Internet Legislation Essay, Research Paper
subject = LAW
title = Internet Legislation
papers = Internet Legislation
With the recent popularity of the Internet many topics concerning it have hit main
street media. One of these topics is legislation to control its certain aspects.
Legislation is now one of the feuded discussions when it comes to the Internet, and
thro The Internet by definition is an international web of interconnected government,
education, and business computer networks–in essence, a network of networks. A
person at a computer terminal or personal computer with the proper software
communicates acro estimated 30,000 connected networks in 1994 with about 25
million people having access to it. it all of a sudden boomed with popularity with
networks expanding at an exponential rate. And with the networks came multi
billionaire business such as American Along with information the Internet has links to
other more unmoral forms of entertainment, on of these is pornography, “porn” of the
past few years has taken up more than one half of the web pages on the Internet
(about 4? out of 10 web pages are porn) piece of legislation signed into law by
President Clinton on February 8, 1996, and
now under legal challenge by the American Civil Liberties Union and others. The
Communications Decency Act bans the communication of “obscene or indecent”
material via the Internet to anyone under 18 years of age. (Telecommunications Act
of 1996, Section 502, 47 U.S.C. Section 223[a].)
Probably the most conterversial of topics on legislation, is the right of free speech on
the Internet, currently the Internet has no laws preventing anything said on the
Internet. But supporters of the bill say that the Internet should follow the same g Hate
pages is probably the next topic that surrounds conterversy many cults and hate
organizations such as the KKK or the Neo Nazis have set up pages on the Internet
spreading what many say are lies in hopes of recruiting new members. Hate pages
are spr Current legislation that is on the net is few. There are the basic laws that limit
all communication uses but other than that there’s not much else. There are laws
against the display of minors in pornography, hacking in all its forms are banned, the
s In conclusion the Internet is a very valuable tool with many uses if used properly, I
myself have become annoyed with porn, and free speech, because it limits the info on
the net (such as I try to look up Differences in Sex as in male or female, and I am I find
it very annoying and distasteful. Never the less the Internet is a marvelous creation
that must be used to its full extend as an information source.
Bibliography: Dordick, Herbert S., Understanding Modern Telecommunications
(1986); Heilborn, John, Using Telecommunications (1988); Hudson, Heather E.,
Communication Satellites (1990); Krol, Ed, The Whole Internet (1992); Pierce, J. R.,
and Noll, A. Micha