова и слова из
Your friends/country/from/Austria/live/Vienna/no/small town.
Let me introduce/Maria/the USA/speak/English.
Let me introduce myself/Russia/not Russian/a Pole.
4. Работайте с партнером. Спросите своего партнера: из какой он/она страны, на каком языке говорит, кто он/она по национальности, кем работает.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Down under
— in or to Australia or New Zealand.
Be on edge
— to be nervous.
Be on the breadline
also live on the breadline
— to be very poor.
Be an item
— to be having a romantic relationship.
Be in a bad way
— to be ill, very upset, or in a bad situation.
В английском языке просьба, приказ, побуждение к действию выражаются следующим образом. Предложение начинается с глагола-сказуемого в форме инфинитива без to
: Close
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью don
Если действие планируется совместно с говорящим: Let
1. Измените предложения, согласно модели:
Model: Stand up, please. — Don’t
stand up.
Put the bag on the table. Answer this question. Take your shoes off before the door. Sing your favorite song. Learn this poem by heart. Pay the tax for your house. Listen to me.
2. Работайте с партнером. Предложите ему сделать что-либо совместно, используя следующие глаголы:
Go for a walk, buy that magazine, have a cup of tea, catch (take) a taxi, speak English, wash the dishes.
3. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и подчеркните в них императивы (глаголы в повелительном наклонении):
1. A: Jane, give me the book, please.
B: Which book? That one?
A: No, the red one.
B: This one?
A: Right.
B: Here you are.
A: Thank you.
2. B: Hello, Bessie.
A: Hi, Mom.
B: Come in and have your dinner.
A: Thanks, Mom.
B: I want you to do some things after dinner.
A: Sure, just tell me what to do.
B: Clean your room, please. Open the window and air the room. Then make the bed. Dust the dressing-table. Then sweep the floor.
A: Ugh. All right, Mom.
4. Работайте с партнером. Разыграйте данную ситуацию по ролям, используя различные предметы:
— Give me a …, please.
— Which … ? That one?
— No, not that one. The … one.
— This one?
— Right.
— Here you are.
— Thank you.
5. Переведите с русского языка на английский, пользуясь словарем:
1. Прибери свою комнату. 2. Прочитай эту книгу. 3. Переведите этот текст, пожалуйста. 4. Напиши письмо маме. 5. Давайте споем. 6. Здравствуйте, входите и садитесь, пожалуйста. 7. Расскажите мне о своей работе. 8. Не слушай его. 9. Молчи. 10. Пойдем погуляем.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Search me!
— I don’t know the answer.
Be a devil!
— do something brave!
Now you’re talking
— I think your suggestion is very good.
Get this!
— listen to this.
On your bike!
— go away!
Lesson 6
There is/There are. Impersonal statements
— обстоятельственный оборот, который указывает на местонахождение лица или предмета в определенном месте. Эта конструкция употребляется, когда мы сообщаем слушающему о предметах или лицах, неизвестных ему. Сравните:
Where is my pen? — The pen is in the bag.
(Я спрашиваю конкретно о своей ручке.)
What is there in the bag? — There is a pen in the bag.
(Я не знаю, что находится в сумке.)
На русский язык эту конструкцию переводят «есть», «имеется», «находится», «существует» или вообще не переводят.
There are ten universities in the city. —
В нашем городе (есть) десять университетов.
Present |
Past |
Future |
There is a car in the garage. There is not a car in the garage. Is there a car in the garage? |
There was a car in the garage. There was not a car in the garage. Was there a car in the garage? |
There will be a car in the garage. There will not be a car in the garage. Will there be a car in the garage? |
Если в предложении несколько подлежащих, то глагол to
согласуется по числу с первым из них: There
There is a sofa, a table and two chairs in the room.
Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
1. A: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket in this neighborhood?
B: Yes, there is. There’s a supermarket on Main Street, across from the park..
2. A: Excuse me. Is there a bank in this neighborhood?
B: Yes, there is. There’s a bank on Central Avenue, around the corner from the movie theater.
3. A: Excuse me. Is there a post office in this neighborhood?
B: Yes, there is. There’s a post office between the bank and the laundromat.
4. A: Excuse me. Where is a hairdresser’s in this neighborhood?
B: Yes, there is. There’s a hairdresser’s on Main Street, next to the park.
2. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свои диалоги по образцам из упр. 1. Спросите, где находятся: рынок, школа, библиотека, заправка, ресторан (
). Пользуйтесь следующими предлогами места:
— напротив,
— за углом,
— между,
— следующий за.
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, утвердительно или отрицательно:
There is a gas station and a police station on State Street. There is a drug store around the corner from the bank. There are two schools between the train station and the park. There is a museum next to the book store. There is a hairdresser’s across from the movie theater.
· Is there a gas station on Main Street? – Yes, there is. / No, there is not.
· Is there a museum between the train station and the park? –
· Are there two schools next to the book store? –
· Is there a drug store around the corner from the book store? –
· Is there a hairdresser’s across from the movie theater? –
Работайте с партнером. Опишите свой дом, чей-то дом или отдельную комнату, используя слова из
. Послушайте рассказ своего партнера, задайте ему вопросы: есть ли та или иная вещь в его доме.
Active vocabulary
Parts of a flat/house:
a cottage, a semidetached house, a lawn, an orchard, the ground floor, a kitchen, a pantry, a dining-room, a living-room, a study, a bedroom, a nursery, a bathroom, an attic, a garage, a basement.
Articles of furniture:
a bed, a sofa, a chair, a table, a cupboard, a wardrobe, a mirror, a wall-furniture, a bookcase, a dressing-table, a nightstand
Modern conveniences:
electricity, gas, running water, central heating, telephone, toilet, a rubbish chute, lift
a lamp, an upperlights, a refrigerator (fridge), a gas-stove, a vacuum cleaner,a TV-set, a computer, a music center, a dish-washer.
Impersonal statements
Безличные предложения служат для выражения эмоциональных состояний, явлений природы и расстояний.
It |
is |
(not) |
four early hot dark interesting difficult |
Is |
it |
(not) |
four? early? hot? dark? interesting? difficult? |
На русский язык безличные предложения переводятся неопределенно-личными: Тепло. Поздно. Интересно
и т. д.
Позиция подлежащего в предложении всегда заполнена! В отличие от русских безличных предложений, где нет подлежащего (Темнеет
), английское безличное предложение – двусоставное
). Безличные предложения изменяются по временам, при этом меняется форма to be. (Было
— It was dark.
. — It will be late.
Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова из списка:
sunny, warm, cold, cool, snowing, hot, raining, cloudy
How’s the weather in the winter? It is ______________.
How’s the weather in the fall? It is _________________.
How’s the weather in the summer? It is _____________.
How’s the weather in the spring? It is ______________.
2. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте
1. A: Tell me, what time is it?
B: It’s four.
A: Thank you.
2. A: Tell me, is it cold outdoors?
B: It’s cold. Put your coat on.
A: Thank you.
3. A: Tell me, how can I get to the new stadium? Is it far from here?
B: Yes, it’s quite far. Take bus № 5.
A: How much will it take me to get there?
B: About ten minutes by bus.
A: Thank you.
3. Работайте с партнером. Поговорите о том, каковое расстояние от вашего города до Москвы; от вашего дома, до места, где проживают ваши родственники или друзья; до места работы или учебы; до магазина (
); до милиции (
); укажите расстояние между географическими объектами и т. п.
— Tell me, how far is it from … to ..?
— It is … from … to … .
— How long does it take you to get there?
— It takes me … to get there by bus.
4. Работайте с партнером. Составьте собственный диалог о погоде, времени, расстоянии. Драматизируйте
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Make a beeline for
— to go quickly and directly towards.
Get to first base
— to achieve the first part of something, but no more.
Come in from the cold
— to be accepted into a group that had previously not wanted you.
Go for it
— do it.
Come face to face with
— to meet someone
— to have to deal with something
Lesson 7
The Simple Sentence. Parts of the Simple Sentence
Как и в русском языке, в английском выделяют пять членов предложения: подлежащее, сказуемое (главные), дополнение, определение, обстоятельство (второстепенные). Позиция подлежащего всегда заполнена.
В отличие от русского, в английском языке порядок слов в предложении фиксированный.
1 2 3 4
My husband works as an economist at a plant
Эта схема может варьироваться: обстоятельство может находиться перед подлежащим, подлежащее и дополнение могут осложняться определением. При этом, второстепенные члены предложения, находящиеся перед подлежащим, будут занимать нулевую позицию (0). В бо лее сложном варианте она выглядит так:
Рассмотрите расположение членов предложения на примере следующих предложений:
My friend studies English at University.
Usually students of extra-mural department go to University to take their exams twice a year.
Обстоятельства Adverbial modifiers 0 |
Подлежащее Subject 1 |
Сказуемое predicate 2 |
Дополнения objects 3 |
Определения Attributes 4 |
Обстоятельства Adverbial modifiers 5 |
My friend |
studies |
English |
at University. |
Usually |
students of extra-mural department |
go |
0 |
to University; to take their exams twice a week. |
Понимание смысла предложения зависит от понимания его синтаксической структуры. Анализ предложения всегда нужно начинать с выделения основы, точнее, со сказуемого, а подлежащее всегда находится слева от него. Формальными признаками сказуемого часто могут быть вспомогательные глаголы, которые находятся слева от смыслового глагола: is
а также окончания смыслового глагола: -(
, -
, -
А также модальные глаголы: can, could, must, may, might, ought, shall, will, should, would.
Прочитайте следующие предложения, найдите по признакам сказуемое, подлежащее, дополнение, обстоятельство и переведите их.
1) Everybody was looking at the dancing girl.
2) My parents want to buy a new car instead of flying to Egypt.
3) Paris is a fantastic city.
4) It was raining all day yesterday.
5) Look! It is snowing.
6) They married just a few months ago.
7) Suddenly an elegant elderly lady wearing a black suit came into the room.
8) After ten years of severe heart disease a successful operation was made to the President.
9) My mother-in-law is getting to be unbearable.
10) They wish to make sure that he does not alter his plans.
11) I would really like to get a dialogue with my boyfriend going.
Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.
1) Не называй своего имени.
2) На чердаке много старых вещей.
3) Предъявите ваши документы.
4) В этом городе есть приличная гостиница?
5) Твоя сестра хороший учитель?
6) Сегодня ветрено?
7) Сколько времени тебе нужно, чтобы добраться до рынка?
8) Твое новое платье в стиральной машине.
9) Поблизости есть банкомат?
10) Скажи мне свой номер телефона.
11) Ты можешь пользоваться компьютером?
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Sth is no picnic
— something is difficult and involves a lot of work.
Tie the knot
— to get married.
Stand on your own two feet
— to be independent and take care of yourself.
Wipe the floor with sb
— to defeat someone completely.
Take a powder
— to leave a place quickly to avoid getting into trouble.
Lesson 8
The Present Simple Tense or the Present Continuous Tense
Формы глагола |
1 форма — V1 (presentbase form) |
2 форма — V2 (past form) |
3 форма — V3 (past participle) |
4 форма — V4 (present participle) |
Правильные глаголы |
to stop → stop |
stop + -ed →stopped |
stop + -ed → stopped |
to stop → stop + -ing → stopping
Неправильные глаголы |
to go → go |
go → went |
go → gone |
to talk → talk + -ing → talking
Present Simple (base form — V1) |
Present Continuous (am/are/is + V4 (V-ing)) |
Мы используем Present Simple |
Мы используем Present Continuous |
— для выражения повторяющихся действий или привычек I use my mobile phone every day
— для выражения неизменных ситуаций I
She works for an insurance company.
— для выражения общеизвестных истин The
Matter consists of small particles.
× Water is boiling at 100 degrees. √ Water boils at 100 degrees. — при последовательном изложении событий, сюжета фильма, книги или изложении выводов Our hero goes off to search for the treasure, which he eventually finds after many adventures.
— для выражения действий или состояний, которые имеют место в момент речи или в настоящий период времени I can’t talk now. I’m studying English at the moment.
She’s working very hard nowadays.
I am using John’s mobile phone because I left mine at home.
You’re eating too fast.
× Just now I wait to do my military service. √ Just now I’m waiting to do my military service. — для выражения ситуаций, которые меняются в течение настоящего периода времени The weather’s getting hotter and hotter.
— с оттенком раздражения по поводу некоторых привычек, часто с такими словами, как always, all the time. You’re always borrowing money!
Why are you grumbling all the time?
— Когда мы используем always
I always complain if the service is bad in restaurants. — Когда мы используем always
You’re always complaining that waiters are rude. — Нельзя использовать never … again
× I never speak to you again. √ I’m never speaking to you again. |
C Present Continuous обычно не используются следующие глаголы: существования — be, exist;
желания: need, want, wish
чувственного восприятия — feel, hear, notice, see, smell, sound, taste
мыслительной деятельности — forget, know, realize, understand
оценки — like, dislike, prefer, hate
отношения — believe, doubt, imagine, suppose, think love,
обладания — belong to, have, own, possess
√ Are you seeing what I mean?
× Do you see what I mean?
√ This juice is tasting good.
иногда эти глаголы все же могут использоваться в Present Continuous, но тогда их значения меняются: This
(= чувственное восприятие)
He is tasting the milk to see if it is OK. (=
I feel what we did was wrong. (=
I am feeling tired. (=
С Present Simple используются следующие наречия частотности: always, usually, often, sometimes, now, occasionally, not often, hardly, ever, rarely, never.
С Present Continuous используются следующие обстоятельства и предлоги: from … to, while, for, now, this week, this month, still
Утвердительная форма |
I live
She lives
He lives
I am
She is
Вопросительная форма |
Where do
Отрицательная форма |
I do not (don’t)
The sun does
She is not (isn’t
Вопросы могут быть общие
, это те, которые предполагают ответ «Yes / No». Например, — Do
— Yes
. /
Вопросы специальные
содержат вопросительное слово в начале предложения и на них нельзя ответить односложно: How
? —
Вопросы, заданные к подлежащему
и определению подлежащего,
не меняют порядок слов: I
. —
His mother is a doctor. — Whose mother is a doctor?
Заполните пропуски в формулировке следующего правила:
Утвердительная форма
образуется с помощью … . Вопросительная форма the Present Simple Tense образуется с помощью форм вспомогательного глагола … и … смыслового глагола.
Отрицательная форма the
образуется с помощью форм вспомогательного глагола …, …, … смыслового глагола.
Форма вспомогательного глагола … употребляется, если подлежащее находится в 3-м лице, ед. числе.
Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола, данного в скобках:
1. What … you … (think) of James Bond movies?
2. What kind of job … your wife … (do)?
3. I’m sorry, I … (feel) too tired to go out this evening.
4. We … (not travel) by train very often.
5. The film … (end) with a wedding.
6. The heroine … (prefer) to be with Paul because James … (argue; always).
7. We … always (smell) cooking when we … (pass) your house.
8. I … never (use) my mobile phone when I … (drive).
3. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях и запишите правильную форму:
Model: One of my friends is living
in the USA now. lives
1. Does your mother usually goes out to work? ___________
2. My cousin work in the local hospital. _________________
3. My brother John doesn’t lives at home now. ___________
4. Do these books belonging to you? ____________________
5. I is taking my dog for a walk nearly every night. _______
4. Заполните пропуски в формулировке следующего правила:
Утвердительная форма the
образуется с помощью форм вспомогательного глагола … и … смыслового глагола.
Вопросительная форма the
образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола … и … смыслового глагола, при этом … ставится перед подлежащим.
Отрицательная форма
образуется с помощью форм вспомогательного глагола …, … и … смыслового глагола.
5. Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола, данного в скобках:
1. If you … (not listen) to the radio, why … you … (not switch) it off.
2. My dad … (work) abroad and he’ll be back next month.
3. You … (enjoy) this party?
4. I … (prepare) for my report now.
5. What you … (look) for?
6. Mary … (listen) a new record in her room.
6. Прочитайте диалоги и заполните пропуски, используя слова в скобках:
1. A: How good is your English?
B: Not bad. It … (get) better slowly.
2. A: Where … (you and your family/usually spend) the holidays?
B: Oh, we … (always/go) to France.
3. A: Which … (you/prefer), doing sport or playing computer games?
B: Neither. I … (usually/listen to) music in my spare time. But my brother … (love) playing football.
4. A: … (your sister/have) any hobbies?
B: Yes, she … (play) the guitar really well. And how she … (learn) the piano.
7. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
1. A: Where is Mary? |
2. A: Where are you? |
3. A: Where are they? |
B: She is in the kitchen. |
B: I am at home. |
B: They are in the garage. |
A: What is she doing? |
A: What are you doing? |
B: What are they doing? |
B: She is cooking. |
A: I am cleaning my flat. |
B: They are fixing their car. |
4. A: Are you busy? 5. A: Is Tom busy?
B: Yes, I am. I am washing my hair. B: Yes he is. He is feeding his dog.
6. A: Are the kids busy? B: No, they aren’t. They are sleeping.
8. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свои диалоги, используя данные слова, по образцам из упр. 7. Драматизируйте
Husband/garage/wash/car Wife/kitchen/wash the dishes
Children/garden/play Sister/shop/buy a new
Son/hall/feed his cat Friends/restaurant/drinking coffee
Parents/busy/play cards Barbara and Franck/busy/watching TV
You/busy/wash my clothes Granny/busy/bake a cake
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Drink like a fish
— to drink a lot of alcohol very often.
Bring home the bacon
— to earn money / to win or do well in sports.
Keep your word
— to do what you promised.
Go nuts
— to behave in a crazy or excited way.
Go bananas
— to start to behave in an angry, exited, or strange way.
