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Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов всех специальностей и всех форм обучения www



( образован в 1953 году)


Кафедра иностранных языков



М.М. Пантюшина

Деловой разговорный английский язык

Учебно-методическое пособие

для студентов всех специальностей

и всех форм обучения






Москва – 2004 4096

УДК 811.111 Англ.
© Пантюшина М.М. Деловой разговорный английский язык. Учебно-методическое пособие. – М.,МГУТУ, 2004

Пособие предназначено для студентов 3-х курсов всех специальностей и форм обучения.

Автор: доцент Пантюшина Майя Митрофановна

Рецензенты: Ромашина Светлана Яковлевна, д.п.н., профессор

Рыбакова Марина Витальевна, к.ф.н., профессор

Редактор: Свешникова Н.И.


Московский Государственный университет технологий и управления, 2004

109004, Москва, Земляной вал, 73

Ин.яз.4.22.0604 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0604 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0604 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0604 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0605 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0605 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0605 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0605 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0606 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0606 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0606 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0606 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0608 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0608 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0608 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0608 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0611 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0611 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0611 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0611 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0702 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0702 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0702 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0702 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0135 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0135 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0135 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0135 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0211 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0211 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0211 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0211 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0204 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0204 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.0204 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.0204 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.1706 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.1706 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.1706 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.1706 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2102 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2102 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2102 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2102 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2202 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2202 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2202 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2202 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2701 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2701 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2701 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2701 вчр.плн. Ин.яз.4.22.2703 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2703 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2703 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2703 вчр.плн. Ин.яз.4.22.2704 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2704 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2704 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2704 вчр.плн. Ин.яз.4.22.2705 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2705 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2705 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2705 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2707 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2707 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2707 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2707 вчр.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2708 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2708 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.2708 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.2708 вчр.плн. Ин.яз.4.22.3510 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3510 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3510 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.3510 вчр.плн. Ин.яз.4.22.3511 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3511 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3511 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.3511 вчр.плн. Ин.яз.4.22.3513 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3513 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3513 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.3513 вчр.плн. Ин.яз.4.22.3117 очн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3117 зчн.плн.

Ин.яз.4.22.3117 зчн.скр.

Ин.яз.4.22.3117 вчр.пл


Модуль 1

Тема. Russia`s Foreign Trade……………………………………. 5 стр. Vocabulary……………………………………………………….. 6 стр.

Grammar exercises……………………………………………….. 9 стр.

Speech exercises…………………………………………………..13 стр.

Test………………………………………………………………..14 стр.

Модуль 2

Тема. A business trip………………………………………………16 стр.

Vocabulary…………………………………………………………19 стр.

Grammar exercises…………………………………………………23 стр.

Speech exercises……………………………………………………27 стр.

Test…………………………………………………………………29 стр.

Модуль 3

Тема. Going abroad………………………………………………..33 стр.

Vocabulary…………………………………………………………34 стр.

Grammar exercises…………………………………………………39 стр.

Speech exercises……………………………………………………43 стр.

Test…………………………………………………………………44 стр.

Модуль 1


Russia has trade relations
with different countries. Our trade contacts
are developing from
year to
year. Russia is a country of stable economy
, and this helps
us to develop our foreign trade. We can know in advance
what goods we shall require and how much we must buy or sell. Russia exports
and imports
different kinds
of goods, such as machines
, equipment, raw materials
, manufactured goods
, consumer
and foodstuffs

Russia concludes
trade agreements
with foreign countries. On the basis
of these agreements the Ministry of Foreign Trade signs
con­tracts with foreign firms.


Camp: Hello, is that Machinoexport?

Secretary: Yes. Who is that speaking, please2

Camp: This is Camp of Roberts and Co. I’d like to speak to Mr. Bunin.

Secretary: Just a moment. I’ll put
you through

Camp: Thank you.

Bunin: Bunin speaking3

Camp: Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin. I’ve received the final reply
from our firm. We accept your offer, but I’d like to clear up
some points
. When shall we meet?

Bunin: I’ll be glad to see you any time tomorrow.

Camp: Will the contract be ready by that time?

Bunin: Yes, certainly it will.

Camp: Very good. You see, I’m leaving
for London on the 15th of April.

Bunin: I believe that’ll be next Sunday.

Camp: Yes, quite so4

Bunin: I think we’ve done good business, Mr. Camp. Will you join me for dinner on Saturday5

Camp: Yes, with pleasure6

Bunin: I’ll call for
you at the hotel
at about
six then.

Camp: Thank you. Good-bye, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin: Good-bye.


1. Russia’s foreign trade
- Внешняя торговля России (В английском языке с названиями стран употребляется притяжательный падеж.)

2. Who is that speaking, please?
- Кто говорит? (Это обычная форма для телефонных разговоров.)

3. Bunin speaking
- Говорит Бунин. (Это краткая форма для телефонных разговоров.)

4. Quite so
- Именно так, совершенно верно. (Эта реплика выра­жает согласие с заявлением другого лица). - I believe you are interested in Model 53. Я полагаю, вы заинтересованы в модели 53. - Quite so. - Совершенно верно.)

5. Will yo
join me for dinner on Saturday?
- Вы не согласитесь по­обедать со мной в субботу?

6. With pleasure
. - С удовольствием.



relation n

trade relations

business relations



торговые отношения

деловые отношения

We have business relations with different countries of the world.

contact n

trade contacts

to develop v

We develop trade contacts with different countries.

from year to year.

Our trade contacts with different coun­tries are developing from year to year.

plan n

What are your plans for this summer?


economy n

stable economy

to help v

Who helps you to translate business letters?

Мы имеем торговые отношения с различными странами мира.

связь, контакт

торговые связи

развивать, развиваться

Мы развиваем торговые связи с различными странами.

из года в год

Наши торговые связи с различными странами развиваются из года в год.


Каковы ваши планы на лето?



устойчивая экономика


Кто помогает вам переводить деловые письма?


to export v

Russia exports different goods tо

many countries of the world.

exporter n

to import v

What goods does your office import from England?

importer n

kind n



Россия экспортирует различные товары во многие страны мира.



Какие товары ваша контора импор­тирует из Англии?


род, вид, сорт

Перед существительным после оборота kind of
артикль обычно не употребляется.

What kind of book is this?

It’s an interesting book.

What kind of films do you like?

Какая это книга?(Что представляет собой эта книга?)

Это интересная книга.

Какие фильмы вам нравятся?

such as

We do business with many countries of the world such as England, France and other countries.

machine n

raw materials pl

Our office exports a lot of raw materials.

manufactured goods pl

consumer goods pl

foodstuffs pl

food n

to conclude v

We have concluded a lot of contracts lately.

agreement n

такой (такие) как

Мы торгуем со многими странами ми­ра, такими как Англия, Франция и другими.



Наша контора экспортирует боль­шое количество сырья.

промышленные товары

потребительские товары

продовольственные товары


заключать (договор, контракт)

Мы заключили много контрактов за последнее время.

соглашение, договор

basis n

on this basis

on their basis

on what basis ?..

On what basis do you conclude contracts?

to sign v

To-day our office has signed a contract for foodstuffs.

to put through

Can you put me through to Mr. Lomax?

final adj

reply n

When can you give us your final reply?

to clear up v

point n

What points would you like to clear up?

by (prep)

I can be ready by 3 o’clock.

to leave (left, left) v

to leave Moscow for Kiev

Peter has left Moscow for Petersburg.

When are you leaving for London?

to join v

основа, основание

на этой основе

на их основе

на основании чего?..

На основании чего вы заключаете контракты?


Сегодня наша контора подписала кон­тракт на продовольственные товары.

соединить по телефону

Вы можете меня соединить с г-ном Ломаксом?



Когда вы можете дать нам свой окончательный ответ?

выяснить, уточнить

вопрос, пункт

Какие вопросы вы хотели бы выяс­нить?

к (предлог времени)

Я могу быть готов к 3 часам.

уезжать, оставлять

уезжать из Москвы в Киев

Петр уехал из Москвы в Петербург.

Когда вы уезжаете в Лондон?


После глагола to join
предлог, как правило, не употребляется.

I’m going to the cinema now. Would you like to join me?

Я иду сейчас в кино. Вы не хотели бы пойти вместе со мной?

to call for v

I can call for you in the evening.

hotel n

Will you be still at the hotel at 10 o’clock in the morning?

about adv

I’ll phone you at about 10 o’clock.

the day after tomorrow

in prep

She is coming back in a week.

one of these days

some day (time)

I’ll tell you about it some time.

soon adv

заходить за кем-л., чем-л.

Я могу зайти за вами вечером.


Вы будете в гостинице в 10 часов утра?

примерно, около

Я позвоню тебе около 10 часов.


через (предлог времени)

Она возвращается через неделю.

на днях (по отношению к будущему времени)

как-нибудь (о времени)

Как-нибудь я расскажу тебе об этом.

скоро, в скором времени


Grammar Exercises

Simple Future

I. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. We’ll go sightseeing tomorrow. 2. My son will be seven this spring and in September he’ll go to school. 3. I believe there’ll be a lot of holidaymakers on the beach today. 4. Will you go to the cinema tonight? 5. I’m afraid she won’t listen to me. 6. Shall I let you know their answer? Do, please. 7. Shall I read the text? No, you needn’t. 8. There won’t be any new words in this text.

II. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. The contract will be ready the day after tomorrow. 2. I shall phone you in half an hour. 3. Mу friend will have a holiday next July. 4. They will make an appointment for Tuesday. 5. The prices will be acceptable to us. 6. There will be a lot of people at the seaside. 7. They will have an English lesson on Monday.

. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Will you go to the country next Sunday? 2. Will your friend go to the country together with you?

3. Will your brother come and see you this week? 4. Will you have a holiday in summer? 5. Will you go to the Caucasus or to the Crimea? 6. Will there be many or few people in the Crimea in summer? 7. How long will you be there? 8. When will you have your next day off? 9. What time will you get up? 10. What will you do in the morning? 11. Where will you go before dinner 12. When will you listen to the news on the radio? 13. Who will go to the theatre next week? 14. What will be on there? 15. Which of you will receive some foreign businessmen soon? 16. What ques­tions will you discuss with them? 17. What language will you speak to them? 18. Who will watch TV tonight? 19. Who will go sightseeing on Sunday?

IV. Составьте вопросы по следующему образцу и дайте на них ответы:

"Shall I give you an English book to read?" "Do, please". "No, you needn’t."

V. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Я буду дома через полтора часа. 2. Я думаю, он не пойдет осматривать город сегодня: он не совсем хорошо себя чувствует. 3. Пусть они пойдут в кино сегодня вечером. Там будет интересный фильм. 4. У нас не будет уроков завтра. 5. Все материалы будут готовы через полтора часа. 5. На будущий год мой сын пойдет в шко­лу. 7. На днях мы отгрузим вам товары. 8. Сегодня холодно. Мы не пойдем на пляж. 9. – Когда закончится урок? – Через четверть часа. 10. Где вы будете проводить отпуск в этом году? – На Кавказе. 11. – Вам дать его номер телефона? – Да, пожалуйста. У меня его нет. 12. – Вам купить билет на фильм «Сестры»? – Нет, не нужно. Я его уже видел.

Употребление настоящего продолженного времени в значении будущего

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Where are you going on Saturday? 2. Whom are you going there with? 3. Are you going there early? 4. What time are you going there? 5. When are you coming back? 6. Is your director leaving for London soon? 7. When is he leaving for London? 8. When is he coming back?

. Найдите эквиваленты к следующим предложениям и словосочетаниям из текста и диалога:

1. Наши торговые связи развиваются из года в год. 2. Россия - страна устойчивой экономики. 3. Мы можем знать заранее. .. 4. ...различные виды товаров, такие как... 5. На основе этих соглашений. 6. Кто говорит? 7. Минутку. Я соединю вас. 8. Говорит Бунин. 9. Мне хотелось бы выяснить некоторые вопросы. 10. Ви­дите ли, я уезжаю в Лондон. 11. Вы не согласитесь пообедать со мной в субботу? 12. Я заеду за вами в гостиницу около 6 часов.

. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени:

Bond: Good morning, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin: Oh, good morning, Mr. Bond. It (to be) a surprise to see you here. When you (to come) to Moscow?

Bond: On Friday. I (to be) in Moscow for three days. I (to come) here to do some business with you, Mr.Bunin. We (to be going) to buy a lot of foodstuffs from you.

Bunin: Very glad to hear it. Let’s make an appointment for Tuesday then. Can you come at 11 o’clock?

Bond: Certainly. I (to be) at your office just in time.

1. When you (to leave) for Petersburg ? Next Wednesday, (to buy) you a ticket yet? Not yet. I (to be going) to do it tomorrow. 2. Russia (to conclude) a lot of trade agreements this year. 3. Tomorrow we (to be going) to sign a contract for raw materials with a German firm. We not (to do) any business with the firm since 1960. 4. When the goods (to be ready) for shipment? I (to believe) they (to be ready) for shipment next month.

. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо:

1. ... Russia exports ... machines, ... raw materials, ... equipment to ... different countries of ... world. 2. France and England import ... raw materials from . . .Russia. 3. Mister Serov is ... President of Machinoexport. 4. ... President of Machinoimport is out now, he’ll be in half ... hour. 5. Are all ... necessary materials for ... talks ready? Yes, they are. I’ll call for them in ... quarter of ... hour. 6. 1 think he has cleared up all ... points and we can sign ... contract tomorrow. 7. Can you join me for ... dinner on Sunday? Yes, with ... pleasure. 8. Every year ... Russia concludes trade agreements with ... different countries. 9. When are you going to give them ... reply? I believe I can let them know ... reply ... day after tomorrow. 10. I’m afraid ... price of ... foodstuffs is not accept­able to us. 11. You must buy ... tickets for ... performance in advance. 12. Do you know when they are leaving for ... Crimea? I believe they are leaving ... next week.

. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

1. We are interested ... having business relations ... all the countries ... the world. 2. Russia exports different kinds ... goods ... very many countries ... the basis ... trade agreements ... them. 3. Last year we bought some machines ... foreign firms ... acceptable prices. 4. Please, phone Mr. Gray and tell him that I’m going to call ... him ... his hotel ... a quarter ... an hour. 5. I’d like to speak ... the director ... the office. Can you put me ...? Yes, please. 6. Do you know that Mister Pavlov is leaving ... London one ... these days? He’ll have talks ... one ... the firms and sign a contract. 7. The secretary has just told me that the British businessmen are going to contact us. They’d like to clear ... some points ... the contract. What time shall we make an appointment ... them ... ? I think ... ten o’clock. Please, tell the secretary to let them know ... it today. 8. It is very convenient to buy tickets ... the theatre ... ad­vance.

. Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на времена:

1. Do you often go to the theatre? 2. When were you there last? 3. Were you going to the theatre when your friend met you? 4. What was on that night? 5 Are you going to the theatre this week? 6. Can you always buy tickets for all our theatres on the day of the performance? 7. When will you go to the theatre next time?

1. Have you ever been to the Crimea? 2. When was it? 3 How long were you there? 4. Did you like it there? 5. Do you go to the Crimea every summer? 6. Are you going there this summer? 7. In what month will you go there?

1. Have you already shipped the goods? 2. When did you begin to ship them? 3. Are you still shipping them? 4. When will the shipment be over? 5 Do you always ship your goods in time?

1. Have you seen the new equipment of the firm? 2. When did you see it? 3. Are you going to buy it? 4. How many machines would you like to buy? 5 When can they ship the machines to you?

1. From what countries do we buy consumer goods? 2 Have you signed any contracts for consumer goods lately? 3. Are you interested in buying consumer goods every year? 4. How many contracts does your office usually make every year? 5. How many contracts did you make last month?

. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Россия импортирует и экспортирует промышленные изделия, сырье, продовольственные и другие товары. 2. Наша кон­тора намерена предложить фирме «Блэк и Ко.» различные товары. 3. Я полагаю, мы выясним все вопросы завтра. 4, Когда покупатели пришлют нам свой окончательный ответ? 5. Собирается ли ваша контора подписать контракт с фирмой «Уайт и Ко.»? 6. Вы помо­жете нам получить весь необходимый для переговоров материал? 7. Надеюсь, вы согласитесь пообедать с нами в воскресенье? 8. Зайти за вами сегодня вечером? - Да. 9. Петр уезжает в Киев послезавтра.

10. Покупатели еще не выяснили время отгрузки?


Speech Exercises

Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. Does Russia have trade relations with a lot of countries of the world? 2. With how many countries does our country have trade relations? 3. What goods does our country export to these countries? 4. What goods does Russiaimport from these countries? 5. Has Russia concluded any trade agreements lately?

1. With what countries has your office signed contracts lately? 2. What kind of goods are you going to sell them? 3. On what terms are you going to sell them these goods? 4. Do you usually sell your goods on c.i.f. terms? 5. On what terms do you usually buy goods?

1. Who is going to receive foreign businessmen this week? 2. Have you made an appointment with them?

3. What day have you made the appoint­ment for? 4. Are you going to clear up some points with them? 5. What points are you going to clear up with them?

1. What Russian goods are in great demand? 2. Do we receive a lot of enquiries for these goods? 3. From what countries have we lately received enquiries for our goods? 4. How many goods do they require? 5. On what terms are you going to offer your goods? 6. Are your terms of payment and delivery acceptable to them?

1. Which of you is leaving Moscow soon? 2. What place are you leaving for? 3. Are you going there with some other engineers? 4. How long are you going to be there? 5. What are you going to do there? 6. When are you coming back?

. Составьте ситуации или диалоги со следующими словами и словосоче­таниями:

1. to develop, different kinds of goods, to export, to import, trade relations, to conclude agreements;

2. to discuss an offer, acceptable, a final reply, to clear up, to do business, to leave;

3. to phone, to make an appointment, to meet foreign businessmen, to discuss terms, acceptable, to sign a contract.

. Выполните следующие задания:

1. Договоритесь о встрече с г-ном Уайтом на завтра. Скажите, что вы намерены обсудить цену на товар и предложить поставку на условиях сиф Лондон.

2. Спросите представителя покупателей, какие модели обору­дования их интересуют. Скажите, что модель АС пользуется сейчас большим спросом и вы уже продали много оборудования этой мо­дели.

3. Позвоните представителю продавцов и скажите, что вы обсудили их предложение с вашим председателем. Сообщите, что вы намерены поговорить с представителем по некоторым вопросам. Назначьте время встречи.

