Hamlet As Scourge And Minister Essay, Research Paper
Hamlet As Scourge and MinisterHamlet purges Denmark as its scourge and minister by sendingthe miscreants of his society to hell and evincing the misdeedsof those who merit salvation. He possesses all the criteria toaccomplish this mission. The protagonist has exposed his moralcompetence and has shown his concern of he nation s fate.Celestial forces condone his methods of restoring justice inDenmark. Hamlet endeavors to correct the flaws of those who arenot deserving of his wrath, but those who are truly evil aresentenced to damnation by him. As the scourge and minister Hamletmust send Claudius, the supreme ruler of Denmark, to hell. Hamletcannot commit the regicide that he is destined for, unless he isassured that Claudius soul will perish. For that reason Hamlet sstruggle arises because he must be certain that his enemies arecondemned.Hamlet, as the divine providence of Denmark, must havemorals and an intellect. He must have the classic virtues:courage, temperance, prudence and justice (Elliott xxviii).Hamlet must have assurance of his interpretation of good and evilbefore he is able to judge others. The hero of Shakespeare sgreatest play possesses Christian virtues and an understanding ofits teachings.Firstly he was a religious man in the best sense ofthe word, and he was a man with a highly developedmoral sense. Conscience and grace dominate andcontrol the mind of Hamlet. Allusions to them arescattered up and down the play (Brock 3).Hamlet s knowledge that his mother was committing incestuous actsalludes to his awareness of scripture teaching. Hiscircumference was vast; but his nature was not centrifugal. Itrevolved upon a religious moral center (Elliott xxviii).Shakespeare also demonstrates Hamlet s morality in the prince ssecond soliloquy. Hamlet s questions display the use of hisintellect to ponder the possibilities of this situation. As aresult of Hamlet s intellectual competence, he can decide thefate of others. His advanced education at Whittenberg and theportrayal of a learned man confirms his intellectualcapabilities. Hamlet has an intellect that better understandsthe function of those three qualities — heed, judgment,discretion — for true temperance (Elliott 48). Hamletpossesses the combination of intellect and virtues as the scourgeand minister of Denmark.Hamlet s unique connection with Denmark is an integralaspect of his crusade. This bond creates an appearance of Hamletas the defender of Denmark. As the defender, he must eliminateall threats to the goodness of the land he resides in. His uncleClaudius is the ultimate threat. Hamlet is obliged to bring forthjustice to the nation. But divine law has fixed him in thissociety to which he belongs and for whose welfare he is deeplyconcerned (Elliott 12-13). On the contrary to Hamlet as aself-centered individual with the single ambition to ascend thethrone, he is concerned with the well being of the nation and hisimmediate associates. He attempts to save his mother Gertrude andOphelia. The spectator now invokes the prince s higher nature, his justice and temperance; emphasizing public instead ofpersonal motives (Elliott 30). Hamlet confronts the evils ofDenmark alone. It is a play about corruption (Knights 180).The corruption present in Denmark forces Hamlet to face adversitysingle-handedly. His mission is solitary because he does notaccept any assistance from anyone. The usurpation is a social sinbecause it affects the entire nation.As for Hamlet himself, what paralyses him is anoverwhelming sense of evil not only in Claudius or hismother but in almost the whole world constituted by thecourt of Denmark (Knights 174).The extensive ramifications of this deed cannot be resolved byone man alone. However, Hamlet stands alone as the defender ofDenmark.Hamlet s conscience compels him to rectify his situation.The protagonist is undergoing many inner conflicts. He cannotdecide the meaning of his mission. He knows that he must engageregicide but something hinders him from committing it. Hamletunderstands that he is the judge of his actions but he cannotcomprehend where his hindrance lies.Hamlet is not about a man whose character is an enigmato be unraveled, it is about a man who suffers acertain kind of experience, and the man and theexperience go together (Knights 180).The situation is clear. Hamlet has to kill the king or be killedby him. The circumstances that surrounds Hamlet forces him toact. The rights of Denmark have been violated and the nation sprince must restore justice. Like many of the historical princesand magnates of the sixteenth century, Hamlet was forced by thecircumstances of his time to agonizing struggles with hisconscience (Frye 74). Hamlet s conscience is the driving forcein his campaign. It tells him when an injustice has occurred anddisturbs him until he has corrected the situation.He who was born to set it right is religiously awareof his tragic need of being set right himself: I do
repent. The heavens are scourging and ministering to,the guilty prince himself along with his guilty kingdom(E
Brock, James Harry Ernest. The Dramatic Purpose of Hamlet.Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons, 1935. Dodsworth, Martin. Hamlet Closely Observed. Dover, NH: AnthlonePress. 1985. Elliott, George Roy. Scourge and Minister. New York: AMS Press,1965. French, A.L. Shakespeare and the Critics. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1972. Frye, Roland. The Renaissance Hamlet. Princeton, NJ: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1984. Kitto, H.D.F. Form and Meaning in Drama. London: Methuen. 1964. Knights, L.C. Some Shakespearean Themes and an Approach to Hamlet . Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1966.