Lesson 9
The Pronoun
Личные Personal |
I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they |
Притяжательные Possessive |
My, your, his, her, its, our, your, their Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs |
Указательные Demonstrative |
It, this/these, that/those, same, such |
Вопросительные Interrogative |
who (whom), whose, which, that (в вопросительных предложениях) |
Относительные Relative |
who (whom), whose, which that (в определительных придаточных) |
Союзные Conjunctive |
who (whom), whose, which, that (в дополнительных и других придаточных предложениях) |
Возвратные Self-pronouns |
myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves |
Взаимные Reciprocal |
each other, one another |
Отрицательные Negative |
no, nobody, (no one), none, nothing (в отрицательных предложениях) |
Неопределенные Indefinite |
Some, any, no (и их производные), all, both, each, every (и его производные), other, one, much, many, (a) little, (a) few, either, neither |
Формы личных местоимений
Subject Pronouns |
Object Pronouns |
I you he she it we they |
me you him her it us them |
He (she) drinks milk sometimes. Who is it? |
Give it to him (her). He likes it. It’s me (him, her, them). |
Специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительных местоимений:
what — что, какой? which — который? who — кто? whom — кого? where — где, куда? when — когда? why — почему? whose — чей? how — как? how many, how much — сколько? how long — как долго?
: I shall
do it tomorrow → When
you do it?
Различие между what и which:
What color shall we choose? — Какой мы выберем цвет (краски)? (вообще).
Which color did you like: blue or white? — Какой цвет тебе понравился: синий или белый? (конкретный выбор)
1. Найдите в тексте местоимения и определите их тип:
My friends and I are all having trouble with our cars. My best friend Charlie is having trouble with his. The brakes don’t work. He tried to fix them by himself, but he doesn’t know anything about cars. Finally, he took the car to his mechanic. The mechanic charged him a lot of money, and the brakes still don’t work! Charlie is really annoyed. He’s having a lot of trouble with his car. And he can’t find anybody who can help him.
1. What trouble is Charlie having?
2. Why can’t Charlie fix his car?
3. Who did he take his car to? (To whom did he take his car?)
2. Заполните пропуски в тексте:
My name’s Helen. … ’m 23 years old. I’ve got a sister. … name’s Sandra. She’s an economist. She’s married and …’s got two children. … names are Jan and Rob. …’re twins. … husband’s a doctor. … works in the central hospital.
3. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
1. A: What does Judy do today?
B: She goes to the movies.
A: Oh. Who does she go to the movies with?
B: Nobody. She goes to the movies by herself.
2. A: What did Susan and Robert do yesterday?
B: They had a picnic.
A: Oh. Who did they have a picnic with?
B: Nobody. They had a picnic themselves.
4. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свои диалоги по образцам из упр. 3, используя данные слова. Драматизируйте
You / go to the beach, Mr. Brown / take a walk in the park, Mom and Dad / play cards
5. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте диалог, обратите внимание на употребление неопределенных местоимений:
A: Armstrong Plumbing Company. Can I help you?
B: Yes. There is something
wrong with my kitchen sink. Can you send a plumber to fix it as soon as possible?
A: Where do you live?
B: 13 Main Street in Centerville.
A: I can send a plumber tomorrow morning. Is that okay?
B: Not really. I’m afraid I won’t be home tomorrow morning.
A: How about tomorrow afternoon?
B: Tomorrow afternoon? What time?
A: Between one and four.
B: That’s fine. Somebody
will be here then.
A: What’s your name?
B: Jane Brown.
A: And what’s the address again?
B: 13 Main Street in Centerville.
A: And the phone number?
B: 587-5110.
A: Okay. We’ll have someone
there tomorrow afternoon.
B: Thank you.
6. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свой диалог, пользуясь данной моделью, попробуйте вызвать электрика (
), механика (
), сантехника (
), специалист по ремонту видеотехники (
). Драматизируйте
A: … . Can I help you?
B: … Yes. There is something
wrong with my … . Can you send a … to fix it as soon as possible?
A: … Where do you live?
B: … in … .
A: I can send a … tomorrow morning. Is that okay?
B: Not really. I’m afraid I won’t be home tomorrow morning.
A: How about tomorrow afternoon?
B: Tomorrow afternoon? What time?
A: Between … and … .
B: That’s fine. Somebody
will be here then.
A: What’s the name?
B: … .
A: And what’s the address again?
B: … in … .
A: And the phone number?
B: … .
A: Okay. We’ll have someone
there tomorrow afternoon.
B: Thank you.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Give sb a bell
— to telephone someone.
Pick up the tab (for)
— to pay (for something).
Drive sb up the wall
— to annoy someone a lot.
Bite off more than you can chew
— to try to do more than you can.
Cut the (umbilical) cord
— to stop relying on your parents for help or money.
Lesson 10
Quantitative pronouns — SOME, ANY, NO, MUCH, MANY, FEW, A LOT OF.
a lot of
Утвердительные предложения |
Употребление |
Много |
Немного |
Мало |
Нет совсем |
с исчисляемыми существительными |
many |
a lot of |
a few |
few |
None / not any |
с неисчисляемыми существительными |
much |
a lot of |
a little |
little |
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения |
Употребление |
Вопросительные |
Отрицательные |
с исчисляемыми существительными |
How many |
not many |
not any |
с неисчисляемыми существительными |
How much |
not much |
— How much sugar have you got? — Have you got any eggs?
— Not much. — Yes. Two dozens.
Неопределенное местоимение some
употребляется в утвердительных предложениях; any
— в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях; no
— только в отрицательных; not
— предпочтительно в разговорной речи: I
I’d like to ask you for some
advice. Have you any
idea what time it is? There were no
tomatoes left.
some, any, no, none, not any, one
1) Have you got … relations? — No, I haven’t … .
2) Has she got … nephews or nieces? — Yes. She has… .
3) She has … sister, she has only … brother.
4) They have got … cousins in Minsk.
5) Have you got ... interesting books? — Yes. I have… .
6) I have … good friends.
2. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
1. A: How much juice do you want? 2. A: How many biscuits do you want?
B: Not too much. Just a little. B: Not too many. Just a few.
A: Okay. Here you are. A: Okay. Here you are.
B: Thanks. B: Thanks.
3. A: How much does a head of let tuce cost? B: Seventy-five cents. A: Seventy-five cents?! That’s a lot of money! B: You’re right. Lettuce is very ex pensive. |
4. A: How much does a pound of oranges cost? B: A dollar thirty-five. A: A dollar thirty-five?! That’s a lot of money! B: You are right. Oranges are very expensive. |
5. A: Excuse me. I’m looking for a bunch of bananas.
B: Sorry. There aren’t any more bananas.
A: There aren’t?
B: No, there aren’t. Sorry.
6. A: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Smith?
B: Yes, please.
A: What do you prefer: beef or lamb?
B: Beef, please.
A: What about some steak? Here is a nice piece.
B: Give me that piece, please.
3. Работайте с партнером. Составьте диалог по образцам упр. 2, используя собственные слова, и драматизируйте его:
4. Задайте вопросы к предложениям:
… .
1. There is a lot of paper in the box. 2. There is little money in the pocket. 3. There is much salt in the soup. 4. There are many mistakes in his report. 5. There are a lot of children in the room. 6. There are some books on the table.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
In a big way
— a lot.
Be much of a muchness —
to be about the same, and not very good.
A fat lot of good
— not helpful or useful in any way.
Play to the gallery
— to do something for its effect on other people.
That’s / it’s news to me!
— I’m surprised or annoyed because someone has not told me something sooner.
Reading and Speaking Practice
Topic 1
My World Chat: I, Me and Myself
Задание 1.
Прочитайте, какую информацию о себе эти люди разместили на сайте знакомств. Скажите, с кем из этих людей вам хотелось бы познакомиться и почему.
a) Huber Marjer: I’m 28 years old and I live in south-western Sweden in an average town called Helsingborg. I love being with friends doing stuff and I’m up to most things without having to be told 3 months in advance =) I’m 184 cm tall and have a quite slender body type, but leaning towards athletic anyway. I have short dark-brown hair and blue eyes ;) I get on very well with most people and I’m not afraid of making contact with unknown people. My interests are partying, dancing, music, girls and fast sport cars (I have 2 cars myself, despite my friends keep telling me I can't drive both of them at the same time but it’s fun to change them). I am originally from New York City and since family is still there I visit them a few times a year. I am humorous, kind, caring, talkative, fit, fun loving.
b) Bruce: Let me introduce myself. My name is Bruce and I live in Rochester. I like having fun and meeting new people. I'm quite upbeat and like to smile. I'm polite with good manners. I guess you could call me a gentleman who knows how to respect a lady. I tend to be a little shy at first, until I get to know someone. I'm now writing a series of children's novels/stories for a film. They are similar to the «Harry Potter» series, except mine have much more adventure, and are also very educational. No witchcraft in mine. My child characters are Mystic Spirit Healers who travel the world as spirits, healing, and caring for orphans while having wonderful adventures, and fighting off evil forces. Also, there is no violence or death in my stories, as I think children get enough of that in real life, and on their video games.
c) Stephen: My city is Bayside which is just north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the United States. Milwaukee is located north of Chicago. Boating, working-out, running, biking, computer, theatre, movies, travelling are my hobbies. Recently discovered Latin Dancing. I have done extensive travelling in the past and hope to do more. This includes many of the states, (including Hawaii), Mexico, Latin America, the Caribean, England, France and even Russia and the Ukraine! For a vacation last year I spent some time in Moscow and some of the smaller cities to the south of Moscow. I'm currently learning to speak Russian. I had a lot of fun in Moscow! It's a beautiful city and the people there were friendly, and helped me with my language whenever I spoke Russian.
d) Sam Talker: I'm typified as the All American Boy: clean cut, clean living, congenial and I'm in the teaching field. I like to listen to various types of music from classical to soft music. I enjoy all things around me whether it is traveling, cultural events, or down to earth things as outdoor activities, walking, bowling, dancing, and quiet evenings.
e) Jean Pierre: My name is JP Lissage. Well, my passion is probably travel. I love to go to different places and see new things. I play around with my guitar sometimes. I am not really good at playing the guitar, but it gives me that «rock star feeling». My contact number it's 011-822-796 8772 home and my cell is 011-822-011-9671-3214 and my email is ltjeanpierre@yahoo.com. Anyone who cares can write to me!
f) Lenny: A little about me. My name is Lenny Welles. I live on a little farm. I like staying at home a lot because it is such the great place to be. But I kinda (slang — kind of
) also like to go to the beaches and play. I grew up in the mountains of Tennessee so I always return there to visit family and friends and the mountains. I like simple life. Simple pleasures are the best… I hiking, canoe, fishing, doing wood art, pottery, playing golf, gardening lots.
g) Alan: My name is Alan. I listen to lots of kinds of music, but I prefer songs from Nightwish, a Finnish music band. For my choice of movies, well, also there I'm multi-talented, or whatever the correct word should be, I watch every kind of movie.... I always go to the cinema when a new one comes out, money ain`t (uneducated form of isn't) the problem... I'm not a party animal, as Holland gives discos and other places to be, but my friends come first, and I've got a lot of those...
h) Kurt: My name is Kurt Tellerson. Some info about me: I am 34, divorced 3 years ago, independent, Physically 1.73 m, 62 kg, dark hair and brown eyes, I am perfectly healthy and have no disabilities , I have no bad habits; My occupation is Doctor in Medicine, I live in Amsterdam / Holland. The weather is terrible, no sun just rain and wind most of the time. I consider myself as being successful in life, hard working, peace loving, honest, friendly, loving, romantic, non religious, tolerant, modern, attractive, with a good sense of humor, serious when it comes to work, responsible. I don't have a very active lifestyle, but neither am I one of those home guys all day long sitting in front of the TV set, I like to go out, specially with the right company, and I like to travel and see new places (as I can find time to do that), I like tennis and lately my interest to golf is beginning to grow, I have interest in IT, cars, and lately motorcycles. I like to cook, and even more I like to enjoy a nice dish :)) Mediterranean cuisine is my favourite, specially Italian, Greek food, I don't like politics and politicians, I don't like lies, I don't like laziness, and wasting time.
I. True or False
Определите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста, исправьте неверные утверждения.
1. Huber enjoys mixing with people.
2. Bruce’s hobby is writing children’s books.
3. Stephen is going to visit Moscow someday because he has never been there.
4. Sam lives in Canada.
5. Jean Pierre is a rock star.
6. Lenny enjoys traveling all over the world, especially in the mountains.
7. Alan lives in Holland and enjoys parties.
8. Kurt doesn’t like to stay at home and watch TV.
II. Multiple choice
Задание 3.
Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
1. Why does Huber enjoy having two sport cars?
a) He wants to drive both of them at the same time.
b) He likes to change them.
c) One car is for his friends.
2. Why does Bruce call himself a gentleman?
a) He is rich.
b) He is shy.
c) He is polite and with good manners.
3. Why doesn’t Bruce want to write about death-and-violence in his stories?
a) It is not a real thing.
b) Children have too much of it in real life.
c) It is not interesting for children.
4. Why did Stephen like Moscow?
a) He had a good chance to speak Russian.
b) Russian people are very funny.
c) He had much fun there and the people were friendly.
5. Why does Jean Pierre enjoy playing the guitar?
a) He is not good at playing the guitar and wants to improve his skills.
b) He wants to feel like a rock star.
c) He wants to be a rock star.
6. What is the most important thing for Alan?
a) Friends.
b) Songs of the group «Nightwish».
c) Parties and discos.
7. What kind of lifestyle does Kurt have?
a) Relaxed
b) Not very active, but he likes sports.
c) He is lazy and wastes a lot of time.
III. Speaking practice
Задание 4: Расспросите вашего партнёра о его жизни, узнайте у него следующее:
Student A:
— his/her hobbies;
— his/her favourite TV programme and TV star;
— his/her best friend;
— what he/she does at the weekend;
— what he/she is doing at the moment;
— what activities he/she finds stressful.
Student B:
— his/her likes and dislikes;
— his/her brother/sister;
— his/her favourite music and pop star;
— what he/she usually does after work;
— where he/she goes on holiday and what he/she does there;
— what activities he/she finds relaxing.
Задание 5. Примите участие в беседе, опираясь на информацию, полученную из текста. Дополните недостающие фразы в диалоге.
1) Примите участие в беседе с Хубером:
You: Hello, my name is _______________________. What’s your name?
Huber: Huber. I am from Sweden. Where are you from?
You: I am from_______________________. Do you _______________?
Huber: Yes, I enjoy partying. My other interests are dancing, music, girls and fast sport cars. I have two of them. How many cars do you have?
You: _____________________________.
Huber: What are your interests?
You: __________________________________.
Huber: Let’s be friends. I am humorous, kind, caring, talkative, fit, fun loving. What about you?
You: ______________________________________________________.
Huber: You know what? Let’s party together.
You: ______________________________________________________.
Задание 6. Составьте похожие диалоги и инсценируйте их.
Задание 7. Заполните анкету, подчеркнув один из ответов на предложенные вопросы. Обратите
1. Have you been married before?
2. My job can best be described as
: Physical labor/ Administrative/Office/Teaching/
3. Tattoos
: Ok, but not for me / I hate tattoos / That’s OK, I have a tattoo myself
4. If I were to vacation, my first choice would be
: I don't like to travel/France/Some other country
5. My friends would describe me as
: Having high energy/ Adventurous /Artistic, Friendly/Kind/ Humorous/ Intellectual/ Sensitive/Loving/ Romantic/ Serious/ Responsible/ Simple/ Conservative/ Easygoing/Flexible/Open-Minded/Eccentric/ Practical/ Quiet/ Shy/ Self Confident/ Spiritual/ Stubborn, Talkative/ Free-Spirited.
6. On my free time, I like to
: Spend quality time with one or two friends/ Cooking/Barbecuing, Dining Out, Entertaining, Hanging Out with Friends/Intimate Conversations, Listening to/Playing Music, Reading/Writing, Shopping, Traveling/Weekend Trips/Adventure Travel, Camping/ Collecting/ Gardening/ Painting/Drawing, Partying, Photography, Taking Long Walks, Video Games, Wine Tasting.
7. The quality I seem to value the most in people, is
: Sense of humor/ Sensitivity/Honesty/
8. My involvement in physical activity can be described as follows
: Exercise sometimes/ Work out 3—4 times a week/ I tend to be lazy/ I am very active.
9. Religion is
: Somewhat important/Not very important.
10. My favorite type of music is
: Classic Rock/ Alternative, Blues, Dance/Electronica, Disco, Folk, Hard Rock & Metal, Latin, Modern Rock n' Roll, Pop, Easy Listening, Folk, Jazz, Opera, Rap/Hip Hop, Punk, Instrumental, Soundtracks, Acoustic.
11. My first choice in a movie would typically be
: Comedy /Thriller /Old Movie/ Science Fiction/ Melodrama/Soap Opera.
12. My television viewing can be described as
: A few times a week/Every day/ All the time.
13. According to my lifestyle, my job/career is
: Of utmost importance/Not important at all/ Important, but not everything.