4. Скажите господину Томпсону, представителю продавцов, что вы не можете купить их товар на условиях фоб Лондон, что обычно вы покупаете товар на условиях сиф Ленинград. Укажите также, что все другие условия для вас приемлемы.

. Сделайте сообщения или составьте диалоги на следующие темы:

1. Russia’s foreign trade. 2. Making an appointment. 3. Making a contract.


Тема: Видо-временные формы английского глагола в действительном залоге.

Задание: Из английских грамматических форм глагола в колонке выберите ту, которую вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений.

Образец: 1. Мы сдаем экзамены два раза в год.

Ответ: 1а

1. Я учусь
в университете уже несколько месяцев.

2. В конце каждого семестра они будут сдавать
несколько экзаменов и зачетов

3. Он напишет
доклад к 1 декабря.

А) take

Б) are taking

В) have been taking

А) am studying

Б) have been studying

В) study

А) will take

Б) will be taking

В) will have taken

А) will write

Б) will have written

В) will be writing


Тема: Система видо-временных форм английского глагола в страдательном залоге.

Задание: из английских грамматических форм в правой колонке выберите ту видо-временную форму глагола, которую вы употребили при переводе следующих предложений:

1. Много домов было построено
в прошлом году.

2. Много домов строится
в Москве

3. Этот дом будет выстроен
в следующем месяце.

А) built

Б) had built

В) were built

Г) are built

А) are built

Б) had been built

В) was building

Г) was being built

А) will build

Б) will have been built

В) will be built


Модальные Глаголы и их эквиваленты.

Выберите необходимые по смыслу модальные глаголы в следующих предложениях.

1. Students … attend all the lectures. (must, can, might)

2. … you speak English ? (may, can, should)

3. Children … go for a walk. (need, be able to, may)

Замените модальные глаголы соответствующими эквивалентами.

1. We must translate these letters. (should, need, ought to)

2. He can answer this question. (is able to, could)

3. You must come to the office at 9 o’clock. (have to, be to, need)

Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. Must we learn these words? (needn’t, mustn’t, mayn’t)

2. May I smoke here? (mustn’t, mayn’t, needn’t)

3. Can you speak French? (can, be able to, may)

Модуль 2


Roberts and Company, a British
firm, sent an enquiry for boilers to " Machinoexport ". The buyers were interested in
boilers of different models
. "Machinoexport" received the enquiry from the firm and the President
of our office asked
Mr. Bunin to be ready for the talks

On the 3rd of April Mr. Camp, a representative
of Roberts and Co. came to Moscow. The next day1
he had a talk
with Mr. Bunin and got the necessary materials from him. Mr. Camp and Mr. Bunin made an appointment for the 6th of April.


Camp: Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin: Good afternoon, Mr. Camp. I hope
you are having a good time.

Camp: Oh, yes. I like it here very much.

Bunin: Have
you gone sightseeing yet

Camp: Well, I’ve only been here since
Tuesday and I haven’t seen much yet
. I was at the Tretyakoy Gallery
yesterday and I’ve just
been to the Kremlin
. It’s wonderful.

Bunin: Glad to hear it. Now, what can I do for you?

Camp: I’ve gone through your catalogues and price-lists. I believe we can buy from you two boilers, Model PK-67 and three boilers Model BK-220. But your prices are too high, I’m afraid.

Bunin: I don’t think so2
. We usually sell our boilers at these prices. They are in great demand, and we have sold a lot of them at these prices lately. I’m afraid we can’t reduce them.

Camp: I see3
. And what about the terms of delivery?

Bunin: We can offer you the goods c.i.f.4

Camp: Good, then we accept
the terms.

Bunin: When do you require
the boilers?

Camp: We’d like to have them in May.

Bunin: That’s all right5
. We can ship
them in May.

Camp: Fine
. I’d like to contact
my people7
and let them know your an­swer. Can I see you on Friday?

Bunin: Certainly. What time is convenient
to you?

Camp: Any time you say8

Bunin: 11.30 then.

Camp: Very good. Good-bye.

Bunin: Good-bye.


1. next day
— на следующий день. Это слово всегда употребляется без предлога.

next week
— на следующей неделе

next month
— в следующий месяц

next year
— на следующий год

Если эти словосочетания встречаются в контексте прошедшего

времени, то перед ними, как правило, ставится определенный артикль:

On the 3rd of April Mr. Camp came to Moscow. The next day he had a talk with Mr. Bunin.

2. I don’t think so
. — He думаю. Я думаю, что это не так. I think so
. — Я тоже так думаю. Я думаю, что это так.

3. I see
. — Ясно. Понятно.

4. c.i.f.
— это первые буквы слов cost, insurance, freight [ ] (стоимость, страхование, фрахт). СИФ — условия поставки, по которым продавец обязан доставить товар до пункта приемки и застраховать его. Цена товара, таким образом, включает стоимость товара, фрахта и страхования.

We can sell our goods c.i.f. Liverpool

. — Мы можем продать товар сиф Ливерпуль.

— это первые буквы слов free on board [ ] (франке борт судна). ФОБ — условия поставки, по которым продавец обязан доставить и погрузить товар на борт судна за свой счет. The firm has sold the goods f.o.b.Petersburg

— Фирма продала това­ры фоб Петербург.

We can offer you the goods on c.i.f. terms. — Мы можем предложить товары на условиях сиф.

5. That’s all right
. — Хорошо.

6. Fine
. — Прекрасно.

7. I’d like to contact my people
. — Мне бы хотелось связаться со своей фирмой.

8. Any time you say
. — В любое время.

Глаголы to say, to tell, to speak

to say (said, said)
означает «говорить», «сказать». Он употребляется:

1. перед прямой речью

Не said: "Let’s have a walk."
— Он сказал: «Давай погуляем».

Примечание. Перед косвенным дополнением после глагола to say ставится предлог to.


said to us: "I’ve got some interesting news to tell you".

Он сказал нам: «У меня есть интересная новость».

2. перед косвенной речью

Не says that he knows English well
. — Он говорит, что хорошо знает английский язык.

3. с прямым дополнением

Не didn’t say a word.
— Он не сказал ни слова.

to tell (told, told)

1. «рассказывать», «сообщать» (как правило, употребляется с кос­венным дополнением, за которым идет либо прямое, либо пред­ложное дополнение)

Не told us the news
. — Он сообщил нам новость.

Tell me about your holiday
. — Расскажите мне о вашем отпуске.

Примечание. Без косвенного дополнения to tell употребляется только в словосочетаниях to tell the truth [ ] ‘говорить правду’, to tell a lie l ] ’лгать’, to tell a story [ ] ‘рассказывать историю’.

2. «сказать» (в этом значении он употребляется перед косвенной речью)

Tell him that you know it.
— Скажи ему, что ты знаешь это.

3. «велеть»

told us to come here tomorrow.
— Он велел нам придти сюда завтра.

to speak

1. «говорить» (в этом значении глагол to speak
непереходный и, как правило, определяется наречием)

Не speaks very well.
— Он говорит очень хорошо.

2. «разговаривать», «беседовать», «говорить» (в этом значении to speak
употребляется с предложным дополнением с предлогами to, with и about

We spoke about it for 15 minutes.
— Мы говорили об этом в течение 15 минут.

Speak to him about it, please.—
Поговорите с ним об этом, пожалуй­ста.

3. «говорить на языке»

Не speaks English and German
. — Он говорит по-английски и по-немецки.

4. «выступать»

Не spoke at the meeting yesterday
.—Он выступал вчера на собрании.


buyer n

The buyers would like to have the goods in May.

seller n

to be interested in


Покупатели хотели бы получить товар в мае


быть заинтересованным в ...


Оборот to be interested in
употребляется с последующим существительным или герундием

We are interested in your goods.

Some firms are interested in buying our goods

Мы заинтересованы в ваших товарах.

Некоторые фирмы заинтересованы в покупке наших товаров

model n

We’d like to buy a TV set of a new model.

president n

to ask v

He asked me to give him a book to read.

He asked me not to tell her about it.

talk n

to have a talk

to have talks

We had talks with one of the French firms last week.

representative n

The firm sent their representative to Moscow.

next adi

I’m going to spend my holiday in the Crimea next year.

necessary adj

You can get the necessary catalogues tomorrow morning.

This book is necessary to me.

material n


All the materials were ready for the talks.

to make an appointment

We have made an appointment with the French businessmen for Friday.

to hope v

I hope you know the news.

to go sightseeing

I’d like to go sightseeing tomorrow.

the Tretyakov Gallery n

the Kremlin n

to believe v

I believe I can phone you after dinner.

too adv

This text is too short.

high adj

The prices of the goods were very high.

low adj

to be afraid

модель, образец

Нам бы хотелось купить телевизор но­вого образца.

председатель объединения

просить, попросить

Он попросил меня дать ему почитать книгу.

Он попросил меня не говорить ей об этом.


вести беседу

вести переговоры

Мы вели переговоры с одной фран­цузской фирмой на прошлой неделе.


Фирма послала своего представителя в Москву.

следующий, будущий

В будущем году я собираюсь прове­сти свой отпуск в Крыму.


Вы можете получить необходимые каталоги завтра утром.

Эта книга мне необходима.


материалы, документы

Все материалы были готовы для переговоров.

