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Blood Cell Essay Research Paper Blood is

Blood Cell Essay, Research Paper

Blood is composed of cells and fluid, contain many inorganic and organic

molecules. Functions of blood could be falls into three categories:

transport, defense and regulation, they all have different function. Blood

transport oxygen and nutrients and removes waste from the body. It also

transports hormones, which control the body’s organ. Blood defense

pathogens such as bacteria and viruses and it clots, which prevents the loss

of blood. In regulatory functions, blood helps maintain body temperature

and the pH body fluids.

A molecule cells use in cellular respiration, transport oxygen, is called

red blood cells. Red blood cells also known as erythrocytes, they are very

small. There are about 4 to 6 millions of red blood cells in our whole

blood. It’s containing a respiratory pigment called hemoglobin. It’s

carries oxygen and it is red in color. In red blood cell, it’s contains

about 200 million hemoglobin molecules. If we losing a big amount of

hemoglobin in our blood, our blood will become thicker, so then is hard to

pumping to our heart.

All blood cells are produced from stem cells with in the red bone marrow.

Stem cell, which can divide, and producing new cells into specific type of

cells. Red blood cells can only live for 120 days, after that, they will

destroyed in the liver and spleen and there are about 2 million cells are

destroyed per second. Therefore, an equal number much be produced to keep

the cell count in balance. People who are lack of hemoglobin will suffer

from anemia.

Blood that playing the role of defends is the white blood cell. White blood

cells also known as leukocytes are differ from red blood cells. It’s fight

infection, they are more largely and being lack hemoglobin. White blood

cells are came from the stem cells in the red bone marrow. They defend us


st pathogens that have invaded into our body. White blood cells are

classified into two leukocytes, which are granular and agranular. Both are

surrounding the nucleus. The granules contain enzymes and proteins, which

helps the white blood cells to defend.

There are types of cells in granular are neutrophils, eosinophils and

basophils. Neutrophils respond to an infection. Eosinophils known to

increase the number of cells while infection. Basophil is dilates blood

vessel caused contraction of smooth muscle. Inside Agranular, there are two

types of cell, which are Monocytes and lymphocytes. Monocytes are

responsible for defense to particular pathogens and their poison substance.

Lymphocytes are in B and T type. B is target pathogens or destruction. T is

destroying any cell that has antigens. People, who have large amounts of

immature white blood cells, will suffer from leukemia.

When a blood vessel in the body is breaks into two parts, platelets formed

element to put them back together. Produced at a rate of 200 billion a day.

Their job is involved in the process of blood clotting.

Functions of plasma proteins are to maintain homeostasis. Plasma contains

mostly water and small amount of proteins, which produced by the liver

which, occurs in 3 categories: albumis, globulins, and fibrinogen. The

plasma proteins helps maintain pressure, regulate pH and transport


The most common system of the blood is ABO system, which are A, B, AB, and

O. It is important to determine their own blood, because whenever that

person have an anti-A with and type A blood, the red blood cell will

clumping and it will cause blood to stop circulating in small blood vessel

which may cause that person to death and when we do a blood transfusions,

the donor match with the recipient’s blood. This is how the ABO system

works, to determine each own blood.

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