Communism, The Ideology Of A Broken Spirit Essay, Research Paper
Communism, The Ideology of A Broken Spirit There are effects to any ideology. An ideology in the most common terms is simply a belief. The question is howdoes ideology effect people? The communistic ideology has greatly affected millions of people. Under communistideology the individual had to work for everything he received. A man could not keep a draft horse, which he foundbecause that was considered to be an, “unlawful source of enrichment without work.” (Drakuli| 2-3) Incommunism everyone has to be equal for the governmental ideology to work. This could put greatheartbreak on ones soul. Although, there are many good points to communism they still are not worth theheartache an individual must inure to be “equal”. Think about all of the good things that the planned communism ideology throws out at you. They make itlook like it so good that people considered communism a great service to the people. There would be noworries about money, about buying food, clothes, or anything else, because everyone received equally.There would be no worry about what job to get, because your job was chosen for you from thebeginning, no worries about the best HMO plan to select, because the government would take care of allof the hospital bills. There would be no fighting to get to the top of the ladder. There would not even be a”glass ceiling” for women to fight, because everyone is theoretically treated equally. No worries, becauseeveryone is taken care of by the government. This all sounded all good and well, from the outside, butwould it work? Would it work like the common person wanted it to work? The people sure thought so. All of these thingssounded wonderful, but we know they did not work! You can not have pride in something you neverworked for. The people’s motivation to work was not realized, because they were never rewarded forexcellence, achievement, effectiveness, quality of work or productivity. Theoretically communism offeredeverything you needed. Since everything was shared equally, when you work harder to get a little extra,you were not rewarded or allowed to benefit. So what would be the use working harder? Let’s take a scenario. We will take two people and give them each the same salary for sixty years. Thefirst employee went and spent everything he (she) had, his (her) money afforded fun things like going tothe park, eating candy, and partying all sixty years away. The second sacrificing individual saved all of his(her) money so that when he (she) retired he (she) could go live on the most luxurious neighborhood andhave money to spare. Under communist ideology he (she) was penalized and discouraged from beingdifferent or raising himself (herself) above another because everyone is “equal”. At retirement witheveryone being “equal” the state would need to give half of the money saved by the second individual tothe first individual or the ideal of equality would be defeated. The communist ideal would reduceeveryone to mediocrity. The only way they could do this is to brainwash them to believe in somethingthat would give the communist rule. The recipe for keeping everyone in communist rule is described in the book, 1984 by George Orwell,”War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.” This is a powerful quote. It sends chills downyour back if you think about it too long. If war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strengthwhat would this world come to? I am not sure if it would be good or bad. If an ideology were to causeyou to accept that war is the only way to peace, that freedom results is slavery, and ignorance produces aworld of strength, then we are limiting the natural initiative for a creative individualism based society oftrue freedom, creativity and individual expression. Communistic ideology destroys the heart of theindividual limiting motivation and success. Do you know that just words can change everything in an ideological planned communist party? “Wecannot assume that others know the meaning of the words they use,” Jill Glazer says, “But we can teachthem.” (p.191) Communism knows that words can tear them down. So they teach the people that certainthings which are said are not a good thing to use hears, understand, or learn. They will even go as far asputting them on a black list–censoring and note allowing free expression communism forced people toaccept a specific set of belief’s without any explanation or alternate philosophy in order to protect andpromote their own ideology. Therefore you could not speak out with words, or writing. So, if you were to make a fuss about anything, you should be prepared to be put on a blacklist like Tanja,when she wrote not about “pinball machines, but about the privatization of the economy.” (p.3) She made
the people think about how they were forced to live, and God forbid, if the people
Atwan, Robert. America Now. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997. —. Glazer, Jill. On Politically Correct Speech. Colgate University: The Colgate Maroon-News, 1996. Drakuli| , Slavenks. How We Survives Communism and Even Laughed. New York: HarperPerennial, 1993. 2, 3, 5, 13, 26, 36. Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1950.