Rad Essay, Research Paper
“The Wife of the Bath’s Tale” is the most affecting piece of literature studied this semester. The ranges of emotions displayed by the story’s characters are a function of Chaucer’s personal feelings. The reason the literature has been so affecting is because of the character development, and emotional differences from one character to the next. Another reason the story was affecting was because of the dilemmas faced by the knight, and other characters in the story, there are some questions begged by this story with no clear answer.
In the “Wife of the Bath’s Tale” there are a great deal of emotions experienced by its author Geoffrey Chaucer, which he tries to evoke in his literary audience. Based upon Chaucer’s range of emotions he forms the unfinished masterpiece entitled The Canterbury Tales. In the “Wife of the Bath’s Tale” it is appears that Geoffrey has been through a great deal of difficulty and adversity in his life. In writing the tale Chaucer is able to express his emotions. Furthermore Chaucer is attempting to reproduce his emotions in his audience.
Some of the best character development in the story is in the knight. In the “Wife of the Bath’s Tale” there are many emotions and feelings experienced by the knight, which are identifiable to the reader. One emotion he realized the power of was that of fear and urgency. As his life hangs in the balance he is required to fulfill a tall task in a desperate attempt to spare himself from the death penalty. Although the knight is not very upfront with his emotions they are no less real to him and to the reader. In the story the knight is said to have feelings of self-defeat on page 83 of the book English Literature with world masterpieces he is “perceived at last he never would find out What it could be that women loved best. Faint was the soul within his sorrowful breast.” This passage illustrates the feeling of defeat coming from the kn
In the “Wife of the Bath’s Tale” the knight is faced with an interesting question when his wife presents him with the possibility of going from an old, but faithful crone. On the other hand the knight can have a beautiful young woman for a wife but she will be independent and pernicious. This is an interesting proposal he is faced with, and there is no right answer, but ultimately the knight decides to leave the decision up to his loving wife.
Throughout the “Wife of the Bath’s Tale” there are a series of questions which Chaucer seems to be asking the reader,
“The Wife of the Bath’s Tale” is the most affecting piece of literature studied this semester. The ranges of emotions displayed by the story’s characters are a function of Chaucer’s personal feelings. The reason the literature has been so affecting is because of the character development, and emotional differences from one character to the next.
In the “Wife of the Bath’s Tale” there are a great deal of emotions experienced by its author Geoffrey Chaucer, which he tries to evoke in his literary audience. Based upon Chaucer’s range of emotions he forms the unfinished masterpiece entitled The Canterbury Tales. In the “Wife of the Bath’s Tale” it is appears that Geoffrey has been through a great deal of difficulty and adversity in his life. In writing the tale Chaucer is able to express his emotions. Furthermore Chaucer is attempting to reproduce his emotions in his audience.
This paper will provide some possibilities as to why Chaucer experienced the emotions he did, expressed through his writing. One of the main sources of knowledge Chaucer encountered came from the first woman he knew, his mother. Through careful investigation it is apparent that many emotions experienced by Chaucer were in part due to his mother.