назначать встречу

Мы назначили встречу с представи­телями французской фирмы на пятницу.


Надеюсь, вы знаете эту новость.

осматривать достопримечательности

Мне бы хотелось осмотреть достопримечательности завтра.

Третьяковская галерея



Я полагаю, что сумею позвонить вам после обеда.


Этот текст слишком короток.


Цены на товар были слишком высоки.



Этот оборот часто употребляется в разговорной речи для смягчения категоричности высказывания.

I’m afraid I can’t do it now.

I’m afraid it’s already late.

Боюсь, что я не могу сделать это сейчас.

Боюсь, что уже поздно.

To think (thought, thought) v

I think the secretary is in now.

at the price of...

a pound

We can offer you this equipment at the price of £...

great [greit] adj

Tolstoy is a great Russian writer.

to be in demand

The goods of V/O Machinoexport are in great demand.

to reduce v

The Sellers couldn’t’ reduce the prices of their goods.

to offer v

He offered me that book.

offer n

We’ve received an offer of power equip­ment from a French firm lately.

on c.i.f. (f.o.b., f.a.s.) terms

We can offer you our goods on c.i.f.

to accept v

to accept an offer

a price

terms of delivery

terms of payment


The Buyers haven’t accepted the Sellers’ goods.

acceptable adj

Your terms are acceptable to us.

to require v

The firm requires the goods in July.

to ship v

The firm shipped the goods in time.

ship n

shipment n

terms of shipment

time of shipment

Your terms of shipment are not accept­able to us.

fine adj

It is fine outside today.

to contact v

Я думаю, секретарь сейчас у себя.

по цене

денежная единица в один фунт стер­лингов. На письме обозначается зна­ком £.

Мы можем предложить вам это обо­рудование по цене ... фунтов.

великий, большой

Толстой — великий русский писа­тель.

пользоваться спросом

Товары Машиноэкспорта пользуются большим спросом.

сокращать, снижать

Продавец не смог снизить цены на свои товары.


Он предложил мне эту книгу.


Мы недавно получили предложение на энергетическое оборудование от французской фирмы.

на условиях СИФ (ФОБ, ФАС)

Мы можем предложить вам наш товар на условиях СИФ.


принимать предложение


условия поставки

условия оплаты


Покупатель не принял товар продавца.


Ваши условия приемлемы для нас.

требовать (-ся)

Фирме требуются товары в июле.

грузить, отгружать

Фирма отгрузила товары вовремя.

судно, пароход


условия отгрузки

время отгрузки

Ваши условия отгрузки неприем­лемы для нас.

прекрасный, хороший

Сегодня на улице хорошо.

связаться с кем-л. (поговорить)

После глагола to contact всегда употребляется прямое дополнение.

Contact Mr. Smith tomorrow moning, please.

Свяжитесь с г-ном Смитом завтра утром, пожалуйста

convenient adj

The time of the appointment is conve­nient to me.

to say (said, said) v

yet adv

Have you seen him yet?

I haven’t spoken to him yet.

since prep


ever adv

never adv


Время встречи устраивает меня (удобно мне).

говорить, сказать

уже, еще

Вы уже видели его сегодня?

Я еще не говорил с ним.


с тех пор как



В английском языке в предложении возможно лишь одно отрицание. Поэтому, если в предложении имеется наречие never, то сказуемое употребляется в утвердительной форме.

We have never done business with that firm.

Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой

just adv

lately adv

how long

How long have you known him?

for a long time

I haven’t seen him for a long time.

только что

за последнее время

сколько времена

Сколько времени вы его знаете?

давно, в течение долгого времени

Я давно его не видел

Grammar Exercises

The Present Perfect Tense

I. Назовите З основные формы следующих глаголов:

to find, to take, to give, to be, tо go, to get, to thank, to learn, to trans­late, to play, to sit, to put, to see, to send, to know, to do, to speak, to read, to begin, to write, to make, to have, to meet, to come, to bring, to buy, to sell, to decide, to work, to swim, to let, to spend.

II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I’ve found your book. Here you are. 2. You may take the magazine. I’ve gone through it. 3. Has your son ever seen the sea? 4. I’ve just seen Mr. Sergeev. He is at his office. 5. Have you finished the letter yet? 6. We’ve sold a lot of power equipment this year. 7. They haven’t discussed the prices yet. 8. We’ve made a contract with a German firm lately.

1. I haven’t been to the Crimea sinece 1963. 2. He hasn’t skied since 1966. 3. Since when have you worked at the Ministry? 5.How long have you known Mr. S.? I’ve known him for 10 years. 5. We haven’t met since he last came to Moscow. 6. It has been cold since last week.

. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. We have done business with this firm. 2. She has been to the theatre this week. 3. They have come back today.

4. She has phoned you this morn­ing. 5. They have had a good time.

1. The film has been on since last week. 2. I have known him for ten years. 3. They have lived in Moscow for a long time. 4. We have received two letters from him since he went to London.

IV. Поставьте наречия на соответствующее место в предложении:

1. He’s been to London. (never) 2. Have you bought this book? (yet) 3. They’ve gone for a walk. (just) 4. She has done well. (lately) 5. Have you swum in the sea? (ever) 6. The childien have not got up. (yet) 7. Has it got light? (yet) 8. Who’s telephoned you? (just)

V. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Have you made any contracts with some British firms lately? 2. Have you received any foreign businessmen today? 3. Have you sent any en­quires to foreign firms this month? 4. Has your office received any enquiries for your goods lately? 5. How many contracts have you made this year. 6. What countries have you been to? 7. What interesting films have you seen lately? 8. How many new performances have you seen this year? 9. Whom have you seen today? 10. Whom have you telephoned today? 11. Which of you has listened to the news this morning? 12. Which of you has been to the Caucasus?

13. Who has received a new flat this year? 14. How many English words have you learned since you began to learn English? 15. How long have you known Mr. X.? 16. How long have you been an engineer? 17. How long have you been married?

18. Since when have you lived in Moscow?

VI. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. С какими странами вы заключили контракты за последнее время? 2. Мы только что обсудили условия поставки. 3. С этой фир­мой мы никогда не вели торговли. 4. — Вы получили наши каталоги и прейскуранты? — Да. — Вы уже изучили наши каталоги?— Нет. 5. — Ваша контора когда-либо продавала этой фирме горношахт­ное оборудование? — Да. Мы с ними вели торговлю два года тому назад. 6. — Этот фильм еще идет?— Да, но я его еще не видел. 7. — Секретарь уже принес почту?—Нет еще, 8. Ваш завод когда-нибудь изготовлял это оборудование?

9. Мы только что послали фирме телеграмму об этом. 10. Он никогда не проводил отпуск на Кавказе.

Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

VII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Have you made an appointment with Mr. Lake yet? Yes, we’ve made an appointment with him for Friday.

2. The firm is interested in buying our new model of boilers. 3. Mr. Semenov has got all the necessary materials for the talks. 4. Milk is necessary for children. 5. We are going to have talks with a British firm one of these days. 6. I asked the secretary not to make any appointments for tomorrow.

1. The Buyers require the goods this month. Have you shipped the goods yet? 2. I believe we can buy their goods at this price. They’ve reduced it. 3. We’ve never sold this firm our goods on f.o.b. terms. 4. The representative of Brown and Co. says they’ve accepted our offer. 5. I’m afraid we can’t buy your goods at these prices. 6. I’ve been here since Sunday but I haven’t gone sightseeing yet. 7. We’ve just contacted Frank and Co. They say that they can’t reduce their price. 8. Their goods are in great demand now and they’ve received a lot of enquiries for their goods lately.

VIII. Поставьте всевозможные вопросы к следующим предложениям:

1. We are interested in selling our mining equipment. 2. Our office is going to sell our new model of cars. 3. The secretary has made an appoint­ment with Mr. Brown for 12 o’clock. 4. We were having talks when the secretary

brought us the cable.

1. She was at the Tretyakov Gallery last week. 2. They have reduced their prices. 3. I’m going to contact my people tomorrow. 4. The firm has accepted our offer of boilers.

IX. Найдите в тексте и диалоге эквиваленты к следующим предложениям и словосочетаниям:

1. Покупатели интересовались котлами различных моделей. 2. Быть готовым к переговорам. 3. 3 апреля.

4. На следующий день у него были переговоры с г-ном Буниным. 5. Он получил не­обходимый материал. б. Они назначили встречу на 6 апреля.

1. Надеюсь, что вы хорошо проводите время. 2. Мне очень нра­вится здесь. 3. Вы уже осматривали достопримечательности? 4. Я только что был в Кремле. 5. Рад слышать это. 6. Чем могу быть вам полезен? 7. Я полагаю. 8. Боюсь, что ваши цены слишком вы­соки. 9. Я не думаю. 10. На них большой спрос. 11. Понимаю. 12. А каковы ваши условия поставки? 13. Мы бы хотели получить их в мае. 14. Прекрасно. 15. Мне хотелось бы связаться со своей фир­мой и сообщить им ваш ответ. 16. Любое время.

X. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени, употребив одно из данных обстоя­тельств:

1. I (to send) them the offer (this week, yesterday, just, a fortnight ago, this morning, last week). 2. We (to go sightseeing) today (three days ago, last week, just, the other day, this week). 3. They (to be) in (to) Kiev never (last year, lately, 2 years ago, this month).