14. Financially, I come from a family that is
: Average/Rich/Poor
15. I would prefer to live in/at the
: City/Country
16. I am most interested in
: The Arts/ Bars/ Nightclubs, Beach, Concerts, Movies, Museums, Parks, Raves/Underground Parties, Restaurants, Amusement Parks, Bookstores, Shopping Malls, Sporting Events
17. I want to have children
: No/Yes
e. g. Mike
1. Have you been married before? Yes
2. My job can best be described as: Administrative/Clerical
3. Tattoos: Ok, but not for me
4. If I were to vacation, my first choice would be: Paris
5. My friends would describe me as: Having high energy
6. On my free time, I like to: Be out doing something fun
7. The quality I seem to value the most in people, is: Sensitivity
8. My involvement in physical activity can be described as follows: Work out 3—4 times a week
9. Religion is: Not important at all
10. My favorite type of music is: Classical
11. My first choice in a movie would typically be: Comedy
12. My television viewing can be described as: A couple of hours, most days
13. According to my lifestyle, my job/career is: Important, but not everything
14. Financially, I come from a family that is: Average
15. I would prefer to live in/at the: City
16. I am most interested in: The Arts
17. I want to have children: No.
Modulus 2
Lesson 11
The Adjective. Degrees of comparison
Качественные Qualitative |
Относительные Relative |
beautiful, clean, clever, cold, fat, hot, kind, warm, old, tall, small, short, tall, big, well-known, new
есть степени сравнения
American, Russian, woolen, golden, middle, left, right, dead, weekly, daily, empty, full, medical
нет степеней сравнения
Degrees of comparison
Степень |
Положительная Positive |
Сравнительная Comparative |
Превосходная Superlative |
Форма |
Синтетическая (одно-, двусложные прилагательные) -er,-est |
the cleanest
the hottest
the happiest
the gayest
Аналитическая (многосложные прилагательные) more, most |
more comfortable
more serious
the most comfortable
the most serious
Прилагательные angry, clever, common, friendly, gentle, handsome, polite, narrow, cruel, simple, pleasant
simple— simpler / more simple — the simplest / the most simple
Нерегулярные степени сравнения: good
bad — worse — worst
little — less — least
much/many — more — most
В предложении имя прилагательное употребляется в функциях: 1.
2. Именной части составного именного сказуемого:
Word building
Образуйте прилагательные-антонимы, используя префиксы с отрицательным значением, и впишите их в таблицу, переведите полученные пары слов:
Model: un- + able = unable
Un- |
certain, common, happy, healthy, necessary, real, sure, true
In- |
complete, direct, dependent, visible, convenient
Dis- |
honest, loyal
Il- |
legal, logical
Im- |
mobile, polite, possible, proper
Ir- |
rational, regular, responsible
Ab- |
Соедините в пары прилагательные, противоположные по значению и переведите их:
Model: first — last:
bad short
healthy rich
high quiet
long low
noisy young
old sweet
poor ill/sick
private weak
sour good
strong public
2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя парные союзы
. — This film as
interesting as
that one.
. — I am not so
clever as
you./I am not as
clever as
1. Английский не такой трудный, как русский. 2. Моя работа такая же важная, как твоя. 3. Квартира моих родителей такая же большая, как наша. 4. Новый дом не такой удобный, как старый. 5. Этот диван такой же дорогой, как тот.
3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям и ответьте на них, используя слова в скобках:
Model: This is a white cat. (black) — Is this cat white? No, it is black.
1. This is a good idea (bad). 2. This is a nice animal (). 3. These are small cups (big). 4. This is an expensive shop (cheap). 5. These are thick books (thin). 6. Those are fat men (slim). 7. That is a dark room (light).
4. Образуйте сравнительные степени от следующих прилагательных:
Easy, bad, much, slow, warm, cold, serious, fast, large, young, poor, high, pleasant, light.
5. Работайте с партнером. Расскажите о своем друге, отвечая на вопросы и подбирая противоположные по значению прилагательные:
Is he/she rich or ___poor___? ___He is rich
Is he/she tall or ___________?
Is he/she heavy or _________?
Is he/she young or _________?
Is he/she handsome or ______?
Is he/she clever or _________?
Is he/she quiet or __________?
6. Прочитайте текст и подчеркните в нем прилагательные:
’s Best Hotels
Hotel Adlon. This super-luxurious hotel has a stunning interior. Walls and windows in the rooms have excellent sound-proofing.
Four Seasons Hotel. This hotel, one of the top three in Berlin, offers opulent interiors with magnificent flower arrangements and impeccable service.
Berlin Hilton. Its nearness to the Gendarmenmarkt and the amazing choice of restaurants distinguish this hotel. Some of the rooms have gorgeous views.
7. Соедините прилагательные с их определениями:
1) stunning a) very light
2) impeccable b) extremely attractive
3) gorgeous c) highly decorated
4) bright d) very impressive and exciting
5) luxurious e) perfect
6) opulent f) attractive and nice
7) charming g) extremely comfortable.
of the Simpson
Have you ever seen «The Simpsons»? Let’s stop laughing and think, isn’t this wonderful cartoon the greatest satire on humanity after Gulliver’s Travels
The action takes place in a small American town — Springfield. The residents of the town are mostly fat and stupid — stereotyping an American. The Springfield authorities and police consist of people like Homer. The heads of factories are nasty and crazy like Montgomery Burns.
The Simpsons are a typical American family. It is the American dream, the Simpsons have a house, a car and pets. The family consists of seven people: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggy, a dog called Little Helper of Santa Claus, and a cat.
Homer Simpson is the brightest of the Americans. He is fat, bald and very stupid. He works at the Burns Springfield Nuclear Power Station. He is a heavy beer-drinker. Homer spends his spare time watching TV on a sofa at home, or in Moe’s Bar; but always with a bottle of beer.
Marge Simpson is Homer’s wife. Of course, she is not as stupid as her husband. She is thin and has a large blue coiffure on her head.
Bart Simpson is Homer’s son. He is at school. Bart tries to show that he is cool and clever, but he isn’t any cleverer than his father.
Lisa Simpson, Homer’s daughter, is very clever. She is at school too. She is the only hope of Springfield but nobody knows it.
Many adventures take place in the cartoon. It gives us an opportunity to see the good and the bad sides of the Simpsons’ characters. So we can see that «The Simpsons» isn’t only a simple cartoon comedy, it’s a parody on the real life of the Americans. It has parallels with real life, and shows American character. That’s why the cartoon is so popular and funny (English. № 14. 2003. P. 13).
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Spick and span
— extremely clean and tidy.
Crazy like a fox
— seeming crazy but really intelligent.
Full of beans
— having a lot of energy.
Broad in the beam
— having large hips.
Be a drag
— to be boring or difficult.
Lesson 12
The Present Perfect Tense or the Past Simple Tense
Past Simple (V2 + (-ed)) |
Present Perfect (have/has + V3 (-ed)) |
Мы используем Past Simple |
Мы используем Present Perfect |
— для выражения постоянных или повторяющихся действий в прошлом, а также прошлых привычек или состояний Long ago, they built most houses out of wood.
He always caught the same train.
— с указанием на период времени, который уже закончился I read the newspaper this morning (
— если действие уже совершилось в прошлом, с такими обстоятельствами времени, как a year ago, last Sunday, last week, yesterday, etc. Watson and Crick identified the structure of DNA in 1953
— для выражения действий или состояний в прошлом, результат которых связан с настоящим моментом, когда результат действия или состояния очевиден в момент речи They
It’s just started to rain
You have spilt the coffee all over my trousers — look!
— для обозначения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего момента или закончилось к настоящему моменту* I have lived in Balashov all my life.
— для повторяющихся действий в прошлом, с такими обстоятельствами времени, как often
He’s often been to France.
— с периодом времени, который еще не истек We’ve built 20 new schools this year (
He has done a lot in his short life (
— для выражения действий с такими словами, как already, before, ever, never, often, recently, still, yet, etc. Часто для выражения фактов, связанных с жизненным опытом. Rain has already ruined the tomato crops.
Have you ever seen a UFO?
They haven’t sent an astronaut to Mars yet.
I have never been to the USA.
Have you ever been to London?
Выбор между Present Perfect и Past Simple зависит от того, связано ли действие, свершившееся в прошлом, с настоящим моментом или нет: She
Present Perfect не
* В этом случае в предложениях, как правило, используются предлоги for
(в течение какого-то времени) и since
(с какого-то момента в прошлом): I
They haven’t met since the wedding.
REMEMBER: I haven’t seen you for ages. I haven’t met him for a long time
Past Simple
Present Perfect
Утвердительная форма |
He has
I have
Вопросительная форма |
Who identified
Who has been
Отрицательная форма |
They did not (didn’t) identify
He has not (hasn’t) been
Произношение окончания -
[d] после гласных и звонких согласных: opened
[t] после глухих и шипящих согласных: cooked
[id] после t
и d
: wanted, landed, studied.
В английском языке есть конструкции, служащие для выражения привычек, привычных действий и состояний в прошлом:
used to
используется для выражения действий и состояний в прошлом: He used to live here as a kid
. / I didn’t use (NOT didn’t used)
like my older sister
. I used to read fairy tales when I was little.
используется только для выражения действий в прошлом:
My brother and I would play in the woods when we were kids.
This girl used to be (NOT would be) shy.
Past Simple,
Present Perfect:
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat,
Where have you been?
«I’ve been to London
To look at the Queen».
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat,
What did you see there?
«I saw a little mouse
Under her chair».
2. Образуйте 2-ю и 3-ю формы от следующих глаголов.
: begin
: began, begun.
Ask, change, meet, speak, shine, decide, travel, come, blow, sing, notice, cry, want, return, look, start, see, run, have, do, lie, buy, work, walk.
3. Завершите диалог, используя глаголы, данные в скобках, в
A: Have you ever been
(you ever be) to Australia?
B: No, I … (never be) outside Europe. … (you be) there?
A: Well, no, not yet. But my parents … (just book) a holiday to Australia for next month. I’m so exited! They … (tell) me about it last week. I still can’t believe it’s true.
B: Wow! You’re really lucky! … (you do) your packing yet?
A: No, I … (not do) any packing but I … (already write) a list of things to buy. Yesterday I … (buy) some film for my camera.
a) They’ve lived there for
/since two years.
b) I haven’t seen Jim for/since a week.
c) Amy’s been in hospital for/since May.
d) I’ve had English lessons for/since June.
e) He’s had his new computer for/since month.
f) I haven’t seen him for/since 10 o’clock.
Заполните пропуски в следующем правиле:
We use … when we are talking about how long something lasts.
We use … when we are talking about when something started.
5. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
A: What’s the matter with you?
B: I have a toothache.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?
B: I ate candies all day yesterday.
A: What’s the matter with you?
B: I have a backache.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?
B: I practiced shaping all day yesterday.
A: What’s the matter with you?
B: I have a headache.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?
B: I drank wine all day yesterday.
6. Работайте с партнером. Составьте диалог, используя собственные слова, и драматизируйте его:
7. Завершите следующие высказывания в соответствии с моделью:
Model: — Let’s go to the Zoo. (my childhood)
— With pleasure. I haven’t been to the Zoo since my childhood.
1. — Let’s go to the restaurant (last winter).
— With pleasure … .
2. — Let’s go to Volgograd (1995).
— With pleasure … . 1995.
3. — Let’s go to the Planetarium (my childhood).
— With pleasure … .
4. — Let’s go to the Internet-cafe (last year).
— With pleasure … .
8. Подчеркните правильную форму в следующих предложениях и переведите их:
1. We used to live/were living in the country.
2. I used to spend/was spending all my money on sweets when I was younger.
3. Did you use to collect/Were you collecting autographs as a kid?
4. I used to go/was going downstairs when I tripped and fell.
9. Ответьте на вопросы о своем детстве:
Did you get on well with your brothers and sisters?
Did you use to fight with your brother or sister?
Did your parents read to you as a child?
10. Работайте с партнером. Расспросите партнера о его детстве. Используйте идиомы, выражения
, а также опорные слова и выражения из следующей таблицы:
I |
Place of birth |
Sb was born, spent childhood |
II |
Any sisters or brothers, or cousins |
Played favorite games, toys; any quarrels, any fights |
Any friends |
Pen-friends, close friends; at school, at home, in sb’s native town, other town/country |
IV |
Parents, grandparents |
Told fairy tales, sang lullabies, cooked/made pies, cakes, etc; favorite food |
V |
Pets |
Played with cats/dogs, etc |
Сделайте заметки:
Questions |
Answers |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
Работайте с группой. Пользуясь заметками, расскажите группе о детстве вашего партнера. Ответьте
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Fall into your lap
also drop into your lap
— to come by chance and good luck.
Give sb the boot
— to get rid of someone, from a job or a relationship.
Make out like a bandit
— to receive a lot of presents or money.
Not have a bean
— to have no money.
Be nuts about sb/sth
— to like someone or something very much.
В английском языке числительные делятся на количественные и порядковые:
Cardinal/количественные |
Ordinal/порядковые |
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve |
The first The second The third The fourth The fifth The sixth The seventh The eighth The ninth The tenth The eleventh The twelfth |
Cardinal |
Ordinal |
Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen |
The thirteenth The fourteenth The fiftenth The sixeenth The sevententh The eighteenth The nineteenth |
Cardinal |
Ordinal |
Twenty Twenty-one Twenty-two Thirty Forty |
The twentieth The twenty-first The twenty-second The thirtieth The fortieth |
Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety A(one)hundred |
The fiftieth The sixtieth The seventieth The eightieth The ninetieth The hundredth |
Two hundreds, four thousands, five millions
101 — one hundred and one.
375 — three hundred and seventy-five.
269 — two hundred and sixty-nine.
3016 — three thousand and sixteen.
7234 — seven thousand two hundred and thirty-four.
4300981 — four million three hundred thousand and eighty-one.
Fractions and decimals:
1 ¼ — one and a quarter 1.25 — one point two five
1 ½ — one and a half 1.5 — one point five
1 1/3 — one and a third 1.75 — one point seven five
1 ¾ — one and three quarters 1.33 — one point three three
26 % — twenty-six per cent
More than 50 % is the majority; less than 50 % is the minority
+ — addition 6 + 4 = 10 (six plus/and four equals/is ten);
– — subtraction 6 – 4 = 2 (six minus four equals/is two);
× — multiplication 6 × 4 = 24 (six times/multiplied by four equals/is twenty-four);
: — division 4 : 2 = 2 (four divided by two equals/is two).
1. Работайте
партнером. Расспросите вашего партнера о возрасте членов его семьи. Используйте
Ages of man:
How old are you?
I am … 17 (30, 31…, 55…) …seventeen.
I am over seventeen. I am nearly eighteen.
I am under age yet. = I am not yet eighteen.
In four month’s time I’ll come of age.
She is still in her teens (13—19). She is a teen-ager.
She is in her (early, mid, late) teens.
She is in her early thirties (i. e. between 29 and 40).
She is a middle-aged person.
She is an elderly person.
2. Работайте с партнером. Задайте ему эти вопросы, затем поменяйтесь ролями:
1. When were you born?
2. What is your height and weight?
3. What is your address?
4. What is the population of your town?
5. What is the population of Russia?
3. Заполните заявление на работу (
Name ________________________________________________
Last First Middle
Country of current citizenship______________________________
Gender Male / Female
Date of birth____________________________________________
Telephone ____________Fax ________________E-male________
Marital status (single, married, widowed, divorced)
Age of children, if any ____________________________________
Date of school graduate___________________________________
Academic degrees________________________________________
Degree Date received
Current position/status ________________since_______________
Previous position/status _______________since _______till_________
Прокомментируйте следующие арифметические действия:
100 × 57 = 5700; 48 : 2 = 24; 963 + 205 = 1168; 73690 – 540 = 73150.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Ten to one
— it’s very likely.
One for the road
— the last alcoholic drink before leaving a place.
Eat sb alive
— to defeat or destroy someone easily.
The 64000 dollar / the million dollar question
— a difficult but important question.
Look (like) a million dollars
— looking very attractive and well.
The eleventh hour
— the latest possible time you can do something.
Lesson 14
Numerals and prepositions in DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS, SEASONS
There are: 100 years in a century / 365 days in a year / 12 months in a year / 52 weeks in a year / 7 days in a week / 2 weeks in a fortnight / 24 hours in a day / 60 minutes in an hour / 60 seconds in a minute.
Days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Saturday + Sunday = the weekend
С днями недели употребляется предлог ON
: I saw her on Sunday
. AT
— со словом weekend
: I will go there at the next weekend.
Months: January, February, March, April, October, November, December
(названия месяцев начинаются с большой буквы).
Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
С месяцами и временами года используется предлог IN
: My birthday is in December, in winter.
Мы можем говорить об отрезках времени, используя следующие выражения:
In the past
people didn’t have computers.
People may travel to Mars in the future
We’ll be with you in a moment
. (a very short time)
Ann is in London at the moment
. (now)
See you soon
! (=in a short time)
We met recently
. (= not long ago)
Годы обозначаются количественными числительными:
1800 — eighteen hundred
1907 — nineteen o seven
1966 — nineteen sixty-six
2000 — twenty hundred / two thousand
2005 — two thousand five
Слово year
не употребляется после обозначения года, но может употребляться перед ним: in
Даты обозначаются порядковыми числительными на письме и в чтении: the
1. В тексте 6 ошибок. Найдите и исправьте их:
I’m going to a party on Saturday for Tom’s birthday. His birthday is on Thursday but he wanted to have the party on the Weekend. He’s having a barbecue. I think June is a good month to have a birthday because of the weather. I love going to barbeques on the summer. My birthday is in Winter and it’s too cold to eat outside!
2. Работайте с партнером. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is the date of your birth?
2. What is your favorite season?
3. What is the third/the first/the last day of the week?
4. What is the last month/the first of the year?
5. Which season is the hottest?
6. Which season is the coldest?
3. Совместите даты с событиями и запишите числительные словами:
1776, 1989, 1815, 1789, 1969, 1917
1. Neil Armstrong became the first man of the Moon … .
2. The Berlin Wall, divining East and West Berlin, was destroyed … .
3. The Russian Revolution occurred and the communists took over … .
4. The Declaration of Independence was written by 13 British Colonies in America … .
5. The Bastille prison in Paris was destroyed … .
6. The Battle of Waterloo resulted in Napoleon’s final defeat … .
Работайте с партнером.
