A Discussion Of The Eruption Mt. Helena In 1980 Essay, Research Paper
Over the past fifteen years substantial developments have been made within high magnitude-low frequency volcanology. It is now becoming increasingly possible to predict an eruption; to understand the processes of eruptions and to develop relevant responses and adjustment programmes (Chester 1993, McCall 1992, White 1972). Yet, regardless of this there are problems. Although science has developed new prediction methods, the accuracy of these is hard to judge, as despite frequent high magnitude-low frequency eruptions during the holocene, they are now relatively rare, thus making adjustment programmes problematic. Volcanologists have however, decided upon two types of programmes (McCall 1992). Firstly, predicting the volcano’s future eruptions, carried out through studying past behaviour and secondly, setting up permanent monitoring systems allowing for rapid detection of new seismic activity. General global programmes cannot be augmented however, but, in the aftermath of an eruption the responses and adjustment made can be assessed and can be used as guidelines for future high magnitude-low frequency volcanic areas. The Mount Saint Helens’ eruption was one of high magnitude-low frequency and consequently other countries have turned to the responses and adjustments made by Washington State to develop their own programmes. This essay will study the responses and adjustments made by Washington State and their effect on programmes developed by Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines and the Indonesian government in relation to Una Una. Studies into Mount Saint Helens, situated in the volcanic region of the Cascade Mountains in Washington State, USA, began mainly in the late 1930’s by Verhoogan (Geological Survey Prof. Paper 1982). His initial report based on a study of rocks and vegetation, concluded that there had been volcanic activity until recently due to studies revealing the lava to be only a few 100 years old; but it was not until the 1970’s interest into Mount Saint Helens increased due to the realisation of its potential hazardousness, prompting The Congress Under the Disaster Relief Aid (1974) to deliver a brief to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) stating their beliefs of a potential eruption and suggesting possible responses and adjustments that could be implemented in the event of the disaster (Chester 1993). In summary, they believed the prime aim was to reduce loss of life, property and natural resources that often takes place as a result of volcano’s eruptions and its related consequences, such as land-slides and mud flows. As a result of the initial brief, steps were taken based on the suggestions made, to ensure the selected aims would be met. Firstly, the USGS published a hazard map of the area and secondly, they informed the relevant agencies of the warning signs of an eruption and the subsequent guidelines that need to be taken, for example, restricting access to certain areas. As will be seen later these initial steps proved successful. In 1975 Dwight Crandell and Donal Mullineaux wrote an article warning of an imminent eruption of Mount Saint Helens within the next 100 years and perhaps even before the end of this century (Geological Survey Prof. Paper 1982). They wrote of the eruptive history of the volcano and produced zoning maps, predicting those areas which would be most effected. Later, Crandell and Mullineaux wrote a further, in depth report (1978) commissioned by the USGS, titled, “Potential Hazards from Future Eruptions of Mount Saint Helens Volcano, Washington” (Chester 1993). Its publication came about as a result of a new research programme investigating the potential hazards in the Cascade Region. From their previous assessments of the area and their subsequent reports they demonstrated that future eruptions will be of high magnitude, producing lava flows, pyroclastic flows, domes, tephra and mud flows – thus becoming hazardous for a multitude of people within the area. This report was widely distributed to the Washington State Governors representatives, Federal and State officials and local agencies in south-west Washington. The Governors representatives misinterpreted the document and thought an eruption was imminent. As a reaction to the report, although at the time being thought of as an overreaction, monitoring and assessment of the volcano commenced (Saarinen and Sell 1985). From the beginning the monitoring process proved problematic as knowledge of past eruptions was relatively sparse, both for Mount Saint Helens or similar Cascade region eruptions as well as for other high magnitude-low frequency eruptions worldwide. Monitoring of the volcano included installing seismometers to detect earthquakes signifying an imminent eruption through monitoring precise ground surface movements and detecting swelling in the volcano. Despite this report being credited for the monitoring and assessment systems set up in the volcano’s vicinity, the report (referred to as the “Blue Book”) nonetheless caused problems amongst many groups including the general public, mainly due to it