XI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме и воспроизведите диалог:

Basov: Hello, (to be) that Lake and Co? I’d like to speak to Mr. Lake.

Lake: Yes, Lake (to speak).

Basov: Good afternoon, Mr. Lake. This (to speak) Basov of Avtoexport. We (to see) your new model of cars lately and we (to be interested) in buying some of your new cars. Can you send us your offer?

Lake: I (to believe) we (to send) you our offer, Mr. Basov. You (to receive) it?

Basov: Not yet. When you (to send) it?

Lake: We (to send) it a week ago, I (to believe).

Basov: Then we must receive it today or tomorrow.

Lake: I (to think) so. How many cars would you like to buy?

Basov: 5 or 6.

Lake: Good. And when you (to require) them?

Basov: In April or in May.

Lake: I (to believe) we can ship you the cars in April.

XII. Заполните пропуски активными словами:

to have talks, buyers, to contact, representatives, offers, to be interested, to make appointments, acceptable, to be in great demand

Russia does business with different coun­tries of the world. Every day our Ministry receives ... and enquiries from different firms. Our goods … and we have a lot of ... in different countries now. They ... in buying our equipment and raw materials. They send their enquiries to our country or their businessmen come here ... with our ...

When they come to our country they usually ... different offices of our Ministry and ... with our businessman.

During the talks they discuss different questions with them. When our prices, terms of payment and delivery are ... to them we make contracts.

XIII. Заполните пропуски глаголами to say, to speak, to tell в соответству­ющей форме и переведите на русский язык:

1. The representative of the firm ... that our terms of payment are acceptable to them. 2. I’m afraid I cannot... you about it now. I can let you know our answer tomorrow morning. 3. The President ... to the represen­tatives of the firm about their offer when I came into the room. 4. What did you ... ? I didn’t hear you. 5. He ... to us, "We require the goods this month." 6. You see, I don’t know English well. I cannot. ... it in English. The President ... the secretary not to contact Brown & Co. that day.

The President is out now. Please, ... Mr. Ward to telephone us in half an hour. 9. Mr. Brown ... that 12 o’clock is quite convenient to them. 10. ... the representative of the firm that we are interested in buying their goods. 11. Mr. Harris ... their goods are in great demand now and they cannot reduce their price. 12. I’ve ... to Mr. Brown on the phone. He ... he is going to come to Moscow.


Speech Exercises

XIV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте рассказ:

1. What office do you work at? 2. What goods do you sell to foreign firms? 3. Are these goods in great demand in foreign countries? 4. What prices do you sell your goods at? 5. Do you sometimes reduce your prices? 6. What firms have you done business with lately?

1. Do you often have talks with foreign businessmen? 2. When did you last have talks? 3. What businessmen did you receive? 4. What goods were they interested in? 5. What questions did you discuss during the talks? 6. What materials did you require for the talks? 7. Have you made a contract for the goods?

1. What firm are you having business with now? 2. What questions have you discussed? 3. What is the price of the goods? 4. Is the price acceptable to the foreign businessmen? 5. Have they asked you to reduce the price? 6. What answer have you given them?

1. What contracts have you made lately? 2. What goods have you bought? 3. Have you bought the goods on c.i.f. or f.o.b. terms? 4. When is the firm going to ship the goods? 5. What time of shipment is convenient to you? 6. Are you very much interested in doing business with this firm?

XV. Задайте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них:

1. Ask Mr. X. what goods they are interested in. 2. Ask Mr X. for what time he has made an appointment with a representative of a foreign firm. 3. Ask the representative of a foreign firm when he’d like to go sightseeing. 4. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what you can do for him. 5. Ask the representative of a foreign firm at what price his company sells power equipment. 6. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what models of boilers are in great demand.

7. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what goods they can offer you. 8. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what terms of shipment are acceptable to them. 9. Ask the represen­tative of a foreign firm what goods they require. 10. Ask Mr. X. since when they have done business with Brown & Co.

XVI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What do we do when we are interested in selling some goods? 2. What do we do when we require some goods?

3. On what terms can you sell (buy) goods? 4. When do you usually send enquiries? 5. What did you do when you received an offer from the firm the other day? 6. What do you do before you make a contract with a firm? 7. What do you do when you find that the firm’s price is too high? 8. What does a representative of a foreign firm do when he wants to make an appointment with you?

XVII. Составьте краткий рассказ на основе следующего диалога:

Secretary: Mr. Smirnov, this is Mr. Gray to see you.

Gray: How do you do, Sir?

Smirnov: How do you do, Mr. Gray. Will you sit down, please?

Gray: Thank you.

Smirnov: What can I do for you, Mr. Gray?

Gray: You see, Mr. Smirnov, my firm is interested in your boilers.

Smirnov: Glad to hear it. We can offer you different models of boilers. Have you seen our catalogues yet?

Gray: Yes, I have. We require boilers, Model BL-220.

Smirnov: I see. And how many boilers do you require?

Gray: I believe, we can buy 2 boilers of the model. I must say, we would like to have the machines in July or August. Smirnov: Very good. We can promise you July shipment, c.i.f. Manchester. Are these terms acceptable to you?

Gray: Yes, quite. But what about the price?

Smirnov: I think we’ve written in our offer that our price is £ ...

Gray: Can you reduce the price?

Smirnov: I’m afraid we can’t, Mr. Gray.

Gray: All right.

a machine- машина; to promise- обещать

XVIII. Составьте диалоги ни основе следующих ситуаций:

Mr. Sanin meets Mr. Black in his office. There are cigarettes on the table, and they smoke. Mr. Black has brought catalogues and price-lists. He offers our representative their power equipment. They discuss the time of shipment and the price.

Mr. Sanin asks Mr. Black to reduce the price. Mr. Black can not give his answer. He is going to contact his people.

Mr. Minin of Machinoimport has come to the London office of Wilson & Co. Mr. Wilson asks Mt Minin how he likes London. Mr. Minin lets Mr. Wilson know that Machinoimport is intrested in the goods of the company. He asks Mr. Wilson about the terms of delivery and the time of shipment. The Sellers ran offer the goods c.i.f. Petersburg.

XIX. Составьте ситуации или диалоги сo следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

1. to be interested, to send an enquiry, to let the firm know, to sent catalogues and prise-lists, to go through, to be acceptable;

2. to have talks, to discuss, prices, to ask, to reduce, to accept, an offer;

3. to offer, to be in great demand, c.i.f. Petersburg, to be acceptable, to require, to ship;

4. to come to Moscov, representative, to have talks, to go sightseeing, to go to the Art Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Kremlin.

XX. Выполните следующие задания:

1 . Позвоните фирме и попросите секретаря назначить вам встречу с президентом компании на завтра. Скажите также, что вам требу­ются их каталоги и прейскуранты. 2, Сообщите г-ну Кэмпу при встре­че, что вас интересуют товары его фирмы. Скажите также, что вы хотели бы обсудить с ним условия поставки и что вам требуются товары в июле этого года. 3. Обсудите с представителем фирмы цены на товары. Скажите, что вы полагаете, что цены слишком высоки и неприемлемы для вас. Попросите его снизить цены. 4. Спросите г-на Кэмпа, был ли он в Москве раньше. Поинтересуйтесь также, посетил ли он Кремль и Третьяковскую галерею. Предло­жите ему билеты в театр на вечер.

XXI. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1. An enquiry. 2. An offer. 3. An appointment. 4. A business talk.


Тема: Видо-временные формы английского глагола в вопросительных предложениях.

Задание: Употребите правильно вспомогательный глагол при образовании разных видо-временных форм глагола в следующих предложениях:

1. How long … you … learning English?

2. What … you doing now?

3. I … writing a test.

4. I … writing a test for ten minutes.

А) are

Б) have been

В) is

А) are

Б) have been

В) had

А) am

Б) have

В) had

А) am

Б) have been

В) had


Тема: Использование активной лексики по теме «A business trip»

Задание: Вставьте необходимое по смыслу слово,

1. He … that he knows English well.

(talk, tell, speak, say).

2. We … about it for 15 minutes. (talk, tell, speak, say)

3. He … us the last news. (talk, tell, speak, say)

4. I`d life to go … tomorrow. (cinema, work, sightseeing)

5. The seller couldn`t reduce the … of their goods. (time, temperature, prices, level)


Видо-временные формы английского глагола в вопросительных предложениях.

Употребите правильно вспомогательный глагол при образовании разных видо-временных форм глагола в следующих предложениях.

1. How long … you … learning English?

а) are

б) have been

в) is

2. What … you doing now?

а) are

б) have been

в) had

3. I … writing a test for ten minutes.

а) am

б) have been

в) had

4. He … already written a test.

а) has

б) have been

в) had

Выберите соответствующее обстоятельство в разных временных формах.

1. We made this contract … .

а) now

б) next year

в) last year

2. He will come to see us … .

а) last week

б) tomorrow

в) yesterday

3. He is speaking on the phone … .

а) next Sunday

б) now

в) a year ago

Выберете соответствующие вопросительные слова и вспомогательные глаголы в разных временных формах.

1. … is reading this book now?

а) what

б) who

в) when

2. … you fond of music?

а) do

б) are

в) did

3. … she go to the cinema yesterday?

а) does

б) will

в) did

Выберите подходящие по смыслу глаголы настоящего продолженного времени в значении будущего.

