My Political Views Essay, Research Paper
I see myself as a quite liberal person on political, social, and economic issues. I believe the public has some duties to the government such as pay taxes. In turn, the government should fund programs to help the people who need assistance. Unfortunately, much of the American public has lost its trust in the federal government because of corruption and special interest groups. However, now we are solving many of these problems, and hopefully America will again trust Washington. Once the public puts its trust with its government without criticizing each step of the way, we will see improvements in areas such as education and health care. Through federal mandates, each person will be given the opportunity to receive quality education and health coverage.
Political Issues
I believe the federal government has an obligation to protect the rights of its people. America is a melting pot of various cultures from all different parts of the globe. These people all have different backgrounds, family environments, and experiences that affect their views on politics. Because of the diversity of its people, America accordingly has a diversity of political views. It is the duty of the federal government to protect the rights of each of these people whether they are black, white, Asian, conservative, liberal, socialist, or libertarian. The only time the federal government should violate someone’s rights is when it negatively affects the well being of others.
Social Issues
The federal government has a duty to ensure each person the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of life. Unfortunately, the federal government has left some issues to be addres
Economic Issues
Currently too much of the money is in the hands of the elites who control industries. Too many workers receive too little pay to afford the services they need to raise families in today’s world. Big business today controls the wages and forces the workers to work its terms. The federal government should step in to ensure wages at decent levels and jobs to all people. Society should help each individual get onto his or her feet. Then each individual can return the favor and help society.