Stress On Honor Students Essay, Research Paper
Stress affects many students. Pressures from school work
such as projects, home work tests class work and so on is how I
define stress for this project. My project is, Do honor students
experience more stress than regular academic students?
I would expect to see that there would be more stress on
honor students than students in average classes.
During the school year I plan to gather four groups of
students. These groups will consist of two from honor classes and
two from average classes. I will ask them questions that would
determine which group has more stress. I had put together a
sample survey which I had given out to forty students (all in honor
classes) going to the Discovery program at C.S.I. I asked them
questions like, Do you worry about not living up to parents? or
teachers? expectations, are you worried about the process of getting into
college, and on a scale of one to five how high is your concern for academic
I would plan to see that the honor students are highly expected by both
teachers and parents to do better in school, yet the pressures put on honor
students will be higher than pressure put on average students. Students in
honor classes will have greater concern for their school work, therefore they
will work harder to get the grades they need to get into college. From the
sample survey I
process of getting into college. Most students were also worried about
living up to parents? and teachers? expectations for them to do well in school.
Most of them were greatly stressed out with keeping up with the school work,
and concern for academic achievement was very high.
I have not yet been able to draw a conclusion but as I had said in my
hypothesis I would expect for honor students to have more pressure placed
upon them than average students. What I had concluded from the sample
survey was that the students (all honors) experience a lot of stress while in
Background Information:
Stress can cause many Stress related disorders which commonly affect
the nervous system which controls internal organs. Examples of stress-
related disorders are headaches, back and facial pain, asthma, stomach
ulcers and high blood pressure. To handle stress you must get organized,
love yourself for who you are, learn to cry, exercise, clear your mind, and talk
to someone about your problem.
Ten Commandments for Managing stress
Better health- Learning with Stress
School Stressors
Dealing with stress at work
The health Gazette