1. He is … this week.

а) coming

б) leaving

в) going

2. Are you … with me?

а) leaving

б) sleaping

в) going

3. We are … for the Crimea on Sunday.

а) running

б) leaving

в) coming

Выберите подходящие по смыслу союзы в условных и временных придаточных предложениях.

1. … you catch a morning train to Sochi, you’ll come there the next day.

а) when

б) if

в) after

2. I’ll stay at the Astoria Hotel … I come to Petersburg.

а) when

б) till

в) before

3. I’ll phone you, … I book a ticket.

а) while

б) until

в) as soon as



Techmachimport got instructions
to buy chemical
equipment abroad
. With this in view1 Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport went on business
to Great Britain to place an order
with a British firm.

He phoned the Intourist booking-office to book a seat
for a plane
to London. He found out
that there were flights daily
and that it would take
him three and a half hours to get to

Mr. Kozlov booked a seat for the TU-104 jet-liner
. The next morning he had arrived
at Sheremetievo airport
by seven o’clock, an hour before
the plane took off

After the clerk
had registered
his ticket and passport
Kozlov filled in a declaration
and went to the waiting-room
. There were a few passengers

They were all waiting
for the announcement to get on
the plane. In ten minutes they heard the announcement, «Attention, please. Will passengers for London join Flight 31?»2

When Mr. Kozlov got on the plane, the stewardess showed
him his seat.

At eight o’clock the plane took off. Although
it flew
at a high speed3
, the passengers felt well
. At 11.30 a.m.4
the plane landed
at London airport.


Mr. Kozlov is going through the Customs at London airport.

Customs Official: Is this your suit-case
, sir?

Kozlov: Yes, that’s right.

Customs Official: Will you, please, open it?

Kozlov: Certainly.

Customs Official: Have you any things to declare?

Kozlov: No, I don’t think so, though I have some cigarettes for my own use

Customs Official: How many packets
of cigarettes have you got? Kozlov: Oh, I’ve got only three packets. I believe they’ll be duty free.

Customs Official: Yes, of course5
. Have you got any presents
or any things liable to duty?

Kozlov: No, I haven’t.

Customs Official: Well, thank you, sir. Kozlov: Thank you.


1. with this in view
- с этой целью

2. «Attention, please. Will passengers for London join flight 31?»
– Внимание. Просим пассажиров пройти к самолету, который летит рейсом 31.

3. at a high speed
- с большой скоростью

4. at 11.30 a.m.
- в 11.30 утра.

a.m. = ante meridium
- время с 12 часов ночи до 12 дня

p.m. = post meridium
- время с 12 дня до 12 ночи

5. Yes, of course
[ ], - Да, конечно.


instruction n

to give instructions

to get instructions

The director gave us all the necessary instructions.

chemical adj

abroad adv

to be abroad

to go abroad

to come from abroad

I have never been abroad.

My friends haven’t come from abroad yet.

to go on business

Some of our engineers are going on

business to France soon.

to place an order

Techmachimport is placing an order

for chemical equipment with a British firm.

booking-office n

to book v

We usually book tickets for the theatre in advance.

seat n

to book a seat

I couldn’t book seats for a Sunday performance.

plane n

to find out v

I must find out where he lives.

flight [flait] n

Tell us about your first flight to London.

Have you got any tickets for flight 657?

daily adv, adj

We receive two newspapers daily.

The "Pravda" is a daily newspaper.

it takes . . .

It took us two days to do the work.

to get to v

It takes me half an hour to get to my office.

jet-liner n

to arrive v

инструкция, указание

давать указания

получать указания

Директор дал нам все необходимые указания.


за границу, за границей

быть за границей

ездить за границу

приезжать из-за границы

Я никогда не был за границей.

Мои друзья еще не приехали из-за границы.

ездить в командировку

Несколько наших инженеров поедут во Францию в командировку.

размещать заказ

«Техмашинпорт» размещает за­каз на химическое оборудование у ан­глийской фирмы.

билетная касса (на вокзале, в аэро­порту и т. п.)

заказывать (билет)

Мы обычно заказываем билеты в театр заранее (предварительно).

место (в театре, поезде и т. п.)

заказывать (место)

Мне не удалось заказать билеты на воскресный спектакль.


выяснять, узнавать

Я должен узнать, где он живет.

1. полет

Расскажите нам о своем первом по­лете в Лондон.

2. рейс

У вас есть билеты на рейс 657?

ежедневно, ежедневный

Мы ежедневно юлучаем две газеты.

«Правда» — ежедневная газета.

уходить, требоваться

У нас ушло два дня на то, чтобы сделать эту работу.

добираться до, доехать до (о времени)

У меня уходит полчаса на то, чтобы доехать до места работы.

реактивный, пассажирский самолет


to arrive in а country

to arrive in a city


to arrive at a village

to arrive at a town

прибыть в страну,

в большой город


приехать в деревню,

в небольшой город

The businessmen will arrive in Moscow tomorrow morning.

We arrived at the village at 8 o’clock.

The mail hasn’t arrived yet.

airport n

There are some airports in Moscow

Представители фирмы прибудут в Москву завтра утром.

Мы приехали в деревню в 8 часов.

Почта еще не пришла.


В Москве несколько аэропортов.

Перед незваниями аэропортов артикль не употребляется.

London airport, Vnukovo airport, Sberemetievo airport

before conj

We had come home before it got dark.

to take off v

The plane is taking off in five minutes.

after conj


to register v

The clerk registered my ticket for the plane.

passport n

to fill in v

to declare v

I have no things to declare.

declaration n

I’ve signed the declaration.

It is necessary to fill in a declaration when you go abroad.

to wait v

Will you wait for me here?


There were a lot of people in the waiting-room.

a few adj

до того как, прежде чем

Мы приехали домой, до того как стемнело.

1. подниматься (о самолетах), вылетать

Самолет вылетает через 5 минут.

2. снимать (пальто, шляпу и т. д.) после того как

служащий, клерк


Служащий (аэропорта) зарегистриро­вал мой билет на самолет.


заполнять (бланк, декларацию и т. д.)

заявлять о вещах, запрещенных для ввоза и вывоза за границу

У меня нет вещей, запрещенных для ввоза.


Я подписал декларацию.

Необходимо заполнить декларацию, когда вы едете за границу.


Вы подождете меня здесь?

зал ожидания

В зале ожидания было много


немного, несколько (употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными)

I have few friends in Kiev.

I have a few friends in Moscow.

I’ll tell you a few words about my holiday.

У меня мало друзей в Киеве,

У меня несколько друзей в Москве.

Я расскажу вам в нескольких словах о своем отпуске

a little adj немного (употребляется с неисчис­ляемыми существительными)

There is little bread on the plate.

There is a little bread on the plate. You may take some.

На тарелке мало хлеба.

На тарелке есть немного хлеба. Вы можете взять.

a little adv

My sister speaks French a little.

passenger n

announcement n

to make an announcement

The director made an announcement that the talks would begin at 10.

to get on v

The passengers got on the plane 15 minutes before the plane took off.

to get off v

Are you getting off now?

stewardess n

to show (showed, shown) v

Will you show me the way to the airport?

although, though conj

Although it was cold we went skating.

to fly, flew, flown v

I’d like to fly to Leningrad for a holiday.

to feel (felt, felt) v

to feel well

to feel bad

to feel fine

I felt well after I had had a walk.

to land v

The plane landed at London airpoit at 10 o’clock.

Customs Office = Customs House n

to go through the Customs

All the passengers must go through the Customs when they go abroad.

Customs Official

suit-case n

for my own use

These are things for my own use.

packet n

a packet of cigarettes

to be duty-free

Some goods are not duty-fiee.

present n

My friends have made me a good present.

to be liable to duty


Моя сестра немного говорит по-французски.


объявление (устное, письменное или напечатанное)

делать объявление

Директор сделал объявление о том, что переговоры начнутся в 10 часов.

садиться (на самолет, поезд и т. д.)

Пассажиры сели в самолет за 15 ми­нут до вылета.

выходить (из самолета, поезда и т. д.)

Вы сейчас выходите?



Покажите мне, пожалуйста, дорогу к аэропорту.

хотя, несмотря на то, что

Хотя было холодно, мы пошли кататься на коньках.


Мне бы хотелось полететь в Ленин­град на праздники.


чувствовать себя хорошо

чувствовать себя плохо

чувствовать себя прекрасно

Я чувствовал себя хорошо после прогулки.


Самолет приземлился в Лондонском аэропорту в 10 часов.


проходить таможенный досмотр

Все пассажиры должны проходить таможенный досмотр, когда они едут за границу.

служащий таможни


для личного пользования

Эти вещи для моего личного пользования,


пачка сигарет

не подлежать обложению пошлиной

Некоторые товары подлежат обло­жению пошлиной.


Мои друзья сделали мне хороший подарок.

подлежать обложению пошлиной

What things are liable to duty?

bus n

by prep

to go by bus

to go by taxi

to come by bus

to go by plane

to get to ... by bus

Can I get there by bus?

Какие вещи подлежат обложению пошлиной?


на (видом транспорта)

ездить на автобуса (автобусом)

ездить на такси

приезжать на автобусе

лететь самолетом

доехать до ... автобусом

Могу я доехать туда автобусом?