Прочитайте текст:
The weather is a subject we can always talk about. It often changes and brings cold and heat, sunshine and rain, frost and snow. One day is often unlike the next. In summer the sun shines, often there is no wind and there are no clouds in the sky which is blue and beautiful. We can see stars and the moon at night and people like walks, outdoors games and sports in the fresh air.
When autumn comes, the days become shorter and colder. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain with them. Sometimes there is a heavy rain, so that an umbrella or a raincoat is necessary if we don’t want to get wet through. At last frost and snow come.
Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with ice. But spring again brings sunshine and warm winds. Sometimes it snows but snow will not remain long, it will melt in the warm sun. Spring will bring bright sunshine, green grass and flowers.
We usually say: «A nice day», «Not a bad day» if the weather is fine. We can say: «It looks like rain», «It looks like snow» or «It’s bad weather» when the weather is cold.
Расспросите партнера о его любимом времени года, используя идиомы, опорные слова и выражения из текста и следующей таблицы:
I |
Favourite season |
Why — some reasons |
II |
Typical weather |
Raining, winding, snowing etc. typical clothes, length of days, nights. |
Usual activities |
Go to the sea/beach, stay at home, go for a stroll, do shopping. |
IV |
Weekends, holidays |
New Year, Christmas. More presents, go out with friends, family. |
I |
II |
IV |
Работайте с группой. Пользуясь заметками, расскажите группе о любимом времени года вашего партнера. Ответьте
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
An Indian summer
— a period of time in autumn when the weather is warm and sunny / a happy or successful period of time when you are older or near the end of your working life
Day in, day out
also week in, week out
also month in, month out
also year in, year out
— all the time, with no variety
Many moons ago
— a very long time ago.
To hell with sb / sth
— I don’t care about somebody or something.
Be running out of gas
— to have less energy or desire to continue than before.
Lesson 15
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous (have/has been + V4 (-ing))
Мы используем Present Perfect Continuous |
— для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в момент речи. Мы его используем особенно тогда, когда нас интересует процессуальность действия: I’ve been waiting for a whole hour. —
I’ve done my homework. (the Present Perfect) —
I’ve been doing my homework (the Perfect Continuous)
The Present Perfect Continuous
We have been waiting for him for an hour. Let’s go.
We have been waiting for him since 3 o’clock. Let’s go.
Утвердительная форма |
They have been playing football for an hour. Jane has been playing tennis for 40 minutes. |
Вопросительная форма |
How long have they been playing football? How long has Jane been playing tennis? |
Отрицательная форма |
They have not (haven’t) been playing football. Jane has not (hasn’t) been playing tennis. She’s been playing baseball. |
1. Объясните употребление
в следующих предложениях:
1. I have been wishing to
Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
1. Ever since my school days I (to study) mathematics. 2. How long you (to stay) with your friends. 3. I (to learn) French for a year. 4. We (to drive) for hours and we still have not found the right road. 5. She (to have) ten driving lessons up to now. 6. Mary (to write) a novel for the last six months. 7. The British (to drink) tea since 1650. 8. They (to play) chess since 3 o’clock.
3. Прочитайте описание ситуации и напишите два предложения. В
Present Perfect,
— Present Perfect Continuous.
Объясните, чем отличаются по смыслу эти предложения:
1. Jane wants to go out in the rain. She is looking for her umbrella.
She/look for/the umbrella/for half an hour.
She/look for/his raincoat/all over his room.
2. Ralf is washing his suit.
He/wash/it/the whole morning.
He/wash/his shirt/now.
3. Kate isn’t ready for her examination yet.
She/prepare/for it/since the beginning of the month.
She/prepare/30 questions/so far.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Back seat driver
— someone who likes to give the driver of a car advice about how to drive.
Send sb packing
— to make someone leave.
Clear the air
— to discuss a problem to try to solve it or get rid of bad feeling.
A false alarm
— something that seems about to happen, but then does not.
Make an ass of yourself
— to do something which makes people think you are stupid.
Lesson 16
The Future Simple Tense or the Future Continuous Tense
Future Simple (will/shall + V1) |
Future Continuous (shall/will be + …V4 (-ing)) |
Мы используем Future Simple |
Мы используем Future Continuous |
— для выражения ситуаций, действий, намерений в будущем People will live on the moon one day.
— для выражения спонтанных решений, принятых во время разговора Are you having a party? I
— для выражения предложений, обещаний, угроз, надежд, просьб, опасений, предупреждений I’ll ring you tonight if you want.
I’ll be really angry if you’re late again.
— для выражения действий, которые будут длиться в какой-то момент в будущем, и решение о них принято заранее This time next week I’ll be flying to Chicago.
— для выражения прогнозируемых тенденций In 50 years’ time, people will be living on the moon.
— для выражения обычных действий или ситуаций, которые произойдут при естественном ходе событий. Здесь не требуется дополнительных договоренностей I
Will you be using the library this afternoon?
— Наречие probably используется после will, но перед won’t It will probably snow tomorrow.
They probably won’t meet them tomorrow.
— Shall обычно используется при предложении чего-либо, для выражения совета или предложения Shall I get dinner?
Future Simple в вопросительных предложениях может звучать менее вежливо, чем Future Continuous Will you drive me to the airport?
Will you be driving me to the airport
Утвердительная форма |
I shall (‘ll)
I will (‘ll) be lying
Вопросительная форма |
When will
Отрицательная форма |
I shall not (shan’t) ring
I will not (won‘t) be lying
Future Continuous Tense.
1. Next year he (study) at University.
2. If you come at noon, we (eat) lunch.
3. At ten o’clock tomorrow, I (have) my music lesson.
4. We (travel) in Europe this time next month.
5. Don’t call them after six. They (watch) their favorite TV program.
2. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
A: Will the bus arrive soon?
A: Will you be ready soon?
B: Yes, it will. It’ll arrive in ten minutes. B: Yes, I will. I’ll be ready in
a few seconds.
3. Заполните пропуски в данных диалогах:
1. A: Will the tomatoes be ripe soon? |
2. A: Will the film begin soon? |
B: Yes, … . … in a few weeks. |
B: Yes, … . … at six o’clock. |
A: Will Mary get out of the hospital soon? |
A: Will Mr. Brown be home soon? |
B: Yes, … . … in three days. |
B: Yes, … . … in a little while. |
4. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
1. A: Will Alice and Mary stay in London next month?
B: No, they won’t. They are going to Paris.
2. A: Will Tom arrive from Moscow next week?
B: No, he won’t. He is going to stay in Madrid for another two weeks.
3. A: Will you fly to London tomorrow?
B: No, I won’t. I am going to fly to Geneva.
4. A: Will Mary come back next year?
B: No, she won’t. She is going to work in Bombay till next spring.
5. Работайте с партнером. Составьте свои диалоги по образцу из упр. 4, используя данные слова и выражения. Драматизируйте
Bill, come out of prison; Mary, marry John; Jack, stay with his wife; you, cook dinner; your husband, take the children from school.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Miss the boat
also miss the bus
— to fail to take an opportunity.
Take a bath
— to lose a lot of money in business.
Go for a Burton
— to be destroyed or killed.
Do your level best
— to try as hard as you can.
Mum’s the word
— don’t tell anyone about this.
Be going to
Этот оборот используется, чтобы сказать о будущих действиях в следующих ситуациях:
— сказать о своих намерениях и планах: I
I told you I am going to wash up.
— сделать прогноз, особенно когда есть очевидные основания: The sky is gray — I think it is going to rain. It is eight o’clock — Are you going to be late again? Look! That building is going to collapse soon.
Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи not:
I am not
going to see her today.
Употребление оборота be
возможно в прошедшем времени:
I am going to see you. — I was going to see you.
John is going to meet me. — John was not going to meet me.
Are you going to see me? — Yes, I am.
Were you going to see me? — Yes, I was.
Why is John going to meet me? — Why was John going to meet me?
1. Поставьте глагол в правильную грамматическую форму (
), объясните ее употребление:
Model: — I have a terrible headache.
— Have you? Wait for a moment there and I will get an aspirin for you.
1. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: I … (water) the plants.
2. A: What shall we have for supper?
B: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind.
A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision! I’m hungry.
B: Ok then. We … (have) chicken.
3. A: I want to re-paint the walls in my house.
B: Oh, really? What colour … (you/paint) them?
4. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, I … (buy) something to present my wife with.
5. A: We need some jam for lunch.
B: I … (get) some. Do you want anything from the shop?
6. A: Look! There’s smoke coming out of the kitchen. It’s on fire!
B: Good heavens! I … (call) the fire-brigade at once.
2. Соедините обе части предложений по смыслу, используя союз
Model: I am going to save money because I spend too much.
1. I am going to save money.
2. I am going to see my friends more often. 3. I am going to change my job. 4. We are going to travel around Europe. 5. We are going to have French lessons. 6. I am going to spend more time with my parents. 7. We are going to invite more friends for dinner. 8. I am going to get fit. 9. I am not going to take work home. 10. We are going to move. |
a) We don’t speak any foreign languages b) We don’t entertain very much c) I hate my work d) I stay at home all the time e) We always stay in Britain for our holiday f) Our house is too small g) I never see my family h) I want to spend more time with my children i) I spend too much
j) I don’t take enough exercise |
Работайте с партнером. Расспросите партнера о том
, что он собирается делать в выходные,
используя идиомы, опорные слова и выражения из следующей таблицы
I |
Typical activities |
get up late, do some housework, play football, have a meal out, read newspapers and magazines, watch television, go for a walk. |
II |
Favourite activities |
Go for a work, work in the garden, meet some friends and relatives, do fishing/hunting, play with children, cook. |
Questions |
Answers |
I |
II |
Работайте с группой. Пользуясь заметками, расскажите группе о том,
что ваш партнер собирается делать в выходные
. Ответьте на вопросы группы.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Go Dutch (with sb)
— to share the cost of a meal, film etc. with someone.
Be a paper tiger
— to appear to be a lot more powerful than you really are.
Hold the purse strings
— to control the money in a family, business etc.
No great snakes
— not very good.
Modals I
обозначают отношение к действию, т. е. возможность, вероятность, необходимость его совершения. Модальных глаголов десять: can, could, shall, should, may, might, will, would, must, ought to
Модальные глаголы имеют следующие особенности:
1. В третьем лице, единственном числе не присоединяют окончание -
× The boy cans swim.
√ The boy can swim
2. К модальным глаголам присоединяется инфинитив смыслового глагола без to
(bare infinitive), за исключением ought
× You should to go home early.
× You ought go home early.
√ You should go home early.
√ You ought to go home early.
√ The boy can swim.
√ You should go home early.
√ You ought to
go home early
— исключение.
3. В вопросительном предложении модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Must
4. В отрицательном предложении к нему добавляется not
или n
: I
You mustn’t tell lies
Вопросительная форма: Must I do the ironing right now? Can you speak French?
Отрицательная форма: I can not
(can’t) swim. You must not (mustn’t) tell lies.
5. Обычно модальные глаголы не образуют форм Past Simple, за исключением may
(might), can
— Why didn’t you come to Mary’s party yesterday?
— I couldn’t. I had to stay with my mother.
6. Нельзя использовать один модальный глагол после другого:
× She must can do it.
√ She must be able to do it.
× You will can go.
√ You will be able to go.
Обратите внимание: модальные глаголы могут иметь разное значение!
Выражение долженствования, обязанности, необходимости
Глагол |
Значение |
В настоящем (Present) |
В прошлом (Past) |
must should ought to must need needn’t (don’t need to ) |
обязанность, приказ, совет необходимость отсутствие необходимости |
You must
You mustn’t
You should
He ought to
They must have
I need
We needn’t
We don’t need to
You should have
You shouldn’t have
You should have
He ought to have
They had to
I needed
We needn’t have
We didn’t need to
В вопросительном предложении must
имеет значение «обязательно ли должен». Часто в вопросе выражается коннотативное значение раздражения, нежелания выполнить действие: Must
? (Мы обязательно должны это делать сами?)
Выражение умения, способности, возможности производить действие и разрешения
Глагол |
Значение |
В настоящем (Present) |
В прошлом (Past) |
can cannot/can’t can may cannot/ can’t may not |
способность, умение неспособность разрешение запрещение |
She can
He can’t
You can
Visitors may
You can’t
Visitors may not
She could
He could
We could
Visitors could
We couldn’t
Visitors could not
в выражении вежливой просьбы: Could you help me, please?
REMEMBER Английская речь ритмична. Важна смена ударения и безударности. В утвердительной форме модальные глаголы не подвергаются ударению. В краткой вопросительной и отрицательной форме они ударные.
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
You can drive, can’t you? / Can you drive? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t (cannot).
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Your son can write, can’t he? / Can your son write? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t (cannot).
Выражение предположения, вероятности, возможности
Предположение |
Возможность |
в настоящем (Present)
He can’t
He couldn’t
He must
He may
He could
1. Работайте с партнером. Расспросите партнера о том, что он может и чего не может делать, используя идиомы, слова и выражения из следующей таблицы:
Model: Can you swim? → Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
I can drive, but I can’t fly a plane.
Play any musical instruments |
the guitar, the piano, saxophone |
Speak any foreign languages |
French, English, Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, Hindi |
Play any games, do activities |
Baseball, football, tennis, boxing; swimming, riding |
Use |
a computer, vacuum cleaner, mobile phone |
Others |
explain the theory of relativity, recite poetry |
Работайте с группой. Пользуясь заметками, расскажите группе о том, что может, и чего не может делать ваш партнер. Ответьте на вопросы группы.
2. Составьте правила поведения клиентов в гостинице, используя следующие глаголы.
Model: The guests mustn’t
smoke in the room!
— leave valuables (ценные вещи) in the room,
— bring friends after 11 p. m.,
— take the keys with them, when they go somewhere,
— drop litter on the floor,
— make noise,
— usurp the hotel’s towels and bathrobes,
— take pets in bed,
— have sex.
3. Представьте, что вы сдаете квартиру внаем. Составьте список правил для жильцов.
__________________ __________________
__________________ ___________________
__________________ ___________________
4. Переведите следующие предложения:
Model: She must be
at home now.
→ Она должно быть
дома сейчас.
1. You must be very hungry.
2. He must be very busy at this moment. Don’t ring him up.
3. It must be very difficult to learn a foreign language.
5. Подчеркните правильный модальный глагол в следующих предложениях:
1. She didn’t need / needn’t have to take any money because her friend was going to pay.
2. We needn’t have / couldn’t have ordered so much food as nobody was hungry.
3. I don’t need to / shouldn’t wear glasses because my eyesight is still quite good.
4. You need / must be a member of the library before you can borrow books.
6. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги:
1. A: Should I buy a blue blouse or a pink one?
B: I think you should buy a pink one.
A: Why do you say that?
B: Pink goes better with the color of your hair.
2. A: Should we vote for the Democrats or the Communists?
B: I think we should vote for the Democrats.
A: What makes you say that?
B: The Democrats think more about the future than the Communists.
3. A: Should I marry Linda or Jane?
B: I think I should marry Linda.
A: How come?
B: Linda is more beautiful than Jane.
Работайте с партнером. Составьте свой диалог по образцу из упр. 6, используя собственные слова. Драматизируйте его:
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Whoop it up
— to have a lot of fun with a group of friends.
Try your wings
— to try to do something new.
Be with it
— to feel intelligent and organized.
Crack the whip
— to control people and force them to work harder.
Cupboard love
— pretended love, especially as shown by animals or children to people who give them things they want.
Modals II
У ряда модальных глаголов есть эквиваленты, которые используют для выражения модальности в прошлом и будущем:
can = be able to
may = be allowed to
must |
= have to |
= be to |
Глаголы to be, to have
спрягаются, принимая соответствующую временную форму: My grandmother was not able to walk at 70.
Вопросы и отрицания с have
требуют вспомогательных глаголов do
– You came home late yesterday. Did
you have
to work
all day?
– No, I didn’t
. I just had to
late to finish my report.
Выражение долженствования, обязанности, необходимости
Значение |
В настоящем (Present) |
В прошлом (Past) |
have to be to |
должен — вынужден, обстоятельства вынуждают, обязывают строгие предписания должен — моральный долг обязывает |
Sorry, I have to go now. My train is leaving in a minute. At the West Point Military Academy the cadets have to obey very strict rules. We are students. We are to work hard. |
I had to go yesterday — I was missing my train. When I was a cadet I had to obey very strict rules. We were to work hard when we were students. |
Выражение умения, способности, возможности производить действие и разрешения
Оборот |
Значение |
В настоящем (Present) |
В прошлом (Past) |
be able to be allowed to |
физическая и умственная способность выполнить действие разрешение |
She’s able to
She isn’t able to
Visitors are allowed
Visitors are not allowed to
She was able to
She wasn’t able to
Visitors were allowed to
Visitors were not allowed to
Переведите пары предложений и объясните различие между ними:
. — Она не могла приготовить такой большой ужин.
. — Ей не надо готовить такой большой ужин.
I cannot read French books. You need not read so many books.
They could not come in time. They need not come in time.
She could not buy that dress. She need not buy a new dress.
The boy cannot lock the door. The boy need not lock the door.
2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски с помощью глагола
и следующих глаголов:
do, put, obey (
), run, look, polish, tell, stand, sit, memorize (
), touch, get, go, tell, be.
Tom, a first year cadet at West Point, is writing a letter to his brother. West Point is the United States Army Military Academy. It is a very strict (жесткий, суровый) school, and there are many rules (правила) the cadets must obey.