contradicting the current and accepted perceptions of risk – thus the report can be partly to blame for the misunderstandings that arose (Chester 1993). Two factors contributed to the confusions. Firstly, the last Mount Saint Helens eruption was in 1857 and the last volcanic activity in the Cascade region was between 1914 and 1921, thus the people were reluctant to believe another eruption was imminent. Secondly, those involved in the survey had little experience in predicting the course of volcanoes, thus often information released was inaccurate. Although clearly the report bought about confusions, nevertheless, in retrospect, it is possible to see how accurate their predictions were – one of their main pitfalls was that the failed to predict the intensity of the blast. By the beginning of March 1980, when the first signs of earthquakes became apparent, the only instrument monitoring the volcano was a seismometer situated on the western flank. From this instrument the early warning signs were registered and activity gradually increased; further instruments were installed and aerial observations were carried out (Geological Survey Prof. Paper 1982). Again after the small eruption on March 27th, 1980, the programmes and systems were intensified. At all times, officials within the State and the surrounding area were kept well-informed as were agencies and the general public. The United States Forest Service (USFS) lead the news conferences which were broadcast three times a day on both the radio and the television. From studying the monitoring and warning process’ carried out before the eruption and from seeing the responses and adjustments made after the eruption, the effectiveness of these initial actions can be measured and from it changes can be implemented for the future. In retrospect, the responses and adjustments taken proved to be both successful and unsuccessful (Chester 1993). Successful aspects include the speed at which the USGS set up monitoring stations and produced and distributed hazard maps after the initial earthquakes in March. Through this rapid process it enabled scientists and volcanologists to verify their opinion of an imminent eruption to officials and the general public. Interaction between the USFS and the USGS was good, mainly because the volcano lay within their land. They created zones within the area and by March 27th, they had set up ‘no public access zones’ and ‘restricted access zones’. Roads were shut and the inhabitants were fully informed ensuring the evacuation plans were widely known. Another positive aspect of the responses and adjustments were those taken by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); they became involved after the main eruption of May 18th, once President Carter had declared it a disaster area. They successfully coordinated the search and rescue programme and the administration of disaster relief; in addition, they developed technological information networks ensuring relevant information could be widely spread. Despite the positive aspects of the responses and adjustments, there are however, negative ones. Research carried out after the eruption to assess success or failures shows that the warnings were not fully effective due to their inconsistency; often they were unclear or did not fully emphasize the potential dangers, for example, despite Crandell and Mullineaux’s warning of pyroclastic flows to the east of the volcano in their “Blue Book”, they were not given the significance they should have had, thus those areas did not develop contingency plans. It is now thought that if the USGS had played an increased role and developed better communications this problem could have been alleviated. A further negative aspect is that despite the USFS proving to be efficient, its contingency plans were based on the results of their experience of forest fires. Although this was an adequate starting block, the plans should have been advanced as the scale of the volcanic hazard was far greater than any previous hazard posed by a forest fire. Additionally the State of Washington must apportion some of the blame. For despite being a hazardous area due to the volcanoes, their emergency services were badly coordinated and underfunded. Finally FEMA only became involved once President Carter, declared the state a disaster area – loss, mainly of material goods could have been reduced had they become involved earlier. With almost complete certainty, Mount Saint Helens will erupt again, although it is almost impossible to predict when (Geological Survey Prof. Paper 1982). Seismologists at the University of Washington and the USGS are relatively optimistic that the pattern of pre-eruptive activity will be crucial in providing a warning of an eruption. Through more recent studies into the success of the responses and adjustments made in 1980, additional ones can be developed and unsuccessful ones altered. After the next eruption therefore, the subsequent loss of life, property and natural resources will be kept to a minimum. In addition to the advanced response programmes that will be implemented when a future eruption commences, other steps have been taken to heighten