Software Piracy Essay, Research Paper
Software PiracyAlmost everyday it seems , software companys keep pumping out brand new software that kills the day befores in that it is more sophisticated and more in tune with the needs of todays superusers , office users , and home users . Yet , at the same time , the software theft industry in growing at an even faster rate , costing software companies billions of dollars a year . The piece of shit government can put as many copyright laws in a book as they feel , but soon it will be virtually impossible to stop . Although computer illiteracy may still lurk by the thousands , computer intelligance lurks by the millions and even billions . We are going to bypass any laws you throw at us .There is no stopping it . America has gotta wake up , no matter what kind of warning you put out , or whatever other restrictions you try to enforce , there will always be another way . No matter what kind of encryption there will always be someone out there , wether it be me or the next guy , whose intelligence is greater then those who make the software .According to the federal government , that by the way has no real control over america since they can t even control themselves , software is protected from the moment of its creation . As soon as that s
In a nutshell , the probability of someone stopping it from happening is slim to none . You take it away from the internet , we will goto mail , and so begins the cycle . Once you are so caught up in trying to stop one thing , we will go back and mess you up again . God bless America !