Dear Joe,
How are you doing? Well, here I am at West Point. Life here is very difficult. We have to obey a thousand rules. A first-year cadet is nothing here. We … everything that an upperclassman tells us to do. Upperclassmen always tell the new cadets to do a lot of crazy things. For example, we … down our suitcases and pick them up again about fifty times. And we … up and down the stairs ten times.
Our uniform is very important. They … perfect at all times. I … my shoes about three times a day. If an upperclassman can’t see his reflection in our shoes, we … them again.
Cadets … at attention when they speak to upperclassmen. When we stand at attention, our chins … our chests. We even … at attention when we eat our meals. You won’t believe some of the other stupid things. We … the menu for lunch and dinner every day. When an upperclassman asks «What’s for dinner?» we … him: «Roast, chicken, potatoes, carrots, salad and apple pie, Sir». Also, if an upperclassman wants a Coke, we … to the soda machine and … a Coke for him.
Honor is important at West Point. Cadets … honest at everything they do. For example, if you know that another cadet lied or cheated on a test, you … the commander.
I don’t have time to write any more. I … to class now.
Please write to me. I’m very lonely here. It’s very different from high school and home.
See you at Christmas,
Upperclassman —
, reflection —
, stand at attention —
, chin —
, chest —
, honor —
, lie —
, cheat —
3. Работайте с партнером. Ваш друг учится в университете и живет в общежитии. Расспросите о его обязанностях, используя следующие выражения:
— Yes, I do. Our classes begin at eight.
— Do you have to cook for yourself ?
— No, I needn’t. There is a canteen at the University.
To stay late, to attend lectures, to prepare for the seminars, to study two foreign languages, to wash the clothes, to work a lot at the library, to work part time, to work hard to get ready for exams.
4. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол из списка:
Why … not you understand it? It’s so easy!
You … not have bought this meat: we have everything for dinner.
We … not carry the bookcase upstairs. It’s too heavy.
We … not carry this sofa upstairs ourselves: the workers will come and do it.
can, can, can, must, must, required to, must not, should, allowed to, do not have to.
Overseas visitors … use their usual driving licences in New South Wales but … have proof that they are simply visiting. You are also … carry your licence with you whenever you are driving. You … drive without wearing a seat belt. Driving is not the ideal way to get around central Sydney, although a car … be very convenient for journeys into the suburbs and further afield. If you are planning to use a car you … purchase a good street directory. The city centre is often congested and it … be difficult to find a parking place. Look out for the blue and white ‘P’ signs. You … pay at a meter after 6.30 pm on weekends, on Saturday afternoons and all day Sunday.
At some intersections, which are clearly signposted, drivers are … make a left-hand turn at a red light after stopping, but … give way to pedestrians.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Clip sb’s wings
— to limit someone’s freedom or power.
One-horse town
— a place with few comforts and activities; a dull rural town.
Have your cake end eat it too
— to spend or use something up but still have it; to have two things when you must choose one.
Go to the dogs
— to decline in looks or health; to be ruined or destroyed; to ruin oneself.
Buy a pig in a poke
— to buy something without seeing or examining it.
Modals III
Конструкции с модальными глаголами могут использоваться в следующих ситуациях:
— Shall I take the exam now or wait till later?
— Should I go by car or by bus?
— Would you accept the job if you were me?
— You should get your hair cut.
— You should have had to drink less.
— You ought to use a dictionary.
— You ought to have revised a bit more.
— Can/Could I ask you to do me a favor?
— Would you do me a favor? (более вежливо)
— Would you help me carry this bag?
— May I use your telephone?
— Will you please be quiet in here.
выразить готовность сделать что-то, предложить помощь, подать идею:
— Shall I help you clear the room?
— Can I give you a hand with your luggage?
— Would you like a lift to the railway station?
— Shall we open the window?
— We can stay in tonight if you like.
— You can have the day off.
— You can’t borrow my car tonight, because I need it.
— Could I leave the office early today?
— You may register for the exam until the end of September. (более официально)
1. Прочитайте описание ситуации и задайте подходящие вопросы, пользуясь
… или
… .
1. Tomorrow is your husband’s/wife’s birthday and you don’t know what to present him/her with. Ask your friend for advice.
What … .
2. You’ve just seen a bag in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not. Ask your friend for advice.
3. You and your family haven’t decided what to have for dinner. You say … .
4. Your boss wants you to call him/her up. You don’t know what time to call up. Ask him/her.
What … .
5. You’re going out. But there is a strong possibility that it will rain and you aren’t sure whether to take an umbrella or not. Ask your friend for advice.
6. You and your husband/wife are going to a restaurant. You haven’t decided whether to go by car or on foot. You say … .
Model: — Shall I do the shopping now?
— No, you needn’t. You can do it later.
1. — Shall I type this advertisement now?
— No, … . You … later.
2. — Shall I clean the flat today?
— No, … . You … tomorrow.
3. — Shall I go to the bank this morning?
— No, … . You … this afternoon.
3. Задайте вопросы к следующим ситуациям:
Model: — You want to borrow your friend’s camera. What do you say to him/her?
— Could I borrow your camera?
1. You have a car and you want to give your mother-in -law a lift. What do you say?
Can I ______________________________________?
2. You have to go to the railway station but you don’t know how to get there. Ask a passer-by.
Could you__________________________________?
3. You are at an interview. You want to smoke a cigarette.
May I______________________________________?
4. You want to invite your cousin to stay with you for the weekend.
Would you like_______________________________?
5. You want to leave work early because you have some important things to do. Ask a permission.
Mr. Goldsmith, do you think I______________________________?
6. Your neighbour is listening to loud rock music. Ask him politely to turn it down.
Do you think you____________________________?
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Dressed to the nines
— wearing fashionable clothing; dressed to attract attention.
Show must go on
— the proceedings must continue regardless of any catastrophe or difficulty; nothing can stop what has been planned.
Monkey business
— silliness or fooling around; dishonest or illegal activities; idiotic pranks.
Touch and go
— very risky, uncertain, or critical.
White elephant
— any possession that is useless, unwanted, or costs a lot of money to keep.
Reading and Speaking Practice
Topic 2
Culture Corner
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какие факты, упомянутые в тексте, для вас:
А) интересны;
В) необычны;
С) новы;
D) знакомы.
There is, perhaps, an excuse for people who use the word «England» when they mean «Britain». It cannot be denied that the dominant culture of Britain today is specifically English. The system of politics that is used in all four nations today is of English origin, and English is the main language of all four nations. Many aspects of everyday life are organized according to English custom and practice. But the political unification of Britain was not achieved by mutual agreement. On the contrary. It happened because England was able to exert her economic and military power over the other three nations.
Today English domination can be detected in the way in which various aspects of British public life are described. For example, the supply of money in Britain is controlled by the Bank of England (there is no such thing as a «Bank of Britain»). The present queen of the country is universally known as «Elizabeth the Second», even though Scotland and Northern Ireland have never had an «Elizabeth the First»! (Elizabeth I of England and Wales ruled from 1553 to 1603.) The term «Anglo» is also commonly used. (The Angles were a Germanic tribe who settled in England in the fifth century. The word «England» is derived from their name.) For example, newspapers and the television news talk about «Anglo-American relations» to refer to relations between the governments of Britain and the USA (and not just those between England and the USA).
I. True or False
Определите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту, исправьте неверные утверждения.
1. People usually call Great Britain just England.
2. English is the main language of all four nations.
3. The political unification of Britain was achieved by mutual agreement.
4. The most important bank of Great Britain is called the Bank of Britain.
5. Elizabeth the First was the queen of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
6. The term ‘Anglo-American relations’ refers to relations between England and the USA.
II. Multiple choice
Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
1. Why do people use the word «England»’ when they mean «Britain»?
a) Because they want to excuse for that.
b) Because the dominant culture of Britain is English.
c) Because they live there.
2. This is NOT the reason why people use the word «England» when they mean «Britain»:
a) The system of politics that is used in all four nations today is of English origin;
b) English is the main language of all four nations;
c) Many aspects of everyday life are organized according to English custom and practice;
d) More people live in England.
3. How was the political unification achieved?
a) It happened because nobody was against;
b) It happened because England was the best place to live;
c) It happened because England was more powerful than the other three nations.
4. What statement expresses the massage of the text best of all?
a) England is a great country;
b) The dominance of England in Great Britain is evident;
c) English culture is very rich.
III. Summary
Задание 4. В предложенной аннотации вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.
Four, Great Britain, language, dominant, dominance, custom, powerful, politics.
People usually call … just England. There are … reasons for that. First, the … culture of Britain today is English. Second, the system of … that is used in all four nations today is of English origin. Third, English is the main … of all four nations. And finally, many aspects of everyday life are organized according to English … and practice. It happened because England was more … than the other three nations.
The … of England in Great Britain is evident.
IV. Speaking practice
Задание 5. Примите участие в беседе, опираясь на информацию, полученную из текста. Дополните
Your friend: Well, I would like to go to England.
You: Do you mean Great Britain?
Your friend: Yes, and what is the difference?
You: England is just one part of Great Britain. Great Britain consists of … .
Your friend: Why do people call Great Britain just England?
You: Because … .
Your friend: Why did it happen?
You: You see, … .
Your friend: Can you give any examples of England’s dominance?
You: Sure, … .
Your friend: Those are interesting facts to know!
Задание 6. Инсценируйте диалог.
Задание 7. Подумайте над следующей проблемной ситуацией. Попытайтесь объяснить её, пользуясь информацией из текста:
In I970, the BBC showed a series of programmes about the history of the British Empire. Before the series started, they advertised it. The advertisement mentioned ‘England’s history’. Within a few hours, the BBC had received thousands of angry calls of protest and it was forced to make an apology. Who do you think the angry callers were? Why did the BBC apologize?
Modulus 3
Lesson 21
The Adverb
1. прилагательное + ly = наречие clear — clearly happy — happily exact — exactly serious — seriously bad — badly But: good — well |
They are happy children He got a bad/good mark He is a serious man |
She smiled happily He answered badly/well They do everything seriously |
2. прилагательное = наречие hard late far fast early |
It’s a hard task We took a fast train It was a late hour I am an early bird It’s a far country |
Think hard about it He always drives fast We came home late I always get up early How far is it? |
Обратите внимание на различие в значениях наречий:
Those birds fly high (
He lives near his office (
It’s late (
This workers work hard (
1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях наречиями из списка:
1. I … cook dinner.
2. My husband … watches TV.
3. She … eats breakfast.
4. He … drinks champagne at parties.
I always … .
I usually … .
I sometimes … .
I rarely … .
I never … .
3. Некоторые наречия имеют две формы
различными значениями. Заполните пропуски в предложениях и объясните различия в значениях наречий:
hard / hardly
I work very … .
I can … believe the news.
late / lately
I’ve been to the cinema a lot … .
Don’t ring too … .
real / really
If that coat is made of … fur, I don’t want it.
I’m … sorry for that happened.
awful / awfully
The exam was … difficult.
My hair feels … — I must wash it.
quick / quickly
If you’re going shopping, please be … .
My father drives very … .
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Put your shoulder to the wheel
— to make a great effort; to begin to work hard.
Once in a blue moon
— almost never; very seldom; hardly ever.
Make your mouth water
— to look so attractive and desirable that it makes you want to have it very much; to want to eat or drink something that looks or smells delicious.
Lose your shirt
— to lose everything, especially money.
Hit the hay
— to go to bed.
Lesson 22
The Past Simple Tense or the Past Continuous Tense
Past Simple (V2 (-ed)) |
Past Continuous (was/were + V4 (-ing)) |
Мы используем Past Simple |
Мы используем Past Continuous |
— для выражения действий или состояний в прошлом, когда есть указание на время действия Long ago people built houses out of wood.
— для выражения действий в прошлом, идущих в хронологической последовательности. Yesterday I got up early, drank a cup of coffee and drove to work. In the evening I watched TV and then walked my dog. Then I got to bed.
— с такими словами-спутниками как a year ago, last Monday, yesterday
I graduated from the University five years ago.
— для выражения действия, которое продолжалось в какой-то момент или период времени в прошлом He was listening to the news on television at nine o’clock last night.
It was pouring with rain all day and she was wondering what to do.
— вместе с Past Simple, чтобы сказать о действии, которое произошло во время другого действия I was sleeping when my friend called.
Утвердительная форма |
I saw
I was
Вопросительная форма |
When did
Отрицательная форма |
I didn’t (did not) see
I wasn’t (was not)
1. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и драматизируйте их:
1. A: I saw you yesterday, but you didn’t see me.
B: Really? When?
A: At about 3:15. You were getting out of a police car.
B: That wasn’t me. Yesterday at 3:15 I was cooking dinner.
A: Hmm. I guess I made a mistake.
2. A: I saw you yesterday, but you didn’t see me.
B: Really? When?
A: At about 10:30. You were riding your bicycle along Main Street.
B: That wasn’t me. Yesterday at 10:30 I was watching TV.
A: Hmm. I guess I made a mistake.
2. Работайте с партнером. Составьте собственные диалоги, используя данные слова:
Getting out of a taxi — sleeping, walking out of the shop — cleaning my apartment, jogging through the park — fixing my car, getting on a bus — playing table-tennis.
Составьте свой диалог. Драматизируйте его:
4. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную грамматическую форму (
1. He (have) an accident because he (drive) too fast.
2. We (not/drink) anything because we (not/be) thirsty.
3. Somebody (knock) at the door when Bob (have a shower).
4. Barbara (not/waste) much time reading love stories because she (not/be) interested in them.
5. While we (wait) for the bus Mary (buy) some newspapers at the news-stall.
6. I (see) a nice dress in the shop when I (come) to my parents yesterday.
5. Выразите свое несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя информацию в скобках:
Model: I think John was reading a magazine while waiting for his wife. (do a crossword)
No, he wasn’t. He was doing a crossword.
I believe Jack was talking to that pretty girl when you come. (to his mother)
No, he wasn’t. …
I suppose they were still dancing when he returned. (leave the house)
No, they weren’t. …
I think Jane was looking at Fred when Tom saw her. (the other way)
No, she wasn’t. Jane … .
6. Работайте с партнером. Представьте, что ваш друг только что приехал из отпуска.
Расспросите его о том, как он провел отпуск, используя идиомы, опорные слова и выражения из следующей таблицы:
I |
Transport |
Travel/go … by air, sea, rail; by car, taxi, bus; by public transport; on foot |
II |
Accommodation |
Stay in a/an… hotel, self-catering flat, motel, camp, cabin, cottage |
Weather |
Sunny, warm, fine, dry, wet, hot, windy; heat wave, thunderstorm, breeze; all the time; several days |
IV |
Activities |
Have a good holiday, swim in the sea, go to the beach, go to the disco, make some new friends, go sightseeing |
I |
II |
IV |
Работайте с группой. Пользуясь заметками, расскажите группе о том, как ваш партнер провел отпуск. Ответьте
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
— selling for quick profit then disappearing; a swindler or unreliable person.
Dutch treat
— each person pays for his or her own food and entertainment.
Can’t fight city hall
— an ordinary person cannot win a struggle against an administrative system.
Better half
— either partner in marriage.
At the end of sb rope
— at the limit of sb ability, endurance, or patience to do sth.
Lesson 23
The Past Perfect Tense or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect (had + V3 (-ed)) |
Past Perfect Continuous (had been + V4 (-ing)) |
Мы используем Past Perfect |
Мы используем Past Perfect Continuous |
— для выражения действия, которые закончились до какого-либо момента в прошлом, обозначенного другим действием или указанием времени: By midnight, all the guests had left.
— для выражения действия, которое длилось до какого-то момента в прошлом They had been climbing for five hours before they reached the top of the mountain.
I had been feeling sleepy all day so I went to bed early
Утвердительная форма |
My brothers had
We had been driving
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
My brothers hadn’t
We hadn’t (had not) been driving
1. Соедините обе части предложений по смыслу:
1. Fleming was studying influenza |
a) while he was sitting under an apple tree |
2. Columbus discovered America |
b) when he discovered penicillin |
3. Hillary and Tenzing reached the top of Everest |
c) though at first he believed he had reached Asia |
4. Scott reached the South Pole in 1912 |
d) after they had been climbing for several days |
5. Newton made his great discovery |
e) but Amundsen had beaten him by month |
2. Соедините два предложения в одно, следуя модели:
Model: I expected the letter several days. Then the postman brought it to me.
I had been expecting the letter several days before the postman brought it to me.
1. The scientists conducted the research for many years. Then they achieved satisfactory results.
The scientists … before … .
2. He stayed in the hotel for two weeks. Then I arrived.
He … before … .
3. The students wrote the test paper. Then I came.
The students … when … .
4. They drove in the car for many hours. Then they came to the crossroads.
They … before … .
3. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках:
Model: When I came to Moscow, I telephoned a friend of mine but I could only speak to her sister. (She/already/leave/for her office) She had already left for her office.
1. When I rang them up, they were at home. (They/already/return/from the market)
2. I began to look for his address in my notebook but I could not find it. (I/not/write it down)
3. They discussed this question for two hours. (However/they/not come to a definite conclusion)
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
All thumbs
— awkward and clumsy, especially with the hands.
Bleeding heart
— an extremely softhearted person who feels compassion or pity towards all people, including those who may not deserve sympathy.
Busy as a beaver
— working very hard; extremely industrious.
Catch someone red-handed
— to catch someone in the act of doing sth wrong.
Keep a stiff upper lip
— to be brave and not show emotion in a time of trouble.