Grammar Exercises

The Past Perfect Tense

I. Назовите три основные формы следующих глаголов:

to leave, to put through, to clear up, to export, to think, to let, to ship, to require, to go, to have, to get, to find, to swim, to spend, to hear, to listen, to sell, to buy, to bring, to come, to speak.

II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. We had discussed all the questions when you telephoned us. 2. The director of our office hadn’t yet gone through all the cables and telexes when the secretary brought him some letters from foreign firms. 3. Mr. Kotov had left Kiev before I came there. 4. After they had had dinner they went for a short walk. 5. The firm had shipped the goods by the 20th of December. 6. I was in the Crimea last year. I had never been there before. 7. Yesterday I met Mr Petrov. I hadn’t seen him since we left school.

. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Had you come home by 8 o’clock last night? 2. Had you taken your child to the nursery school before you went to work yesterday? 3. What had you done before you came to the lesson? 4. Where had Mr. Smirnov worked before he began to work at this Ministry? 5. Where had your friend lived before he came to live in Moscow? 6. By what month had your office shipped the equipment to the buyers? 7. What points had you cleared up before you signed the last contract? 8. What had the engineers of your office discussed when you came? 9. What did you do after you had conclud­ed a contract with the sellers? 10. What firms had you contacted before you sent an enquiry?

. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Какой язык вы изучали до того, как вы начали изучать ан­глийский? 2. Председатель просмотрел контракт, прежде чем под­писал его. 3. Спектакль закончился к 10 часам вечера. 4. Мы легли спать после того, как прослушали известия по радио. 5. Фильм уже начался, когда мы пришли в кино 6. Николай ушел осматривать город, когда я зашел за ним. 7. Мы отправили вам оборудование до того, как получили ваше письмо. 8. Наша контора была заинтересована в покупке мебели. Мы свя­зались с фирмой Бауэр. Мы никогда не торговали с этой фирмой ранее. 9. В прошлом году я провел свой отпуск на Балтийском море. Мне там очень понравилось. Я никогда там не был раньше.

Согласование времен

. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The secretary said that the British businessmen had come to meet the president. 2. She said that the President was going through the mail. 3. The director of the office let us know that we must be ready for the talks with British businessmen. 4.1 didn’t hear that you had made an appointment with the firm for 10 o’clock. 5. I thought that they would clear up some points in the firm’s offer during the talks. 6. In a letter to my friend I wrote that I was very sorry he couldn’t come to Moscow for a holida y. 7. My sister let me know that she was goiny™ to leave for Petersburg soon.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо, и перескажите первый текст:.

We all know ... name of Chkalov. He was one of ... best (лучший) Russian flyers. In 1937 Chkalov, Baidukov and Beliakov made ... first non­stop (беспосадочный) flight: Moscow -- the North Pole (Северный Полюс) — America. It took them 63 hours to get to Portland. They flew by AN-25. That was … very good plane. Though ... flight was difficult

(трудный) the flyers felt well. ... people in America were happy to see ... Russian flyers on their land. They went home by ship. It was ... large ship. It was going to France. There were ... foreign engineers, doctors, teachers and businessmen on ... ship. One day ... American businessman came up to Chkalov and asked, "Are you rich (богатый), Mr. Chkalov?" "Yes I am," answered Chkalov. "I’ve got 170 million." "Have you got 170 million roubles or dollars?" "I’ve got 170 million people. All ... people work for me and I work for them."

1. When they made . . . announcement about .. . Flight 52, all ... passengers went to ... plane. 2. What airport are we going to land at? I believe we’ll land at ... Domodedovo airport. 3. I think you must make her ... present on the 8th of March. 4. I was afraid that they had not received ... cable and would not come to ... airport to meet me. 5. He said that MR. P. had gone on business to ... Caucasus. 6. Have you booked ... tickets for ... theatre? I’m sorry, I haven’t. But I’m going to ... booking-office tonight. 7. What’s ... time? It’s 7.45. 8. ... time flies and ... сhildren will soon go to ... school.

. Заполните пропуски предлогами или наречиями и перескажите тексты:

A few days ago Mr. Semenov came ... abroad. He had gone ... business . . . Great Britain. He had instructions to place an order ... chem­ical equipment.

Mr. Semenov came . .. Moscow ... TU-104. It took him tliree and a half hours to get home. He had got . . . the plane . . . London airport ... 8 o’clock ... the morning. The plane landed ... Vnukovo airport ... half ... eleven.

His friends had come to meet him and Mr. Semenov was glad to see them.

It didn’t take him long to go ... the Customs. He had no things liable ... duty. He filled ... a declaration and gave it ... a Customs Official. The Customs official came … … Mr Semenov and asked him to open his suit-case ... 15 minutes all the formalities (формальности) were ...

Mr. Semenov took his suit-case and joined his friends. The car was already waiting ... them. They got into the car and went home.

— Where were you yesterday ... 5 and 6 o’clock? I phoned you. — I’m sorry, I was nol ... I went . . . the Bolshoi Theatre booking-office to book tickets . . . tornonow.

— And what will be ... ?

— «Romeo and Juliette». I’ve booked two seats. Will you join me?

— I’ll be happy to. When and where shall we meet?

— Let’s meet ... a quarter ... six. I’ll be waiting ... you outside the theatre.

. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив дянные в скобках слева и словосочетания:

1. When I came into the waiting-room of the airport (all the passengers ... to wait . ..). 2. Before Mr. Sobolev got on the plane (to fill in a declaration). 3. Since the representative of a British firm arrived in Moscow, (... to place a few orders). 4. We heard (... to feel bad). 5 The secretary told us (... to go on business). 6. We found out (... to arrive). 7. The passenger asked the Customs Official (... to be liable to duty). 8. The Customs Official answered (... to be duty free).

9. I did not know (... to go abroad). 10. The engineers said (... to show us the new machines).

. Заполните пропуски активными словами:

Customs-Office, announcement, to land, airport, to go through the cus­toms, to arrive, waiting-room, to declare, to fly, from abroad, flight, to feel well, plane.

The other day I went to Sheremetievo ... to meet my friend. He and his wife were coming back .... When our bus ... at the airport . . . had not yet landed. It was frosty outside and I went into the airport .... There were a lot of people there. Some of them were waiting for the ... to get on the plane, others had come there to meet or to see off (проводить) their friends.

In 15 minutes the plane .... My friends went to the .... They had no things to ... and it didn’t take them long to .... My friends said they had enjoyed the ... and although the jet-liner ... at a high speed they ....

My friend and his wife were very happy to be back.

. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внимание на глаголы to say,

1. What foreign language do you speak? 2. In what countries do people speak this language? 3. Can you say that you know this language well? 4. Who speaks this language in your family? 5. What do you say when you do not hear some words?

1. Did you go to see a doctor when you felt bad? 2. What did the doctor tell you to do? 3. What did the doctor tell you not to do? 4. Did your friend phone you when you felt bad? 5. What did you speak to him about? 6. Did you speak English or Russian to your friend?

1. What do your children say when they get up? 2. What do they say when they go to bed? 3. What do you say when you meet your friend? 4. What do you say when your friend gives you an interesting book to read?

1. Do you like speaking at meetings? 2. When did you have your last meeting at the office? 3. How many people spoke at it? 4. How long did they speak? 5. What did they speak about at the meeting?

a little, a few, little, few.

1. Let me think . . . before I answer your question. 2. The plane had taken off and there were .... passengers in the waiting-room. 3. It didn’t take me long to go through the Customs. There were very . . . people at the Customs-office at that time.

4. I had very . . . time last night and watched



. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте краткий рассказ:

1. Have you ever been abroad? 2. When did you last go abroad? 3. What country were you in? 4. What instructions had your President given you before you went abroad? 5. What did you do when you were abroad? 6. When did you come back from abroad?

1. Have you ever flown by jet-liner? 2. On what lines do jet-liners fly in Russia? 3. On what lines do Russian jet-liners fly? 4. Do you usually enjoy flights on a jet-liner? 5. How do you feel when the plane is taking off (landing)? 6. At what speed does a jet-liner fly? 7. Do you have lunch on the plane?

1. When must passengers go through the customs? 2. What does a customs official ask a passenger about? 3. What things are usialy liable to duty? 4. What things are duty free? 5. Are presents duty free or liable to duty?

1. When did you last go through the Customs? 2. In what country was it? 3. Did you go there by business? 4. What did the customs official ask you to do? 5. What things for your own use did you have in the suit-case?

. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

Mr. Brown arrived in Moscow on business. He flew to Moscow by TU-104. Mr. Brown felt well during the flight. The plane landed at Sheremetievo airport at 6 p.m. Comrade Petrov came to the airport to meet Mr. Brown. When they were going from the airport Comrade Petrov asked him about the flight.

Comrade Smirnov is going to Paris on business. He telephones the Intourist booking-office and asks when they have flights to Paris. The clerk says that there are flights to Paris every other day.

Then Mr. Smirnov books a seat for a plane for Friday and finds out that the plane takes off at 10 a.m. on Fridays. The clerk asks Mr. Smirnov to be at the airport at 10 o’clock.

every other day
через день

When Mr. Krylov came to the Customs House he saw a lot of passengers there. They were all going through the Customs. The Customs official asked Mr. Krylov what things liable to duty he had. Mr. Krylov answered that his things were all duty free. He also said that all the things were for his own use.


