Alcohol Essay, Research Paper
Alcoholism, or alcohol dependence, is a chronic disease, which is
common in our world today. In the United States, 1 in every 13 adults is
either an abuser of alcohol or an alcoholic. This disease includes a craving
from the victim in spite of any problems or consequences, which they may
have or have had. Consequences of this disease are often very severe; for
example, job problems frequently arise. In addition to serious job dilemmas,
victims of this disease often get into mischief with the law, as well as undergo
critical health problems. The NCADD (National Council on Alcoholism and
Drug Dependence) thoroughly investigates this serious disease. This
council s research has discovered that 17.7 million United States citizens
have this horrid disease known as alcoholism. Also, almost 150 million of
these citizens consume alcohol at least occasionally.
Alcohol plays a big part in our culture, both in the past and present. It
has always been around, counting back to the beginning of time. Alcohol
also plays a large social role in our society, especially in the business
aspect. When discussing business in the evening, alcohol often
accompanies this situation. For instance, business people may discuss
deals over dinner where wine, etc is usually consumed. If dinner is not the
situation, then it could be as simple as discussing business over ” a drink”.
This drink is 9 out of 10 times an alcoholic beverage. This is not necessarily
bad, because in moderation alcohol can be a safe pleasure. However, on
the flip side, when this potion is used in surplus, it can destroy.
Alcoholism is a serious disease that effects millions of Americans.
Therefore, this disease obviously plays a large role in the workplace. The
reason for this is because if so many people have this disease, then these
people are in the workplace. Alcohol abuse is extremely common and
socially accepted, this point places major impact on employers. It is
difficult to find the difference between a social drinker and an alcoholic.
They only see these workers a fraction of the day; therefore they are not
completely knowledgeable to their situation. Alcoholism can hold a serious
impact on the workplace. An employer wants his/her employees to be
focused, hard working, dedicated, and in good health. If their employees
suffer from this wretched disease then they are certainly not focused on their
job. Instead, the victim of this disease in dying inside from their problem and
can only brush upon their true duties of employment. The larger the
company, the more common this disease is to exist among employees. It is
important that employers realize that this problem is serious and should be
paid attention to. If a worker is suffering from this addiction, then the
employer should address this issue.
There are several ways for an employer to help their employees. As time
progresses and we become more aware of this problem, the more help there
is for people who suffer from alcoholism. In many cases, alcoholic
treatment is effective in many cases. An example of employer action taken
against alcoholism in the workplace is “Drugs Don t Work in NJ!” This was
formed in 1992 in New Jersey and they have achieved many great
accomplishments. Examples of these accomplishments are: a five-part
results from these businesses, established an unprecedented information
network of newsletters, legal updates, etc. to assist businesses, enrolled a
large majority of NJ s businesses in this program, and instituted a partnership
with the NCADD. This is only one example of an employer s choice to act
on alcoholism in their business. This is only active in New Jersey currently;
however, it is a good example for the rest of the country to follow. Other
options exist for the workplace, such as bringing in speakers, hand out
alcohol awareness pamphlets, private counseling, posted AA meetings, etc.
Alcoholism exists and it is important for the employer to recognize this, and
that is the first step. They should be there for their employees, as well as
provide options for them.
Alcoholism is an extremely serious problem in today s society and it
effects so many people; businesses need to realize this problem. I think
“Drugs Don t Work in NJ!” is an excellent example for the rest of the U.S.
to follow. This program demonstrates the importance that they place on
conditions at the workplace. Every state should foster this program to help
the problem, which continuously exists. The first step is awareness by the
business. They need to understand what alcoholism actually is and that many
people suffer from it. I feel that every business should establish some type of
system to deal with these problems. Not necessarily to fire people with this
problem, instead to deal with this. The examples stated above should be
implemented in every business place (knowledgeable speakers brought in,
posted AA meetings, private counseling, etc.). Overall, employers should
throw away the ignorance and admit that problems exist, and begin by trying
to help.
Jacqueline Connor is the president of a large plastic-manufacturing
corporation, Quantities Plastics Corp. (QPC). QPC is located in Houston,
Texas. There are over 800 employees that work under her and complete
various jobs. Connor simply overseas production and business, more
commonly high management reports to her. Connor is aware that many
problems exist privately in the lives of her employees. Several people in
management reported on workers slacking and gave reasons due to their
opinions. Finally, after time passed, Connor realized that she must stop being
ignorant and opened her eyes that alcoholism is common. Therefore, she
must have employees that have this problem and she needed to address it.
Connor should take action immediately! Private meetings by alcohol
counselors should begin pamphlets on alcoholism and ways to help the
victim, and conduct private counseling for employees after work. This is an
excellent start for Jacqueline Connor to help alcoholism in the work place.
Alcoholism is a serious disease marked by extreme or compulsive use
of alcohol. 17.7 this horrifying disease strikes million Americans; this means
that there is a very good chance that many business places employ people
effected by alcoholism. Society is slowly coming to realize the importance of
this situation; yet, people need to act more rapidly, with more concern, and
pay more attention to this devastating problem.