Lesson 24
The Future Perfect Tense and the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect (will have + V3 (-ed)) |
Future Perfect Continuous (will have been + V4 (-ing)) |
Мы используем Future Perfect |
Мы используем Future Perfect Continuous |
— для выражения действия, которое закончится к определенному моменту в будущем When I finish this book it means I will have read
— для выражения действия, начавшегося до определенного момента в будущем и продолжающегося в течение известного периода вплоть до этого момента. By next June he will have been living here for ten years.
Утвердительная форма |
I will have finished
By the 1st
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
I won’t (will not) have finished
By the 1st
Форма the Future Perfect Continuous Tense является книжной и употребляется редко и, главным образом, в письменной речи.
1. Закончите предложения, используя слова из списка, и переведите их:
be, finish, sleep, fly
1. I … in London for ten years by next June.
2. By Friday, I … this book.
3. Wake me up by nine o’clock. — I … long enough by then.
4. It’s strange that when we get to Sydney, we … half way round the world.
2. Раскройте скобки, используя
, и переведите предложения:
1. I am sure they (complete) the new road by August.
2. By the time next year you (forget) all your troubles.
3. If you don’t make note of that appointment, you (forget) it by the next week.
4. By the time you arrive, I (finish) reading your magazine.
5. A century from now, wars, I hope (become) a thing of the past.
3. Составьте вопросительные предложения из следующих слов и выражений. Используйте
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous:
scientists / discover how to prolong human life by the middle of this century,
we / manage to contact life in another galaxy by the year 2050,
when the project is completed / they / work on it for five whole years,
robots / take over the world in a hundred years from now.
4. Напишите о себе небольшое эссе на тему «
Model: «I shall have married twice … I shall have finished the University ... I shall have worked for 30 years for a firm …»
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Kill two birds with one stone
— to do two things by one action; to get two results with just one effort.
Like two peas in a pod
— identical; alike in looks and behavior.
Head in a clouds
— absent-minded; daydreaming; lost in thought.
Footloose and fancy-free
— not attached to anyone; not involved with anyone romantically; free.
On the cuff
— on credit; to be paid later.
Lesson 25
Verbals: Gerund and Infinitive
— это неличная форма глагола, выражающая действие как процесс, но не имеющая категории лица, числа, наклонения. Он никогда не выступает в роли простого сказуемого и выражает время по отношению к моменту действия, выраженного в личной форме
одновременное или предшествующее. Герундий сочетает свойства глагола и существительного, выполняет в предложении синтаксические функции существительного.
Формы герундия
Active Passive |
Герундий, как глагол
— может определяться наречием и иметь при себе прямое дополнение: I
как существительное
— выполняет в предложении функции существительного, являясь подлежащим (Dancing
), дополнением (I
), обстоятельством (She
), определением (Don
), частью сказуемого (In
— сочетается с предлогами: I am very tired of riding;
— определяется притяжательными местоимениями и существительными в притяжательном падеже: We
ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ: Отглагольное существительное
также имеет окончание -
и по форме сходно с простым герундием, отличие в том, что оно не имеет категории залога и времени, употребляется с артиклем, принимает форму множественного числа, определяется прилагательным, стоящим перед ним или существительным с предлогом
стоящим после него
— глаголов admit, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, finish, mind, miss, postpone, practice, quit, recall, regret, report, resent, resist, resume, risk, suggest, propose:
I finished washing the dishes;
— глаголов с предлогом approve of, be better of, confess to, count on, depend on, give up, insist on, look forward to, object to, keep on, put off, rely on, succeed in, think about, think of, worry about:
Bob gave up smoking because of his doctor advice;
— прилагательных с предлогом accustomed to, afraid to, capable of, fond of, intent on, interested in, successful in, tired of:
Jean is afraid of getting married now;
— существительных с предлогом choice of, excuse for, intention of, method for/of, possibility of, reason for:
There is no reason for leaving this early.
: We regret not going
to the party last night.
— to
— неличная, неспрягаемая форма глагола. Его признаком служит частица to
Формы инфинитива
Active |
Passive |
to ask to write |
to be asked to be written |
to be asking to be writing |
to have asked to have written |
to have been asked to have been written |
Perfect Continuous
to have been asking to have been writing |
Инфинитив может выполнять функции:
— подлежащего (It is useless to discuss this question
— обстоятельства цели (Laws were not made to be broken
— определения (Forget it. It isn’t worth to worry about
— дополнения (She had learned to dance at this school
— части сказуемого (The cabin was not easy to find
— глаголов afford, agree, arrange, begin, decide, expect, hope, intend, learn, manage, offer, need, plan, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, seem, start, threaten, want, would like/love, would prefer, regret, remember, try, forget,
allow, ask, command, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remind, reach, tell, want, warn:
My sister want to study literature.
— прилагательных anxious, boring, dangerous, hard, eager, easy, good, strange, pleased, prepared, ready, able, usual, common, difficult:
It is dangerous to drive in this weather.
Герундий и инфинитив употребляются после:
— глаголов start
(без изменения значения)
My brother started to learn the gitar two years ago.
— после глаголов like
с небольшой разницей в значении I
) / I like to swim every day when I’m on holiday (
— после глаголов forget, go on, mean, regret, remember, stop, try
с полным изменением значения:
(Я всегда буду помнить об этом) /
(Мне следовало это сделать, но я не сделал);
I regret to inform you that you’ve failed the test (
) / My sister regrets leaving school (
1. Перестройте предложения, используя герундий в качестве подлежащего:
Model: It is very relaxing to listen to music. → Listening to music is very relaxing.
1. It is difficult to speak another language well.
2. One of my favourite things is to go shopping.
3. It is illegal to drive a car when you are 15.
4. It is a good idea to talk about things that worry you.
2. Выберите инфинитив или герундий в следующих предложениях:
He gave up to smoke/smoking.
I don’t want to go/going out tonight. I am too tired.
Don’t forget to lock/locking the door before to go/going to bed.
I must remember to go/going to the dentist on Wednesday.
Everybody helped to clean/cleaning up after the party.
I have finished to decorate/decorating the house.
3. Закончите предложения, выражая свою точку зрения:
1. I’m really interested in … .
2. I’m looking forward to … .
3. … is something that makes me nervous.
4. … is one of my favourite things to do at the weekend.
4. Ответьте на вопросы, пользуясь словами в скобках. Используйте инфинитив в качестве обстоятельства цели, подчеркните его в предложении.
Model: Why do you wear glasses? (show/I/ serious)
I wear glasses to show
I am serious.
1. Why did she do to the library? (borrow/some/books)
2. Why did John write the letter? (remind/Ben/about/his/promise)
3. Why is Barbara putting her house on fire? (get/her/insurance)
4. Why are you driving so fast? (arrive/in/my/office/on/time)
5. Закончите предложения, используя слова в скобках. Переведите
If you want to be successful, you’ll have to get used to……… (work hard).
Nick was soon tired. He was not used……….………the stairs (climbing).
He used to…………………………..…when I spoke (listen attentively).
When I was in the country I got used to……..…….…………(drink milk).
When I was a child, I used to ……………………………(collect stamps).
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Out of here
— good-bye; I’m going; I’m leaving.
Pull your leg
— to tease or fool someone; to jokingly try to lie to sb.
Shot in the arm
— sth that lifts your spirits, energy, and confidence.
Throw a curve
— to surprise someone in an unpleasant way; to mislead or lie.
Upper crust
— high society; social or financial elite; important people.
Lesson 26
Verbals: The Participle I The Participle II
является неличной формой глагола и имеет окончание -
Оно занимает промежуточное положение между глаголом и прилагательным, а также частично между глаголом и наречием. Причастие I имеет форму времени и залога, но время действия, выраженное Причастием I, имеет относительное значение, т. е. обозначает одновременность или предшествование по отношению к действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме (He
). Глагольные свойства Причастия I совпадают с глагольными свойствами герундия, оно может:
— иметь прямое дополнение (Opening the door, he went out on the street
— определяться наречием (The children were really excited about opening their presents
) .
Функции определения и обстоятельства
являются общими как для Причастия I, так и для герундия. НО:
герундий в этих функциях всегда употребляется с предлогом, а Причастие I — без предлога либо с союзами when или while (в роли обстоятельства времени). Do you know the woman talking to Tom? Feeling hungry, I decided to make myself a sandwich.
Причастие I употребляется для образования сложных глагольных
(When I arrived at the party everyone was dancing.
также является неличной формой глагола и имеет окончание -
, у неправильных глаголов оно соответствует V3. В предложении Причастие II может быть:
— определением (Books borrowed from the library must be returned in two weeks.
— обстоятельством (Deeply affected, he left the room.
— частью сказуемого (The gate was locked
1. Образуйте
1 от следующих глаголов:
To talk, to come, to know, to say, to change, to hear, to show, to arrive, to do, to open, to give, to laugh.
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод причастий. Определите их функцию в предложении:
1. Leaving the cinema the people were talking about the film.
2. The boy was looking at me smiling.
3. Walking slowly along the street he met his friends.
4. Two smiling girls sat on the bench talking gaily.
5. There were many people standing at the bus stop.
6. I am talking to my old friend.
от следующих глаголов:
To use, to write, to repeat, to discuss, to invite, to attack, to bring, to play, to leave, to give, to open, to spend, to see, to take.
4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод причастий. Определите их функцию в предложении:
1. He stopped before a closed door.
2. A car driven by an old man came along the road.
3. This film was shown last night.
4. The man called Peter came up to us.
5. We could not see the sun covered by dark clouds.
6. Have you already heard the latest news?
5. Раскройте скобки, используя
1. This is a letter (to address) to you.
2. (to go) through the perk, I met him.
3. I like to read stories (to write) by this author.
4. (to translate) this article we learned some interesting facts.
5. She found the key (to lose) by me yesterday.
6. Do you know the boys (to play) tennis?
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Not have a clue
not to know (anything).
A cog in the machine
— someone who does a small and possibly unimportant job in a large organization.
Be at a low abb
— to be at a low level or in a bad situation.
Bust a gut
— to work very hard.
Hang in there!
— continue doing what you are trying to do.
The Complex sentence
Сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из главной и придаточной (или нескольких) частей. Придаточные делятся на разные типы. Сложносочиненное состоит из двух и более равноправных частей.
Типы сложных предложений
Типы придаточных предложений:
1. Определительные придаточные предложения:
Местоимения who
часто могут опускаться:
The girl (whom) I met yesterday
was beautiful.
The book (which) I read
was very boring.
Предлоги обычно находятся в конце придаточного предложения:
I spoke to
a boy. → He is the boy (who) I was spoke to
2. Придаточные, вносящие дополнительную информацию
сообщают информацию, которая может быть опущена, и выделяются запятыми: Mary
Они могут относиться и к одному слову, и ко всей части предложения: We
В этих придаточных относительные местоимения всегда сохраняются: Chocolate
3. Придаточные причины и следствия
присоединяются следующими конструкциями:
1. so
— с исчисляемыми существительными:
I have got so many CDs that
I don’t know where to put them!
2. so much/so little (that)
с неисчисляемыми существительными:
They spent so much time in the park that
they missed their bus.
3. so
с прилагательными и наречиями:
I’m so glad (that)
I passed my exam.
4. such
с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе:
I had such a fabulous day (that)
I didn’t want to go home.
5. such
с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и неисчисляемыми существительными:
It was such good news (that)
we couldn’t believe it!
Наречия too, enough могут выражать отрицательное отношение к чему-то — что-то нежелательно или раздражает: I
I feel
sick! My coffee’s too hot. I can’t drink it. It was cold enough to snow. I’ve had enough food.
4. Придаточные времени
, которые присоединяются следующими конструкциями:
+ Present Simple
Когда событие в будущем уже произойдет |
I’ll see you after I get back home. |
As soon as
Непосредственно после какого-то события |
As soon as they arrive at the station, call a taxi. |
Раньше какого-либо события в будущем |
Finish your work before Mum comes home. |
By the time (that)
К тому времени как… |
He’ll have gone by the time you get here. |
В то же время как… |
Make sure you insure the house immediately. |
Непосредственно за каким-то событием в будущем |
Once she arrives, we can start. |
Представь, что… |
Supposing you fall ill, what will you do? |
До того времени, как…(продолжать) |
Keep reading until I tell you to stop. |
Непосредственно за событием в будущем |
I’ll call you when I/m free. |
В любое время |
Phone me whenever it’s convenient. |
В течение какого-то времени |
Let’s forget work while we’re on holiday. |
5. Придаточные условия,
которые присоединяются следующими конструкциями:
+ Present Simple
Если |
If the weather is fine… |
As/so long as
Но только если… |
I’ll come as/so long as you pay. |
(just) in case
Это возможно в случае… |
Take an umbrella just in case it rains. |
On condition that
При условии, что… |
I’ll lend you money on condition that you give it back soon. |
Provided/providing (that)
Только в случае если… |
We’ll get there on time provided we leave now. |
За исключением… |
We won’t go for a walk unless it’s sunny. |
Whether (…or not)
Вводит возможные или альтернативные события в будущем |
Whether we win or not depends on how committed we are. |
союзами if
могут присоединяться придаточные, отвечающие на вопрос «что». В этом случае, вместо Present Simple используется Future Simple: I doubt if/whether Ann will come. I don’t know when they’ll come back.
Прочитайте текст, найдите в нем придаточные, вносящие дополнительную информацию
We think we are most advanced creatures on the planet. But if we look a little deeper, we will realize that all our inventions, which make life easier, are really just copies of things already found in nature. Here are a few examples of the incredible things animals can do.
We may have invented heat-seeking cameras which find disaster victims, but snakes can ‘see’ heat. Rattlesnakes have sensors which can detect small changes in temperature. They ‘see’ us by the heat that surrounds us, so they can find their prey in the dark. Even our footprints leave some warmth, which can be detected long after we have passed. This means snakes know where we are and where we have been.
We discovered electricity and ways of looking for it. However, creatures which live in the sea have electrosensors which can detect electricity. A swimmer who is injured gives off electricity — his heartbeat and his nerves flashing on and off in panic. A shark wouldn’t ‘see’ him through its eyes, which are very small, but it would fell the swimmer’s fear.
Составьте из пар предложений одно, используя соответствующие местоимения и знаки препинания, где это необходимо:
The Asian elephant is a large mammal. Its pregnancy lasts 22 months.
The anabas is a fish. It can climb trees.
The chameleon is a lizard. It can change colour.
The mosquito is a malaria-carrying insect. It causes 2000000 deaths a year.
The tiger is only found in Asia. It is the largest member of the cat family.
Camels are used for trips across the desert. They can drink 113 litres of water in half an hour.
The ostrich is the world’s tallest bird. It cannot fly.
Electric eels kill fish by electrocuting them. They eat half of their body weight in food every day.
3. Запишите несколько дат, имен, названий и объясните, что они означают, следуя модели:
Model: 1960 — That was the year when I was born.
4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя
и слова из списка. Переведите
large, fast, warm, meat
1. This dress isn’t … . — I need a larger size.
2. Have we got enough … for the barbecue?
3. He didn’t run … enough to win the race.
4. If the weather is …, we’ll have a beach party.
5. Подчеркните правильное слово в следующих предложениях:
It was such a / such hot weather we didn’t need sweaters.
The day passed such / so quickly that I didn’t notice the time.
We got home so / such a late that everyone had gone to bed.
There was so / such loud music we couldn’t hear each other speak.
6. Подчеркните правильное слово в следующих предложениях и переведите их:
1. Until/When
he arrives, everyone must stand.
2. Please phone your dad by the time/immediately.
3. As soon as/ Before
you hear the alarm, run for the exit.
4. Supposing/In case
you had a baby girl — what would you call her?
5. We’re not going to stop digging until/ as soon as
we find the ancient ruins.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Under the weather
— sick; not well; in trouble with money.
With flying colors
— with ease and great success; in triumph.
Rain or shine —
no matter what happens; whatever the weather is like.
No spring chicken
— not young any more.
Nothing to sneeze at
— not small or unimportant; something to be taken seriously.
Lesson 28
The Passive Voice
Пассивный залог — The Passive Voice
— употребляется:
— с большинством переходных глаголов (глагол + прямое дополнение), когда само действие более важно, чем субъект этого действия (производитель):
This helicopter was designed in Russia;
— когда производитель действия неизвестен:
если информация о субъекте действия важна, то она вводится предлогом by
This wedding cake will be baked by the best cooks.
Образование: To be + V3 (Past Participle)
Present Simple |
I am
Past Simple |
I was
Future Simple |
I will be
Present Perfect |
The letter has been
The letter has been
Present Continuous |
These students are being
Past Continuous |
He was being examined
Present Perfect |
We have been shown
Past Perfect |
had been
Future Perfect |
I/he shall/will have been
Глаголы sell
Если в предложении два возможных субъекта, предмет или лицо, то подлежащим в пассивном залоге становится лицо: I
Пассивный залог может употребляться с модальными глаголами, предложение строится по следующей схеме:
Modal verb + be + Past Participle
must/can/should be/may/might + Participle II
Active Voice |
Passive Voice |
I can do it. He should do it. They must do it. He has to do it. You may do it. They might do it. |
It can be done by me. It should be done by him. It must be done by them. It has to be done by her. It may be done by Ann. It might be done by them. |
1. Измените залог в предложениях, следуя модели:
Model: Somebody broke that window yesterday — That window was broken yesterday.
1. Sarah invited Jane to her party. 2. Someone has written a book about the first American president. 3. Police arrests people every day. 4. Someone stole my car last night. 5. We will paint a house tomorrow.
2. Работайте с партнером. Составьте собственные диалоги из данных слов, следуя модели:
Model: — Do you want me to feed Rover?
— No. Don’t worry about it. He’s already been fed
— Do you want me to ______________________?