. Составьте диалоги или ситуации, используя следующие слова и слово­сочетания:

1. Russia, different countries, to have business relations, representatives, to go abroad, to place an order, raw materials, manu­factured goods;

2. to go abroad, by plane, to arrive, an airport, to go through the Cus­toms, to register, to fill in, a declaration, to declare;

3. to arrive, an airport, in time, to take off, a passenger, to get on, a jet-liner, to join, a flight;

4. a cable, to receive, to meet, a friend, to find out, the number of the flight, to get to, an airport.

. Выполните следующие задания:

1. Mr. Brown has arrived in Moscow on business. You have an appointment with Mr. Brown at the Ministry. Receive Mr. Brown at your office and speak to him about his flight from London to Moscow.

2. You are going to New Delhi on business. Telephone the Intourist booking-office and book a seat for a plane.

. Сделайте сообщение на следующие темы:

1. At the airport. 2. Customs. 3. In the waiting-room.


Тема: Использование активной лексики по теме «Going abroad»

Задание: Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав подходящие по смыслу слова и словосочетания.

1. I couldn`t book seats for a Sunday … (performance, present, thing, cinema)

2. It is necessary to fill in a declaration when you go … (home, trip, abroad, office)

3. The passengers got on the plane 15 minutes before the plane … (arrive, stop, took off, get off).


Употребление активной лексики.

Выберите по смыслу необходимые местоимения.

1. There were … of people in the waiting-room. (much, a lot of, little, many)

2. I’ll tell you … words about my business trip. (few, plenty of, any, a few)

3. Let me think … before I answer your questions. (few, a little, much, little)

Выберите подходящие по смыслу прилагательные.

1. Who is the … engineer in your office? (the youngest, small, shorter)

2. This text is … than that one. (old, shorter, the smallest)

3. He speaks English … of all. (good, less, best)

Закончите предложения, выбрав подходящие по смыслу слова и словосочетания.

1. The plane landed at London … (airport, station, stop)

2. The clerk registered my ticket for the … (bus, plane, tram, tube)

3. There were a lot of people in the … (hall, room, flat, waiting-room)

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

1. He didn’t … a word. (say, talk, speak)

2. He spoke at the meeting … . (today, tomorrow, yesterday)

3. We are interested in … our mining equipment. (selling, getting, making)

Дополните предложения подходящей по смыслу лексикой.

1. I’ll put you … (on, through, upon)

2. will the contract be ready by that … ? (day, week, year,time)

3. I think we’ve done good … (deed, role, part, business)

Ответы на тестовые задания.

Модуль № 1

I. III. V.

1. Ответ: 1б 1. Ответ: must 1. Ответ: needn’t

2. Ответ: 2а 2. Ответ: can 2. Ответ: mustn’t

3. Ответ: 3б 3. Ответ: may 3. Ответ: can


1. Ответ: 1в 1. Ответ: should

2. Ответ: 2а 2. Ответ: is able to

3. Ответ: 3б 3. Ответ: have to

Модуль № 2

I. II. Ш.

1. Ответ: 1а 1. Ответ: 1в 1. Ответ: 1б

2. Ответ: 2а 2. Ответ: 2б 2. Ответ: 2б

3. Ответ: 3а 3. Ответ: 3б 3. Ответ: 3в

4. Ответ: 5а

IV. V.

1. Ответ: 1а 1. Ответ: 1б

2. Ответ: 2в 2. Ответ: 2а

3. Ответ: 3б 3. Ответ: 3в

Модуль № 3

I. II.

1. Ответ: a lot of 1. Ответ: the youngest

2. Ответ: a few 2. Ответ: shorter

3. Ответ: a little 3. Ответ: best


1. Ответ: airport 1. Ответ: say

2. Ответ: plane 2. Ответ: yesterday

3. Ответ: waiting-room 3. Ответ: selling


1. Ответ: Through

2. Ответ: time

3. Ответ: business


Закрепление лексико-грамматического материала по модулям.

Закончите предложения лексикой, подходящей по смыслу.

1. Russia has trade relations with different … (towns, countries, cities, capitals)

2. It is necessary to fill in a declaration when you go … (home, trip, abroad, office)

3. The seller couldn’t reduce the prices of their … (time, level, goods)

Выберите из глаголов синонимов, подходящие по смыслу.

1. He … that he knows English well. (talks, tells, speaks says)

2. We … about if for 15 minutes. (said, told, spoke, talked)

3. She … us the last news. (said, spoke, told, talked)

Дополните предложения подходящей по смыслу лексикой.

1. I couldn’t book seats for a Sunday … . (performance, cinema, thing)

2. It is necessary to fill in a declaration when you go … . (home, trip, abroad)

3. The passengers got on the plane 15 minutes before the plane … . (arrives, stops, gets off, took off)

Заполните пропуски местоимениями “much”, “many”, “little”, “few”.

1. … children watch TV after 9 o’clock in the evening.

2. I don’t like … sugar in my tea.

3. Was there … snow in Moscow last winter?

Заполните пропуски местоимениями “some”, “any”.

1. Last month we saw … new performances at the Art Theatre.

2. Are there … tickets for this film at the Box Office?

3. I don’t see … sugar on the table.

Выберите активные слова и словосочетания в нужной форме.

1. Last Sunday Mr. Titov … in the afternoon. (to go for a walk, to be one, wonderful)

2. It was spring and it was … outside. (good, to decide, wonderful)

3. He … two tickets for the Saturday performance. (to buy, to telephone, on his way)

Выберите необходимые предлоги или наречия.

1. Last year I had a holiday … winter. (in, at, on, after)

2. One day … breakfast we decided to have a walk … the park. (before, at, after, in)

3. We went … the cinema … half … seven. (before, to, after, at, past, on)

Заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоимениями.

1. We thank you for ... enquire for … power equipment of … 10 of December.

2. … prices are too high, I’m afraid we cannot accept … offer.

3. I hope you’ve had … good time at … holyday home.

Выберите подходящие по смыслу местоимения “little”, “a little”, “few’, “a few”.

1. 1 .Let me think … before I answer your questions.

2. There were very … people at the Customs-office at that time.

3. I had very … time last night and watched TV for only … minutes.

Выберите слова “That” или “What”

1. The secretary said … the president had signed the contract.

2. She asked me … film I wanted to see.

3. I told him … I should wait for him in the waiting-room.

Употребите “It is” или конструкцию “There is”, “There are” в соответствующей форме.

1. … cold outside yesterday.

2. … few passengers in the waiting-room when we came there.

3. … late when we came home.

Составьте предложения, употребив следующие слова и выражения.

To travel by railway, to take on opportunity, to be about, to miss a train, to change trains, to invite, not so … as, worse, than usual, to be due, to hurry, to see off, the most convenient.

Употребите глаголы в нужном по смыслу времени (simple past, present perfect).

1. The first lot of chemical equipment (to arrive) yet? Yes, we (to receive) a cable from the part that the goods (to arrive) on the 20th
of December.

2. Our engineers (to consider) the technical information of the order, however, they not (to give) they final answer yet.

3. When the sellers (to ship) the remaining goods? They (to ship) the goods last week.

Употребите местоимения “every” или “each”.

1. … engineer of our office speaks a foreign language.

2. … passenger is to go through the customs if he goes abroad or comes from abroad.

3. … of them has gone on business abroad this year.

Выберите необходимую по смыслу лексику.

1. The buyers asked the sellers to reduce their price for the goods, as they thought it wasn’t quite … . (competitive, remaining, each)

2. I couldn’t … the teacher’s question and asked him to say it again.

(a discount, market, to understand)

3. … engineer of our office speaks one or two foreign languages. ( on the whole, each, to settle)

Выберите подходящие по смыслу неопределённые местоимения.

1. Let Mr. Denisov tell us … else about his visit to English. (something, anything, any, some)

2. Does … of you know now to get to the Tretyakov Gallery from here?

(something, somebody, anybody, anything)

3. At their office … can speak English. (somewhat, anywhere, nobody, nothing)

Употребите соответствующие наречия.

1. I believe they haven’t inspected the goods … . (else, yet, still)

2. Is anybody … waiting for Chief Engineer? (more, yet, still)

3. I’m afraid they haven’t eliminated the defects … . (else, yet, still, more)

Выберите модальные глаголы в соответствующем времени и форме.

1. … I try on this blue raincoat? (can, must, to have to, may)

2. You … not smoke inside the Moscow Underground. (needn’t, to be able to, to have to, must)

3. I … to buy a shirt if I buy this suit. (to be to, to have to, can, may)

Употребите подходящие по смыслу слова.

1. Yesterday I bought two shirts: one – for … pounds and … - for … pounds. (other, another, the other, others)

2. I can go to the theatre on Wednesday or on Saturday as on … week days I’ll be very busy. (the others, other, another, the other)

Выберите подходящие по смыслу синонимы в соответствующем времени и форме.

1. They both studied at Moscow University, no wonder they … each other well. (to learn, to find out, to get to know)

2. When I … that my friend had come back from his business trip, I decided to visit him the same day. (to find out, to learn, to get to know)

3. Please, contact the firm and … if they have eliminated the defects.

(to get to know, to learn, to study, to find out).

Для замечаний

Пантюшина Майя Митрофановна

Деловой разговорный английский язык

Учебно-методическое пособие

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