people’s awareness of the potential hazardousness of Mount Saint Helens, for example, information centres have been set up within the area enabling people to understand the effect a volcanic eruption can have. Crandell and Mullineaux’s work and reports into Mount Saint Helens accurately predicted the eruption and the emphasis they placed on the dangers of such high magnitude-low frequency eruptions was successful. Had they not placed such emphasis on the potential dangers, it is certain that the loss would have been far greater. With regret, the only downfall of their work was their inaccuracy in predicting the intensity of the blast. The Mount Saint Helens eruption was one of high magnitude-low frequency and in a developed country. Prior to it there had been few similar eruptions, thus people were unaware of its hazardousness. As a result of the eruption, both developed, for example, Japan and developing countries, for example, the Philippines have realised the future dangers they could face from their volcanoes; thus the Mount Saint Helens disaster has prompted others to develop monitoring, surveillance and contingency plans, so that in the event of a disaster, they will be as prepared as possible. Many countries have based their plans on the successful aspects carried out by Washington State and used their unsuccessful ones to ensure the same pitfalls are not repeated. A little over 3 years ago, Japan experienced a high magnitude-low frequency volcanic eruption. Through their increased awareness due to the Mount Saint Helens eruption, Japan found itself competently prepared and through successful coordination, losses were kept to a minimum. In June 1991, Mount Unzen in Japan erupted after a lengthy initial build-up. Yet despite many eruptions, pyroclastic and mud flows, relatively few people were killed (Chester 1992). The few deaths resulting from the eruption were impressive, given the fact that Japan has a very high population density. This success rate can be attributed to the excellent pre-planning and the effective coordination and implementation of the plans once the eruption began. Through the government’s recognition of the high density of population especially around the volcano, they and the general public became aware of the need for pre-planning. Through learning from past mistakes made due to Washington State’s under-funded and ill-equipped emergency services, they realised the importance of providing substantial resources, both technological and financial, for all aspects; including emergency services, surveillance experts and personnel. The Japanese have developed a very high-tech surveillance system, which is used to constantly monitor the most potentially dangerous volcanoes (Chester 1992). As with Mount Saint Helens, the Japanese government has drawn up hazard maps of the area, enabling agencies, government officials and the local population to understand those areas which are most dangerous. In addition, the government has also set up the “Japanese National Programme of Predicting Volcanic Eruptions” – this was initiated by the eruption of Sukura-Zima in 1974 and Mount Saint Helens. Through developing those prediction methods used at Mount Saint Helens, the Japanese were successful in determining the eruption. In addition to this, the National Programme stressed the importance of a extensive warning network and trained emergency services. As has been previously mentioned, part of the faults of the Mount Saint Helens disaster lay within the poorly funded emergency and rescue services. The Japanese government found themselves in a position to learn from the mistakes of the USA government. Similarly to the Mount Saint Helens disaster, Japan’s plans include evacuation, this aspect must be carefully worked out and revised due to the ever-changing population and economy. The eruption at Mount Unzen was a severe test for the preparedness of the country as a whole and for those within the vicinity. As soon as initial activity began, in likeness to the Mount Saint Helens disaster, surveillance and monitoring was stepped up and prediction methods used. Once volcanic material began to be ejected, the plans began to be bought into action; people were evacuated and were only allowed back once the area was considered safe. The planned evacuation proved successful due to its thorough development prior to the eruptions; this is in comparison to Mount Saint Helens, where at times inconsistency within plans led to confusion, thus Japan had learnt from Washington State’s mistakes. (See table 1 for responses and adjustments made in relation to volcanic activity) Through this example, it can be seen that Japan coped well with the high magnitude-low frequency disaster; the reasons behind this can be attributed to the excellent coordination and mobilisation of resources. Japan will continue to be successful with such disasters due to its realisation of the importance of pre-planning, technical and financial support. Part of the success can be attributed to Japan’s increasing awareness of its potential hazards, which came about as a result of Mount Saint Helens. It was through studying Washington State’s posi