— No. Don’t worry about it. _________________.
Make the bed, do the dishes, take the garbage out, wake the children up, carve the chicken.
3. Составьте из данных слов вопросы в пассивном залоге:
Model: Question: The new road / still / build?
… Is the new road still being built? ...
Answer: Yes, they haven’t finished it yet.
Question: Where / the first car / manufacture?
… .
Answer: In the USA.
Question: how many mobile phones / sell/ recently?
… .
Answer: Millions!
Question: Who penicillin / discover / by?
… .
Answer: By Alexander Fleming.
Question: When / cure / find / for Aids?
… .
Answer: Very soon, I hope.
Question: When / the first real computers / build?
… .
Answer: During the Second World War.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Cool it
— to relax, calm down; to stop being so exited or angry.
Make ends meet
— to earn just enough to live within one’s income.
Lock, stock and barrel
— the whole of sth; all the parts of a thing; everything.
Pass the hat —
to ask for contributions.
Penny for your thoughts
— What are you thinking? Tell me what is on your mind.
Lesson 29
Reported Speech. Reporting questions
Косвенная речь используется для передачи чужой речи. После глаголов, вводящих косвенную речь (reporting verbs) в форме настоящего времени, время глагола в придаточном предложении не меняется:
She says «I love him».
→ She says she loves him.
Если глагол в предложении, вводящий косвенную речь, употреблен в прошедшем времени, форма в придаточном смещается на один шаг:
Present Continuous → Past Continuous
«It is raining
in my town». → She said it was raining
in her town.
Past Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous
«I was sleeping
,» she told me. → She told me that she had been sleeping
Present Simple → Past Simple
«I want
to buy it,» he told me
→ He said that he wanted
to buy it.
Past Simple → Past Perfect
«I saw
your sister». → He said he had seen
my sister.
Present Perfect → Past Perfect
«You’ve won
the second prize,» the man announced → The man announced that they had won
the second prize.
Present Perfect Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous
«I have been driving for five years,» he said
→ He said that he had been driving for five years.
Future Simple → Future in the Past
«We’ll buy you a car
,» parents promised. → Parents promised that they would buy
me a car.
Изменения в обстоятельствах места и времени при изменении прямой речи в косвенную:
here there
now then
this / these that / those
today that day
tomorrow the next day/the following day
yesterday the day before/the previous day
last week the week before
next week the following week
ago before
Если при переходе в косвенную речь меняется субъект предложения, то используется придаточное с союзом that
«We’ll go with you.» → They agreed to go with me.
«You can go with us!» → They agreed that I should go with them.
Модальные глаголы would
не меняются в косвенной речи, остальные меняются следующим образом:
must → had to «I must
go.» → He said he had to
can → could «I can do it». →He said he could do it.
may→ might «I may do it». → He said he might do it.
Reporting questions
вопросы начинаются со следующих выражений:
Can you tell me
what time the film starts
(сравни: What time does the film start?)
I’d like to know
where I can buy tickets?
(сравни: Where can I buy tickets?)
Could you tell me if / whether
she is going to call me tonight?
(сравни: Is she going to call me tonight?)
Could you tell me how to get to
the theatre? / how I get to
the theatre?
(сравни: How do I get to the theatre?)
В косвенных вопросах не ставится знак «?». Грамматические формы изменяются так же, как и в утвердительных предложениях с косвенной речью; порядок слов такой же, как и в утвердительном предложении. Союзы if
или whether
используются для общих вопросов (yes/no):
«Are you okay?» → He asked me if I was okay.
«Where do you live?» → He wanted to know where I lived.
«Are you a headmaster?» → He asked me if/whether I was a headmaster.
Косвенное выражение вежливой просьбы, совета или предупреждения строится по схеме:
ask/tell/advise/warn + object (дополнение)+ infinitive
«Listen, please!» → He asked/told us to listen.
«Be careful!» → He advised/warned us to be careful.
1. Работайте с партнером. Завершите диалог, следуя модели:
Model: — I forgot to tell you. _______________ called yesterday.
— Really? What did she say?
— She said/told (that) ____________________________ .
Christina: «I think I’m falling in love with you».
— I forgot to tell you. _ Christina __ called yesterday.
— Really? What did she say?
— She said/told (that) _she thought she was falling in love with me__ .
1. Our niece Liz: «I got a raise last week».
2. Uncle Charlie: «I’ll be arriving this Friday on the two o’clock train».
3. Aunt Jane: «I’ll send you a postcard from Egypt».
4. My boyfriend: «I’m sorry I forgot about your birthday».
5. The mechanic: «The car is ready and you can pick it up any time you want to».
6. Grandma: «I was planning to visit this weekend, but I won’t be able to come because I have the flu».
2. Прочитайте текст. Найдите предложения с косвенной речью:
Sue had a bad stomachache yesterday afternoon. She called her doctor and asked him what she should do. Her doctor told her to rest in bed. He also told her not to eat too much for dinner. And he told her to call him in the morning if she was still sick. Sue felt better after speaking with her doctor. She’s glad she can always depend on him for good advice.
3. Завершите предложения в косвенной речи:
Model: «Let me help you». My mother offered to help me.
1. «This spot is the best place for a picnic».
My mother said…………………….
2. «If I were you, I wouldn’t drink so much».
He advised his friend………………
3. «Can you answer the phone? I’m having a shower!»
He asked his son………………….
4. Работайте с партнером. Завершите диалог, следуя модели. Драматизируйте
Model: A: I’m a little annoyed at ___________________ .
B: How come?
A: _____________told me _____________________ .
B: Why did _____ tell you that?
A: _______ said (that) ________________________ .
English students: «Don’t give us any homework this weekend! We are tired of English grammar!»
A: I’m a little annoyed at my English students … .
B: How come?
A: They … told me not to give them any homework this weekend … .
B: Why did … they … tell you that?
A: They said (that) … they were tired of English grammar … .
1. My doctor: «Lose some weight! You are much too heavy».
2. My girlfriend: «Don’t call me this weekend! I want to be alone».
3. My dentist: «Don’t eat candy! It’s bad for your teeth».
4. My boss: «Come to work early tomorrow! I need some help and you’re the only one who can help me».
5. My seven-year-old son: «Don’t kiss me in front of my friends any more! I’m a big boy now».
5. Два подростка потерялись в лесу и потом нашлись. Прочитайте, что они сказали репортеру, и передайте это в косвенной речи, используя слова
1. «We were exploring with a group of tourists, but we decided to go off on our own»
2. «We’ve been alone in the forest for six days».
3. «We’ve been eating nothing but berries».
4. «We both cut our feet but otherwise we’re not hurt».
5. «We’re really lucky to be alive!»
6. «We’re looking forward to seeing our parents».
6. Составьте прямые вопросы, которые репортер задал подросткам. Затем переделайте их в косвенные, используя глаголы
Model: How/you/get lost? → How did you get lost? → The reporter asked them how they had got lost.
How long/you/be/here?
How/you/feel/now/about your adventure?
What/you/look forward to doing next?
7. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: «
John had a job interview a few days ago at the United Insurance Company. The interview lasted almost an hour, and John had to answer a lot of questions.
First, the interviewer asked John where he had gone to school. Then, she asked if he had had any special training. She asked where he had worked. She also asked whether he was willing to move to another city. She wanted to know if he could work overtime and weekends. She asked him how his health was. She asked him whether he had ever been fired. She wanted to know why he had had four different jobs in the past year.
And finally, the interviewer asked the most difficult question. She wanted to know why John thought he was more qualified for the position than the other sixty-two people who had applied.
My children have promised me … .
I would advise my friends not to … .
After breakfast, my husband always asks … .
My mother has offered … .
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Make heads or tails out of something
— to understand how something works; to figure something out.
Pie in the sky
— sth not possible; an unpleasant hope.
— a person with old-fashioned ideas who avoids anything new, ignores progress, and fights change.
Turn over a new leaf
— to correct one’s behavior or attitude; to begin anew’ to make a fresh start.
— false; dishonest.
Lesson 30
В английском языке есть конструкции, которые используются, чтобы сказать о вероятности, возможности/невозможности свершения событий в настоящем или будущем.
— выражает реальное условие. Используется, чтобы говорить о событиях, которые возможны в настоящем или будущем.
Conditional clause / Придаточное условия |
Main clause / Главное предложение |
If + Present Simple |
Will + infinitive |
If it rains
we will stay
If I see Peter |
I’ll tell
Possible condition |
Result |
Обратите внимание:
Глагол to
имеет форму were
для всех лиц:
If I were you (but I am not you) I would marry him.
— выражает нереальное условие на настоящий момент. Используется, чтобы говорить о ситуациях, которые маловероятны в настоящем или будущем.
Conditional clause / Придаточное условия |
Main clause / Главное предложение |
If + Past Simple |
Would + Infinitive |
If I had
I would
Вместо would
If I lost my job, I might
If I won £ 10000 |
I would travel round the world |
Possible, but not probable |
Result |
Условие нереально, потому что:
— оно теоретически возможно, но практически маловероятно:
If I were Prime Minister I would raise teachers’ salaries;
— это невозможное предположение, не имеющее отношения к действительности:
If you came from my country you would understand us better.
First Conditional:
— What will you do if you run out of money?
— If I run out of money I’ll call my mother.
Second Conditional:
— What would you do if you saw a ghost?
— If I saw a ghost I would talk to it.
Работайте с партнером.
Прочитайте диалог и подчеркните в нем формы
. Переведите
A: Are you going to the football pools, Brian?
B: Yes, I’m sure we shall win something this week.
A: What will you do if you win a lot of money?
B: If I win a lot of money I shall buy you a mink coat.
A: I don’t want a mink coat! I want to see the world.
B: All right. If we win a lot of money we shall travel around the world. And we shall stay at the best hotels. Then we shall return home and buy a big house in the country. And……
A: But if we spend all that money we shall be poor again. What shall we do then?
B: If we spend all the money we shall try and win the football pools again.
2. Работайте с партнером. Прочитайте диалог и составьте собственные диалоги по вопросам, выражающим аналогичную ситуацию:
A: Do you think the boss would be angry if I went home early?
B: Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, I think he’d be very angry.
A: Do you really think so?
B: Yes. I’m positive. I wouldn’t go home early if I were you.
A: I suppose you are right.
A: Do you think Mom and Dad would be angry if I borrowed the car?
B: Do you think Bob would be jealous if I took out his girlfriend?
A: Do you think my parents would be disappointed if I dropped out of university?
B: Do you think the landlord would be upset if I painted the kitchen purple?
A: Do you think Tom would be embarrassed if I showed his girlfriend a photograph of him in the bathtub when he was two years ago?
B: Do you think the voters would be upset if I raised taxes?
Model: — What are they going to name their new baby?
If … will.. .
— If they have a boy, they’ll name him Bob. If they have a girl, they’ll name her Carmen.
— What are John and Sally going to do tomorrow?
If it rains, they’ll … .
If it is shining, they’ll … .
— What is he going to do with his old car?
If he doesn’t sell it, he’ll … .
If he sells it, he’ll … .
— What are they going to wear tomorrow?
If it’s hot, … .
If it’s cold, … .
— What’s Ann going to have for dinner tonight?
It she’s very hungry, … .
If she isn’t very hungry … .
4. Прочитайте информацию о плохих и хороших приметах. Закончите предложения. Расскажите группе, какие приметы вы знаете:
If your right eye itches, you’ll laugh soon.
If your left eye itches, _______________
If your right ear itches, somebody is saying good things about you.
If your left ear itches, ___________________________________
If a knife falls, a man will visit soon.
If a fork falls, __________________
If a spoon falls, _________________
You’ll have bad luck …
if a black cat walks in front of you.
You’ll have good luck …
if you find a four-leaf clever.
5. Прочитайте следующий текст и перескажите его:
Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight, but he knows he shouldn’t. If he stays up late to watch a movie, he won’t get to bed until after midnight. If he doesn’t get to bed until after midnight, he’ll probably be very tired in the morning. If he’s very tired in the morning, he might oversleep. If he oversleeps, he’ll be late for work. If he’s late for work, his boss might get angry and fire him. So, even though Ronald wants to stay up late to watch a movie, he isn’t going to. Too bad!
6. Напишите о вещах, которые вы хотели бы сделать, но знаете, что не должны:
I want to __________, but I know I shouldn’t. If ________, __________.
If ________________, _____________. If ________________________.
So, even I though I want to _____________, I’m not going to. Too bad!
7. Запишите два предложения, используя данную информацию. Первое предложение должно выражать вероятное событие. Второе
Model: we leave at eight/we arrive on time
likely: If we leave at eight o’clock, we’ll arrive on time.
less likely: If we left at eight o’clock, we’d arrive on time.
1. You fall/break your leg.
2. I drink too much wine/I feel sleepy.
3. You get the job/you have more freedom.
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Down the drain
— lost forever; wasted.
Head over heels in love
— completely and helplessly in love.
In a nutshell
— in a very few words; briefly; clearly and to the point.
Jump the gun
— to do or say something before you should; to act prematurely or hastily.
Lend an ear
— to listen and pay attention to.
Lesson 31
Third conditional. Zero Conditional
— выражает нереальное условие, характеризующее прошлую ситуацию. Используется, чтобы говорить о событиях или ситуациях, которые не произошли в прошлом.
Conditional clause / Придаточное условия |
Main clause / Главное предложение |
If + Past Perfect |
Would + Perfect Infinitive |
If Bruce had asked
I would have said
If Bruce had asked me to marry him (but he didn’t) |
I would have said «yes
Possible, but unrealistic |
Result |
Сравните, как изменяется значение предложения, в зависимости от того, в какой части предложения находится NOT:
If I had
taken an umbrella, I wouldn’t
have got wet (
If I hadn’t
taken an umbrella, I would
have got wet (
Обе части предложения могут быть отрицательными:
They wouldn’t have missed their plane if they hadn’t woken up late (
— выражает причинно-следственную объективную зависимость. Используется, чтобы показать, что одно действие или результат всегда, как правило, следует за другим. Часто здесь используется when
Conditional clause / Придаточное условия |
Main clause / Главное предложение |
Present Simple |
Present Simple |
If / When
it turns
1. Заполните предложения словами из списка и переведите их:
tilt / use / nod / learn / know
If you … your head, it means «yes».
If you … computers at an office, you probably … about the Internet.
Unless you … to use the Internet, you won’t be able to send emails.
If you want to show you are listening, … your head on one side.
Работайте с партнером. Закончите предложения, следуя модели. Драматизируйте полученные диалоги
Model: If ___________________would have … .
— Why didn’t you send me a postcard?
— We didn’t remember your address. If … .
— Why didn’t you make your beds this morning?
— We didn’t have enough time. If … .
— Why didn’t Harry stop at that traffic light?
— He wasn’t looking. If … .
— Why didn’t you go to the movies with your friends last night?
— I wasn’t in the mood to see the film. If … .
— Why didn’t Mrs. Brown’s students give her a birthday present?
— She didn’t tell them it was her birthday.
3. Соедините два предложения в одно, используя
Model: I was tired. I went to bed early.
If I hadn’t felt tired, I wouldn’t have gone to bed early.
1. I didn’t have enough money. I didn’t take a taxi.
If … .
2. She didn’t have a car. She couldn’t have driven there.
If she … .
3. You didn’t run fast. You didn’t come first.
You could … .
4. He wasn’t interested in the film. He didn’t go to the cinema.
If … .
Работайте с партнером. Закончите предложения:
I would never have met my future wife/husband if … .
If I had won a thousand dollars last year, I … .
I would have worked harder last year if … .
I would have started to learn foreign languages if … .
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
Up a creek without a paddle
— in deep trouble and unable to do anything about it; in serious trouble.
Every cloud has a silver lining
— there is something good in every bad situation.
Eat your words
— to have to take back what you said; to admit humbly that you were wrong.
Don’t take any wooden nickels
— Don’t let anyone cheat you or take advantage of you.
Make a federal case out of sth
— to exaggerate the seriousness of something small; to make a big deal out of something.
Lesson 32
Wishes (present, future, past)
В английском языке есть ряд конструкций с глаголом wish для выражения желательности или нежелательности событий в настоящем, будущем, прошлом времени.
используется, чтобы выразить сожаление по поводу вещей, которые хотелось бы изменить в настоящем или будущем: My
— чтобы выразить сожаление по поводу ситуаций в настоящем, которые мы не можем изменить: I
— wish/ if only + Past Perfect
— чтобы выразить сожаление по поводу событий в прошлом: I wish I hadn’t eaten so much last night.
— wish/ if only + would
чтобы выразить беспокойство по поводу чьего-либо поведения: I wish my sister would stop taking my things!
используется, чтобы усилить интонацию сожаления: If
1. Работайте с партнером. Завершите диалог, следуя модели. Драматизируйте
Model: — You know, I wish I … .
— Oh, really? Why?
— If I … I … .
— I know what you mean.
I don’t know my neighbors. I’m lonely.
— You know, I wish I … knew my neighbors … .
— Oh, really? Why?
— If I … knew my neighbors … I … wouldn’t be lonely … .
— I know what you mean.
1. I’m not an optimist. I get depressed so often.
2. I don’t do daily exercises. I have to go on a diet.
3. I don’t drive to work. I have to wait for the bus every morning.
4. I don’t have a good job. I’m very concerned about my future.
2. Закончите следующие предложения, используя
1. I think I need to loose weight. I wish … slimmer.
2. I’m sorry you didn’t go to the party last Sunday. I wish … on Sunday.
3. Jane has to stay at home tonight. Jane wishes she … tonight.
4. I don’t have a TV in my kitchen, but I’d like one. If … TV in my kitchen.
5. My parents don’t like living in a flat. They wish … in a house instead of a flat.
3. Прочитайте описание ситуаций и составьте предложения, используя
Model: A dog is barking in the street and you are already half-asleep. You want that dog to stop barking. What do you say? — I wish the dog would stop barking.
1. You have your birthday soon and your parents ask what to present you with. You want them to present you with a dress. What do you say?
2. You are hurrying to the party and waiting for a friend of yours. He is late. You want him to come. What do you say?
3. You are late for work. You want to catch a bus but without success. What do you say?
4. You want to go out and have a picnic. But it is raining. So you want to stop. What do you say?
5. Your wife always forgets to take her front door key. What do you say?
6. Your son watches TV all the time. What do you say?
4. Работайте с партнером.
I wish…, My friend/husband/wife/sister wishes… .
Прочитайте и запомните следующие идиомы:
No dice
— refused; no! absolutely not.
Go for broke
— to risk everything on one big goal or effort; to try as hard as possible.
Not one’s cup of tea
— not what one likes or prefers; not suitable; not to your taste.
Burn the midnight oil
— to stay up very late at night studying or working.
Crocodile tears
— fake tears; false grief.
Reading and Speaking Practice
Topic 3
The History Museum.
The History of Great Britain
Задание 1. Прочитайте лекцию и составьте краткий конспект на русском языке.
Two thousand years ago there was an Iron Age Celtic culture throughout the British Isles. It seems that the Celts, who had been arriving from Europe from the eighth century BC onwards, intermingled with the peoples who were already there. We know that religious sites that had been built long before the arrival of the Celts continued to he used in the Celtic period.
For people in Britain today, the chief significance of the prehistoric period (for which no written records exist) is its sense of mystery.
The Roman period (43—410)
The Roman province of Britannia covered most of present-day England and Wales. The Romans imposed their own way of life and culture, making use of the existing Celtic aristocracy to govern and encouraging this ruling class to adopt Roman dress and the Roman language (Latin). It was during this time that a Celtic tribe called the Scots migrated from Ireland to Scotland, where they became allies of the Picts (another Celtic tribe) and opponents of the Romans. This division of the Celts into those who experienced direct Roman rule (the Britons in England and Wales) and those who did not (the Gaels in Ireland and Scotland) may help to explain the development of two distinct branches of the Celtic group of languages.
The remarkable thing about the Romans is that, despite their long occupation of Britain, they left very little behind. Moreover, most of their villas, baths and temples, their impressive network of roads, and the cities they founded, including Londinium (London), were soon destroyed. Almost the only lasting reminder of their presence are place-names like Chester, Lancaster and Gloucester, which include variants of the Roman word castra (a military camp).
The Germanic invasions (410—1066)
One reason why Roman Britannia disappeared so quickly is probably that its influence was largely confined to the towns. In the country side, where most people lived, farming methods had remained unchanged and Celtic speech continued to be dominant.
The Roman occupation had been a matter of colonial control rather than large-scale settlement. But, during the fifth century, a number of tribes from the north-western European mainland invaded and settled in large numbers. Two of these tribes were the Angles and the Saxons. These Anglo-Saxons soon had the south-east of the country in their grasp. In the west of the country their advance was temporarily halted by an army of (Celtic) Britons under the command of the legendary King Arthur. Nevertheless, by the end of the sixth century, they and their way of life predominated in nearly all of England and in parts of southern Scotland. The Celtic Britons were either Saxonized or driven westwards, where their culture and language survived in south-west Scotland, Wales and Cornwall.
The Anglo-Saxons had little use for towns and cities. But they had a great effect on the countryside, where they introduced new farming methods and founded the thousands of self-sufficient villages which formed the basis of English society for the next thousand or so years.
Britain experienced another wave of Germanic invasions in the eighth century. These invaders, known as Vikings, Norsemen or Danes, came from Scandinavia. In the ninth century they conquered and settled the extreme north and west of Scotland, and also some coastal regions of Ireland. Their conquest of England was halted when were defeated by King Alfred of the Saxon kingdom of Wessex. This resulted in an agreement which divided England between Wessex, in the south and west, and the ‘Danelaw’ in the north and east.
However, the cultural differences between Anglo-Saxons and Danes were comparatively small. They led roughly the same way of life and spoke two varieties of the same Germanic tongue (which combined to form the basis of modern English). These similarities made political unification easier, and by the end of the tenth century England was one kingdom with a Germanic culture throughout.
Задание 2. Расставьте события в правильном порядке (согласно тексту).
1. A number of tribes from the north-western Europe invaded and settled in Britain.
2. Vikings came from Scandinavia.
3. The Romans imposed their own way of life and culture.
4. The Romans occupied Britain.
5. The Anglo-Saxons introduced new farming methods and founded the thousands of villages.
6. A Celtic tribe called the Scots migrated from Ireland to Scotland.
7. King Alfred defeated Danes.
8. An army of Celtic Britons under the command of King Arthur fought with the Anglo-Saxons.
9. Celts arrived in the country from Europe.
10. England became one kingdom with a Germanic culture.
English Language Centre [Reading and Speaking Practice]
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст о роли английского языка и скажите, сколько людей в мире разговаривают на этом языке.
English has become a world language, because of the political and economic progress made by English-speaking nations in the past 200 years, and is likely to remain so, gradually consolidating its position.
A variety of facts about usage support this view. According to conservative estimates, mother-tongue speakers have now reached around 300 million; a further 300 million use English as a second language; and a further 100 million use it fluently as a foreign language. This is an increase of around 40 % since the 1950 s. More radical estimates, which include speakers with a lower level of language fluency and awareness, have suggested that the overall total these days is more than 1,000 million. The variation results largely from a lack of precise data about English language use in such areas as the Indian sub-continent and China, where there has been a burst of enthusiasm for English language studies in recent years, with over 100 million people watching the ВВС television English series Follow Me.
One visitor, returning to China in 1979 after a gap of 20 years, wrote: «In 1959, everyone was carrying a book of the thoughts of Chairman Мао; today, everyone is carrying a book of elementary English».
I. True or False
Задание 2: Определите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту, исправьте неверные из них.
1. English is not only the world language now, it will also be the world language in the future.
2. Some estimates show that 700 million people speak English; other estimates suggest that more than 1,000 million people speak English.
3. People in China would rather watch TV than study English.
4. In 1959 people in China preferred Mao’s books to other books.
II. Multiple choice
Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
1. Why has English become a world language?
a) Because people in China speak it.
b) Because it is easy enough.
c) Because English-speaking nations have been leading in economic and political progress.
2. Why is it difficult to estimate how many people use English?
a) Many of them give up at an early stage.
b) Nobody can estimate how many people use it in India and China.
c) It is difficult to count people.
3. Why do many people in China watch a Follow me
a) They like to watch BBC programmes.
b) They want to know more about English-speaking countries.
c) They want to learn English.
4. What is the idea of the last paragraph?
a) In China people have become indifferent to books which are not in English.
b) In China people consider learning English to be more important than Mao's wise thoughts.
c) In China most people know English on the elementary level.
III. Summary
Задание 4. В предложенной аннотации подставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.
English is a world l _______________. 300 million people use it as a m _______________, 300 million people use English as a s ________ language; and 100 million people use it as a f ___________ language. More radical e __________ have suggested that more than 1,000 million people speak English nowadays. People in China are especially interested in English.
IV. Speaking practice
Задание 5. Примите участие в беседе, опираясь на информацию, полученную из текста. Дополните
Your friend: I wonder how many people in the world speak English?
You: Well, you know, quite a lot.
Your friend: That’s amazing! Why is English so popular?
You: It’s strange that you don’t know it. Just because … .
Your friend: Do you learn English?
You: Sure, I do my best. I read texts in English and practice speaking English.
Your friend: How clever you are! How can I start learning English?
You: Take a book of elementary English and … .
Your friend: OK, I see.
Reading and Speaking Practice
Literature Page
Задание 1. Прочитайте рассказ «Американский Перец» и скажите, к чему привело то, что в семье никто не знал английского языка.
The American Pepper
«Mummy! Mummy!» shouted little Murna racing from the front door through to the kitchen. «There's a parcel. The postman's brought a parcel!»
Her mother, Savni, looked at her in surprise. She had no idea who could have sent them a parcel. Maybe it was a mistake. She hurried to the door to find out. Sure enough, the postman was there, holding a parcel about the size of a small brick.
«From America, madam», he said. «See! American stamps».
It was true. In the top right-hand corner of the brown paper parcel were three strange-looking stamps, showing a man's head. The package was addressed to Savni, in big, clear black letters.
«Well, I suppose it must be from Great-Aunt Pasni», said Savni to herself, as the postman went on his way down the street, whistling. «Although it must be twenty years since we heard anything from her. I thought she would have been dead by now».
Savni's husband Jornas and her son Arinas were just coming in from the garden, where Murna had run to tell them about the parcel. «Well, open it then!» said Arinas impatiently. «Let's see what's inside!»
Setting the parcel down in the middle of the table, Savni carefully began to tear open the paper. Inside, there was a large silver container with a hinged lid, which was taped shut. There was also a letter.
«What is it? What is it?» demanded Murna impatiently. «Is it a present?»
«I have no idea», said Savni in confusion. «I think it must be from Great-Aunt Pasni. She went to America almost thirty years ago now. But we haven't heard from her in twenty years. Perhaps the letter will tell us». She opened the folded page cautiously, then looked up in dismay. «Well, this is no help!» she said in annoyance. «It's written in English! How does she expect us to read English? We're poor people, we have no education. Maybe Pasni has forgotten her native language, after thirty years in America».
«Well, open the pot, anyway», said Jornas. «Let's see what's inside».
Cautiously, Savni pulled the tape from the neck of the silver pot, and opened the lid. Four heads touched over the top of the container, as their owners stared down inside.
«Strange», said Arinas. «All I see is powder». The pot was about one-third full of a kind of light-grey powder.
«What is it?» asked Murna, mystified.
«We don't know, darling», said Savni, stroking her daughter's hair. «What do you think?» Murna stared again into the pot.
«I think it's coffee», she announced, finally. «American coffee».
«It's the wrong colour for coffee, darling», said Jornas thoughtfully. «But maybe she's on the right track. It must be some kind of food». Murna, by now, had her nose right down into the pot. Suddenly, she lifted her head and sneezed loudly.
«Id god ub by doze», she explained.
«That's it!» said Arinas. «It must be pepper! Let me try some». Dipping a finger into the powder, he licked it. «Yes», he said, «it's pepper all right. Mild, but quite tasty. It's American pepper».
«All right,» said Savni, «we'll try it on the stew tonight. We'll have American-style stew!»
That evening, the whole family agreed that the American pepper had added a special extra taste to their usual evening stew. They were delighted with it. By the end of the week, there was only a teaspoonful of the grey powder left in the silver container. Then Savni called a halt.
«We're saving the last bit for Sunday. Dr. Haret is coming to dinner, and we'll let him have some as a special treat. Then it will be finished».
The following Sunday, the whole family put on their best clothes, ready for dinner with Dr. Haret. He was the local doctor, and he had become a friend of the family many years before, when he had saved Arinas's life after an accident. Once every couple of months, Savni invited the doctor for dinner, and they all looked forward to his entertaining stories of his youth at the university in the capital.
During dinner, Savni explained to the doctor about the mysterious American pepper, the last of which she had put in the stew they were eating, and the letter they could not read.
«Well, give it to me, give it to me!» said the doctor briskly. «I speak English! I can translate it for you».
Savni brought the letter, and the family waited, fascinated, as the doctor began to translate.
«Dear Savni: you don't know me, but I am the son of your old Great-Aunt Pasni. She never talked much to us about the old country, but in her final illness earlier this year, she told us that after her death, she wanted her ashes to be sent back home to you, so that you could scatter them on the hills of the country where she was born. My mother died two weeks ago, and her funeral and cremation took place last week. I am sending her ashes to you in a silver casket. Please do as she asked, and spread them over the ground near where she was born. Your cousin, George Leary».
Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
1. Where does this story take place?
a) America, b) Arinas, c) India,d) The text doesn't say.
2. How was the parcel wrapped?
a) in brown paper, b) in silver paper, c) in grey paper, d) in tape.
3. Who was Savni?
a) a little girl, b) the Great-Aunt, c) the mother of the family, d) the son of the family.
4. Why don't the family read the letter?
a) They are too impatient to look in the container,
b) It is addressed to the doctor.
c) It is in English,
d) It is missing.
5. What does Murna think is in the pot?
a) dust, b) ashes, c) coffee, d) pepper.
6. Why does Arinas think that the powder is pepper?
a) It tastes very hot,
b) It makes Murna sneeze,
c) It is written on the pot.
d) The letter says so.
7. What does the family do with the powder?
a) They keep it to give to the doctor,
b) They send it back to America.
c) They make drinks with it,
d) They put it on their food.
8. Why does Savni save the last bit of the powder?
a) as a souvenir,
b) for Dr. Haret,
c) to analyse it,
d) to spread it on the hills.
9. How does Dr. Haret solve the mystery?
a) He analyses the powder,
b) He recognizes the powder.
c) He is a friend of Pasni,
d) He translates the letter.
10. What was really in the pot?
a) coffee, b) Great-Aunt Pasni, c) dust, d) special American pepper.
Adjective — прилагательное
Case — падеж
Conditionals — способы выражения условия
Gender — род
Gerund — герундий
Infinitive — инфинитив
Modal verb — модальный глагол
Noun — существительное
Number — число
Numerals — числительные
Participle — причастие
Passive voice — пассивный залог
Present — настоящее (время)
Past — прошедшее (время)
Pronoun — местоимение
Reported Speech — косвенная речь
sb — somebody
sth — something
V — verb — глагол
Verbals — неличные формы глагола
Wishes — выражение желаний
Список использованной литературы
1. Английский артикль. Практикум / науч. ред. М. Л. Блох. — М. : Стелла, 1993.
2. Ахшарумова, Е. Е. Грамматика английского языка в таблицах / Е. Е. Ахшарумова, Е. Р. Пенль. — М. : Просвещение, 1995.
3. Горбунова, Е. В. Английская грамматика в коммуникативных упражнениях / Е. В. Горбунова, С. С. Дубровская. — М. : Высшая школа, 1985. — 247 с.
4. Гуревич, В. В. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка : учебное пособие для филологических факультетов / В. В. Гуревич. — М. : Высшая школа, 2001. — 218 с.
5. Весник, Д. А. Сборник упражнений по словообразованию / Д. А. Весник, С. С. Хидекель. — М. : Международные отношения, 1994. — 196 с.
6. Гуляева, Т. А. Тексты и ситуации для развития навыков устной речи / Т. А. Гуляева. — Томск : 1983. — 278 с.
7. Шелкова, Т. Г. Как вести беседу по телефону / Т. Г. Шелкова, И. Я. Мелех. — М. : Высшая школа, 1989. — 93 с.
8. Базылева, P. M. Грамматический справочник по системе английского глагола (to be, to do, to have) / P. M. Базылева, Б. Р. Могилевич. — Саратов : Изд-во «Слово», 1992. — 86 с.
9. Капичникова, О. Б. Учебно-речевая деятельность студентов : учебное пособие / О. Б. Капичникова, Ю. Л. Могилевич. — Саратов : Изд-во «Слово», 2001. — 215 с.
10. Куликовская, Л. А. Консультации по английской грамматике : в помощь учителю иностранного языка / Л. А. Куликовская. — М. : Флинта ; Наука, 2000. — 88 с.
11. Могилевич, Б. Р. Британия и британцы : учебное пособие / Б. Р. Могилевич. — Саратов : Изд-во ГосУНЦ «Колледж», 1999. — 145 с.
12. Сокиркина, Л. И. Празднуйте! Канун дня всех святых : Учебно-методич. пособие / Л. И. Сокиркина, Е. В. Филлипова. — Саратов : Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 1999. — 92 с.
13. Сорокина, Л. В. Английский язык : сборник упражнений по грамматике / Л. В. Сорокина. — Балашов : ФА КВАИ, 2003. — 50 с.
14. Старичкова, Е. Н. British Press. Advanced Reading / Е. Н. Старичкова, Н. Н. Нестеренко. — Киев : Изд-во «Логос», 1999. — 236 с.
15. Berezina, O. A. English for University Students. Grammar Exercises / O. A. Berezina, Y. M. Shpilyuck. — СПб. : Изд-во «Союз», 2000. — 189 с.
16. Guryeva, Yu. F. «Deep Are the Roots...» A Concise History of Britain / Yu. F. Guryeva. — Обнинск : Титул, 1999. — 72 с.
17. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use / R. Murphy // Cambridge, 1993. — 316 с.
18. Swan, M. How English Works / M. Swan, С. Walter. — Cambridge, 1998. — 218 с.
19. Prodromou, L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate / L. Prodromou. — Pearson Education Limited, 2004. — 319 с.
20. Pocket idioms dictionary. — Pearson Education Limited, 2003. — 310 с.
21. Molinsky, Steven J. Side by side / Steven J. Molinsky. — New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1989. — 138 p.
Учебное издание
Маслова Жанна Николаевна, Татару Людмила Владимировна, Балашова Татьяна Александровна
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
для студентов заочного отделения
высших учебных заведений
Редактор М. Б. Иванова
Корректор Н. Н. Дробышева
Изд. л. ИД № 01591 от 19.04.2000.
Подписано в печать 28.12.05. Формат 60×84 1/16.
Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Times».
Уч.-изд. л. 4,9. Усл. печ. л. 7,25.
Тираж 100 экз. Заказ №
Издательство «Николаев»,
г. Балашов, Саратовская обл., а/я 55.
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